Could Ant-Man Beat Superman With Quantum Physics? – Heroic Hollywood (blog)

Posted: May 26, 2017 at 4:36 am

A recent argument has popped up suggesting that Ant-Man is quite possibly Marvels most deadly superhero, and that he could defeat DCs Superman if the full extent of his abilities were realized. But does it hold up upon closer examination of understanding the wacky world of comic book physics?

Inverse recently had a talk with Dr. Spiros Michalakis, who served as a scientific consultant on Marvels 2015 sleeper hitAnt-Man. The scientistpreviously wrote the following back in 2015 right after the release of the film:

If someone could go to a place where the laws of physics as we know them were not yet formed, at a place where the arrow of time was broken and the fabric of space was not yet woven, the powers of such a master of the quantum realm would only be constrained by their ability to come back to the same (or similar) reality from which they departed. All the superheroes of Marvel and DC Comics combined would stand no chance against Ant-Man with a malfunctioning regulator.

More recently, Dr. Michalakis expanded upon his original thesis when he wrote back to Inverse.

What Im saying is that potentially understanding the quantum code from which curvature of space-time comes from, [Ant-Man] could manipulate to increase it or decrease it. Ant-Man could have created say, a black hole. Could Superman escape the black hole? Probably not. Then game over.

So at face value, Ant-Man could win by fundamentally altering the basic values of quantum physics a fair assumption to make under normal circumstances, as with those kinds of powers, the character could probably beat the vast majority of comic book characters across multiple fictional universes. Im no scientist, but Id like to take a shot at playing devils advocate here. In such a scenario, Ant-Man probably could take on a number of superheroes without issues and win every time by more-or-less Doctor Manhattan-ing his way through existence. But the thing is that were talking about God-Mode Ant-Man going up against Superman, and Supermans no slouch when it comes to messing with the laws of physics as well, in part because, at his core, Superman is meant to be a character free from all limitations at his absolute best even though hes only as strong as the story needs him to be. A story could necessitate that hed get stuck in a black hole, while another would say he could escape.

Among some of Kal-Els greatest science-defying feats include the ability to hold a personification of Infinity (an object thats so massive that it should be completely impossible within any given Universe), hearing emergency signals light-years away from the source and getting back there in a matter of minutes (something which is impossible because sound cant be transmitted through space, as is traveling faster than light without tearing a hole in reality), and obliterating the New God Darkseid from the Universe by singing. (Seriously, all of that happened Post-Crisis.) And thats allwiththe standard physical limitations of the DC Universe. Could you imagine how much more powerful you could potentially make Superman could be if you messed around with the quantum physicsof the Universe?

Admittedly, the article notes that there are limitations to this line of thought, which is something thats lost in the actual headline of the piece. Theres no indication that theres any version of Ant-Man, let alone the one weve seen in the MCU, has been able to cheese his way toward omnipotence, which is something the original article mentions. And thats also not getting into the fact that my explanation of Supermans impossible feats neglect to mention his weaknesses (Kryptonite and magic, among other things), nor do they mention that Supermans powers are entirely based on solar energy and that he could lose them if its blocked off either of which Ant-Man could exploit under the right circumstances. So yeah, Ant-Man probablycoulddestroy Superman in this kind of a situation, but one could just turn around and argue that Superman could find a way to defeat Ant-Man. In the end, I feel as though Im in agreement with Stan Lees position on the prospect of a different What If? battle the victor can only be decided by whomever is actually writing the story.

Superman (portrayed by Henry Cavill) will next be seen on film in this Autumns Justice Leagueand in a standalone Supermanfilm sometime after that. Ant-Man (portrayed by Paul Rudd) has yet to be confirmed for eitherAvengers: Infinity War or its sequel, but he will be returning in next years Ant-Man & The Wasp.

Source: Inverse

The DCEU has found its own definitive version of Superman. Henry Cavill has been given the opportunity to play the iconic superhero in this monster of a DC franchise and so far hes done a great job with the role and brining Superman into the new century in a new way. With Justice League set to hit theaters later this year its safe to say that we will be seeing a lot from him over the next several years. So far there have only been two movies featuring him but these two movies have already given us some memorable moments with the character. These moments in particular stand out and give a weight to the character that is crucial to this series continued success. While it still may be early its a good time to look back at said great moments.

Here are 5 of the Best DCEU Superman Moments So Far. Click Next to continue

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Could Ant-Man Beat Superman With Quantum Physics? - Heroic Hollywood (blog)

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