Letters to Editor June 7 – Curry Coastal Pilot

Posted: June 8, 2017 at 10:57 pm


Suicide intervention

What would you do if you were driving across Thomas Creek Bridge and saw a distressed person standing on the rail about to jump?

If a close friend suffering from depression called you late at night and said they intended to end their life before morning, would you know what to say? Would you know what to do?

AllCare Health is sponsoring an award-winning two-day workshop that answers those questions. ASIST (Applied Suicide Intervention Skills Training) teaches participants the skills to recognize when someone is at risk of suicide and how to provide for their immediate safety. The workshop will be held in the library at Brookings-Harbor High School, June 28 and 29. No formal training is necessary to learn suicide first aid skills, anyone over 16 may attend the workshop.

The workshops full value of $220 per person, which includes lunch both days and all training materials, is available to Curry County residents for only $65, with the remainder of the fee paid by AllCare Health.

Scholarships are available to help cover the $65 registration fee if needed. For professionals, 12 hours of Continuing Education (CEU) credits are available.

To register for workshop, go to http://bit.ly/2pbnvri.

For more info about ASIST, a program of LivingWorks, visit http://www.livingworks.net/asist.

If you have questions about the workshop, contact me at Kevin Roeckl at (541) 469-7673 or email: oregonboy1@charter.net

Kevin Roeckl

spokesperson for the Curry ASIST workshop Planning Team, AllCare Healths Community Advisory Council

Global warning hoax

Buddhas rejection of self, made sense to Pyrrho of Greece, who traveled to India with Alexander the Great and interacted with Buddhist philosophers.

Pyrrho taught that nothing is truly knowable and as a result, education, philosophy, and science declined in Greece. Bacon and Galileo believed in the scientific method and Gods word. Modern science was born in critique of Aristotelian rationalism. The scientific method is subservient to observed facts. One contrary observed fact can destroy any theory. Religious zealots who suppress true science and the Bible are not true Christians.

Bill Clinton, Al Gore and former United Nations IPPC (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change) Chief Rajendra Pachauri all promote Michael Manns hockey stick graphic, which shows 1,500 years of stable global temperature and then a sharp increase in temperature due to increased CO2 caused by humans burning fossil fuels.

However, peer review panels showed Manns conclusions are not supported by data.

The Cambria and Medieval warm periods were warmer than today. The 1990s are not the warmest decade ever. In previous periods, elephants and tigers lived in tropical forests in the Arctic, north of Siberia. Human activity contributes only 3.4 percent to CO2 levels. Nature create

96.6 percent of the increase or decrease CO2 levels. Rising levels of carbon dioxide follow higher global temperatures, as oceans release carbon dioxide in the atmosphere.

Progressive liberals created human-caused global warming as their method of attacking free enterprise and capitalism. Clinton, Gore and Pachauri preach the evils of over-consumption, over-population and capitalism. However, elite liberals seem to live lavish lifestyles with private jets, big homes and consumption of as much capital and promiscuity as they can.

Dr. Steve Johnston



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Letters to Editor June 7 - Curry Coastal Pilot

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