Nord Stream 2 pipeline cleared to make more progress – EURACTIV

Posted: May 18, 2021 at 3:51 am

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In todays news from the Capitals:


The construction of two kilometres of the hotly contested Nord Stream 2 gas pipeline in German waters which had been halted due to environmental concerns was ordered by the German maritime authority (BSH) on Monday to allow safe continuation of works in Danish waters. The entire German side of the project was green-lit in April. Read more.



Portugal to proceed against Poland, Hungary for violation of European values. Portugals minister of foreign affairs reaffirmed on Monday the intention of the Portuguese presidency of the Council of the EU to move forward with the proceedings against Poland and Hungary for suspected violations of European values. More



Divides deepen within Austrias Conservative-Green coalition. Dissatisfaction among the Greens with conservative coalition partner VP is growing after the party of Chancellor Sebastian Kurz got hit by a series of political scandals which has stirred up a circle of escalation that could end in a snap election, one of Austrias leading political analysts, Peter Filzmaier, told ORF in an interview. Read more.



Fake EU jobs controversy puts Le Pens party back in the spotlight. French weekly Journal du Dimanche (JDD) published on Sunday (16 May) extracts from the report of the French anti-corruption office in its probe of Marine Le Pens National Front (FN), now Rassemblement National, finding that the far-right party had set up an organised system of fraud to misappropriate EU funds to pay party members. Read more.



Luxembourg finds EU prosecutor candidates. Three Luxembourg magistrates have applied to fill two positions as prosecutors who will work with the EUs new fraud-fighting agency, a spokesman for the justice ministry said on Monday. The country will propose two of the names as delegated prosecutors at the Luxembourg-based European Public Prosecutors Office (EPPO), which is led by Laura Kvesi from Romania. The institution has earlier rejected national candidates, for instance from Bulgaria, France and Malta.(Anne Damani |



Doug Beattie elected leader of Ulster Unionist Party. Upper Bann MLA Doug Beattie has been elected to be the new leader of the Ulster Unionist Party. He was the only candidate to run for the position. Read more.



2,800 radioactive waste barrels found near Baltic Sea, stored carelessly. A stock control inspection has revealed that about 2,800 barrels of radioactive waste partly originating from the healthcare and defence industries may have been handled carelessly, Swedish Television (SVT) reported. Read more.


Italy announces loosening of curfew measures. Italys coronavirus curfew will be moved back from 10 pm to 11 pm as of Wednesday, the government has decreed. From 7 June, curfew will start at midnight, and will be finally lifted from 21 June. From 1 June, bars and restaurants will be allowed to resume indoor service.

We decided to proceed gradually to monitor the effects of the reopening on infections, Prime Minister Mario Draghi said during the meeting where the new rules were decided.

In other news, PM Draghi spoke with Chinese Prime Minister Li Kequiang in a call to affirm Italys desire to strengthen bilateral economic-trade relations, make them more equitable and deal effectively the issues on which differences of opinion still remain. During the talks, Li said he hoped instead that relations between China and the EU would continue in the right direction and asked for cooperation so that the investment agreement signed in December 2020 enters into force as soon as possible, Chinese news agency Xinhua reported. (Daniele Lettig |



Pro-independence parties form regional government in Catalonia. After five months of tough negotiations, pro-independence parties in Catalonia have announced they have formed a new coalition government in the northeastern region that staves off the need for fresh regional elections. Read the full story.



Budapest rejects Chinese university building site plans. Budapests green mayor Gergely Karcsony, who recently announced his run for the prime ministerial post in the opposition primaries, has rejected the construction of the Fudan university on its planned site after talks with Innovation and Technology Minister Lszl Palkovics on Monday. Read more.



Polands Civic Platform party continues to lose members. Polish MEP Ra Thun announced on Monday she was leaving Polands main opposition party Civic Platform after diverging from the party line over the vote on the EU recovery fund. Thuns departure comes after lawmakers Pawe Zalewski and Ireneusz Ra were removed from the party last week for acting to the partys detriment. Read more.



