DELINGPOLE: The People’s Climate March – AKA Watermelons … – Breitbart News

Posted: April 30, 2017 at 10:13 pm


Make no mistake, these marches today are no more about global warming than last weekends were about defending science. Theyre just an anti-Trump protest by the same people who in January this year were marching around dressed as vaginas, and who in Berkeley the last few weekends have been beating people up wearing facemasks.

Its no coincidence that many of the organizations on the Peoples Climate March steering committee are in receipt of millions from Democrat donor, arch-globalist, and Agent of Evil George Soros.

Mr. Soros, who heads the Open Society Foundations, contributed over $36 million between 2000 and 2014 to 18 of the 55 organizations on the marchs steering committee, according to an analysis released Friday by the conservative Media Research Center.

Six of the groups received during that time more than $1 million each: the Center for Community Change, the NAACP, the Natural Resources Defense Council, Peoples Action, Public Citizen and the Union of Concerned Scientists.

Even if you didnt know this, the clues are in the signs, spotted by Collegians For A Constructive Tomorrow (CFACT) an organization which tries to bring rationalism, facts and sanity to the climate debate and Steve Milloy.

Yes. Administration Change. That will totally stop non-existent global warming from happening.

See also: Tooth Fairy; Santa Claus; yes, of course, Ill still love you in the morning

Communism. Yup: just whatthe world needs to sort out its environmental problems.Thats why Beijing is so famously unpolluted; why there are so many fish in the Aral Sea; why Chernobyl is today such a thriving nature reserve

And this has to do with global warming what, exactly?

Aka Watermelons green on the outside, red on the inside.

Aw! How sweet! They want to behead the President. Arent environmentalists just the cutest, most sensitive and CARING people?

Meanwhile in Vienna, theyre not even pretending its about anything other than Marxism.

How is this even possible? Do these Greenies really know as little about science as I fear?

See the original post:

DELINGPOLE: The People's Climate March - AKA Watermelons ... - Breitbart News

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