Tatum’s miracle: TCH patient stuns doctors with progress – 12newsnow.com

Posted: April 13, 2017 at 11:40 pm

Michelle Homer, KHOU 9:32 PM. CDT April 13, 2017

Tatum Schulte is a funny, sassy 9 year old who has been battling a rare form of bone cancer calledosteosarcomasince 2015. (Facebook)

HOUSTON - A Texas Panhandle family believes in miracles after hearing amazing news from their daughters doctors at Texas Childrens Hospital in Houston.

We left Houston last night with huge smiles, grateful hearts, and a story that will rock your world! Shawna Schulte posted on the Team Tatum Facebook page.

Tatum Schulte is a funny, sassy 9 year old who has been battling a rare form of bone cancer called osteosarcoma since 2015. Doctors had to amputate her leg to save her life in 2016. Months later, the family was devastated to learn the cancer had returned.

The Schulte family packed up and headed back to Houston for more chemo. In February, TCH doctors delivered more heartbreaking news.

Unfortunately, Tatum's tumor has doubled in size since we scanned in December so obviously the chemo has not worked, the family posted on Facebook.

Doctors recommended a very risky and difficult surgery as a last resort.

So hard to swallow as parents, but I told them that if it meant keeping Tatum alive and her being with us the rest of our lives then we would do it. It's Tatum..she is a warrior, she is the toughest, and if anyone can conquer this surgery, it's HER!

Surgeons performed the high-risk surgery to remove the tumor in early March.

Weeks of tough physical therapy followed as Tatum continued to prove she is a warrior.

Fast forward to Wednesday and a return visit to Texas Childrens.

Tatum couldnt wait to show her surgeon how well she was doing with a walker. He was speechless.

He proceeded to tell us that there is no way she should be walking, since he cut through 3 nerves that should have left her without feeling in most of her leg!

He then told the Schultes the surgery he performed on Tatum had never been done before because one wrong move could have cost Tatum her life. As word spread, more doctors came into the room to see Tatum walking for themselves. Some snapped photos and videos.

Oh, and thats not all.

Their next appointment was with Tatum's head oncologist. He told the Schultes the tumor had 80% necrosis or dead cancer cells.

He was stunned, speechless... you name it. He kept saying he had no explanation, Shawn Schulte posted.

Along with Tatum's Houston medical team, the family believes homeopathic doctors helped with a special diet and supplements. But they believe the real credit goes to God.

We know God can use any means he chooses for healing!!! We are fully aware that this all comes from Him and we will always give Him the glory through good and bad!

They cite a dream Tatum had back in January.

Tatum Schulte has been battled bone cancer since 2015. (Family photo)

In her dream Jesus told her she was going to go to Houston and she would not have cancer anymore and he told her she was going to be ok!

Tatum will continue therapy and plans to return to school in a few weeks.

Meantime, her family will continue to share her story of their Easter week miracle.

What perfect timing...Holy week! I am again reminded of His amazing grace, His miraculous healing ways, His comforting touch, and His perfect timing!

A gofundme.com page has been set up to help the family with medical bills.

Prayers are also welcome.

2017 KHOU-TV

See original here:

Tatum's miracle: TCH patient stuns doctors with progress - 12newsnow.com

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