Czech government approves national recovery plan. The Czech government approved on Monday a national recovery plan with investments worth 7.9 billion, mostly funded by the EU recovery fund. Read more.



Slovakias ageing population to drastically increase public spending. Slovakia will increase public spending to deal with the challenges of its aging population to a level not seen in any other EU country by 2070, the Slovak Institute of Financial Policy has claimed. Read more.



NATO chief confirms KFOR to remain in Kosovo. All 30 NATO members, including the US, will remain committed to the KFOR mission in Kosovo and there will be no changes to KFORs mandate, NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg said in Brussels on Monday, refuting rumours that some powers were asking for KFOR to withdraw. Read more.

In other news, Serbian Prime Minister Ana Brnabi will replace President Vui at a working dinner for West Balkan leaders hosted by EU High Representative Josep Borrell on Tuesday, the European External Action Service in Brussels and the Serbian PMs office confirmed to Serbian media on Monday. The Serbian presidents office issued a press release earlier stating that Vui would be in the Czech Republic on an official visit from Tuesday to Wednesday.

North Macedonian PM Zoran Zaev, Albanian PM Edi Rama, Kosovo Premier Albin Kurti, Bosnia and Herzegovina Presidency Chairman Milorad Dodik and Montenegrin President Milo Djukanovi have confirmed their attendance at the dinner. According to earlier announcements, the topics of conversation will include the overall political situation in the Western Balkans and the EU integration process of the regions countries. ( |



Bulgarian secret services take leave until September. The heads of Bulgarias security services have gone on unpaid leave until September, Acting Deputy Prime Minister and Interior Minister Boyko Rashkov revealed on Monday, with the move taking effect immediately after the caretaker government took office. Read more.



Romania plans reform of freight transport taxation. The Romanian government has proposed a reform of the taxation of road freight transport on highways in a bid to reduce pollution in the long term. Read more.



Slovenian parliament session aborted amid lack of clear majority. The gridlock in the Slovenian parliament, where neither the centre-right coalition nor the centre-left opposition has a clear majority, has derailed a key multi-day plenary at which a motion to impeach Prime Minister Janez Jana was on the agenda. More



Croatian Archbishop apologises to gay community. Mate Uzini, the Archbishop Coadjutor of the Rijeka diocese who is known for his liberal views, voiced regret on Tuesday at the fact that the gay community is still being discriminated against in the Church and asked them for forgiveness.

It is our duty to respect every person, regardless of their sexual orientation, and accept them with respect, but also avoid any kind of discrimination, aggression or violence, said Uzini in comments to mark the International Day Against Homophobia.It is our duty to provide such people and their families with considerate pastoral guidance I am sorry that there are still Catholics who disagree with this [] and I am asking for forgiveness from homosexual people for feeling abandoned by the Church, he added. (eljko Trkanjec |



BiH accuses Serbia of infringing on its sovereignty. Bosnia and Herzegovinas Foreign Minister Bisera Turkovi criticised Serbia on Monday for undermining good relations between the two countries with its investment in the construction of a hydropower plant on the Drina River without prior approval from Sarajevo. Read more.



North Macedonia PM: Bulgaria should show magnanimity. North Macedonias Prime Minister Zoran Zaev said he believes the country will manage to solve the dispute with Bulgaria and urged Bulgarian President Rumen Radev and his caretaker government to show magnanimity and give the country a chance to resume the EU accession process. (eljko Trkanjec |



Albanias opposition Democratic Party to elect new leader. The members of the Democratic Party of Albania will elect their new party chairman on 13 June, reported. Read more.



[Edited by Sarantis Michalopoulos, Daniel Eck, Paula Kenny, Josie Le Blond]

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Nord Stream 2 pipeline cleared to make more progress - EURACTIV

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