Special report details progress in city and region – Times Record News – Times Record News

Posted: February 26, 2017 at 11:08 pm

Bridget Knight , Wichita Falls 7:45 a.m. CT Feb. 26, 2017

Construction is in full swing at the Career Education Center on Hatton Road. The $28 million project will allow the Wichita Falls ISD to provide skills training on 25 different career paths such as culinary arts, auto mecahnics and welding.(Photo: Torin Halsey/Times Record News)Buy Photo

Today, the Times Record News releasesits "Progress: Winds of Change" special report, underlining the significant advances made by our government, schools, businesses and people during the past year.

Change is important throughout our nation, most notably at the top of our government. Local government hasseen a changing of the guard as well, with new faces in the mayor's office and on the city council, school board and county commissioners court.

In downtown Wichita Falls, change is marked by the pounding of hammers, as a new generation of entrepreneurs remake old buildings as gourmet eateries, vintage retail exchanges and artistic spaces. A slew of new events are making sure residents have reason to venture to the city center to see the growth. Beyond the bordersof the city, windmills are rising at a ferocious pace, fueling hopes for renewable energy while worrying those in charge of aviation and weather radar.

Kathryn Hager displays some of her original Wichita Falls and Texas t-shirt designs at her store, Little h Creative, at 822 Indiana. Hager also offers work from local artists and a loft space venue for parties, events and craft parties. (Photo: Torin Halsey/Times Record News)

Our schools and universities are charging forward as well. Wichita Falls ISD is excitedly awaiting the completion of its new career education center, which will put training for in-demand career fields within reach of high school students. For college-bound students, the district is adding more dual-credit classes, and for younger students, the conversion of the city's three junior highs to middle schools is now complete.

Midwestern State University, like WFISD, has been in the midst of a building boom, with a futuristic dorm, re-envisioned dining experiences and more water efficient sports fields now in place. A new satellite campus in Flower Mound and continued on-campus construction will keep the university busy into the future.

Graham decided to build an entirely new wastewater treatment plant, noting that the dilapidated city plant, seen here, could suffer a major failure at any time.(Photo: Contributed photo)

Steady growth is not limited to Wichita Falls institutions, however. Neighboring towns like Henrietta are seeing unheard-of spurts of growth with new apartment complexes, travel centers, roads and municipal complexes. Many cities, spurred by problems uncovered during the drought, are reworking or replacing elements of their municipal water treatment and distribution systems. Others are pointing with pride to projects built on can-do community spirit, like Olney's new community walking trail and park upgrades.

North Texas has plenty of progress to be proud of this year. The Winds of Change are blowing in our favor.

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Special report details progress in city and region - Times Record News - Times Record News

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