MRW To Hold Spring Festival – The Progress – mvprogress

Posted: April 20, 2022 at 10:29 am


The Progress

Mark your calendars for Saturday, April 30! On that day, the Mesquite Republican Women will be holding an outdoor Spring Festival at the Mesquite Recreation Center field from 10am-4pm.

Sixty booths have been reserved for the event. Many of the booths will feature local artists, crafters and businesses offering services to the public. In addition many candidates in the upcoming primary election will have booth. Most of them will be on hand to meet, greet and answer questions. Food Trucks will also be in attendance.

The candidates will take the stage throughout the day, alternating with the live entertainment: DJ and Tammy.

There will also be a bake sale offering wrapped goodies to take home. Prize drawings will be held for donated gifts.

It is sure to be a fun time in the park. For more information about the event contact Melissa at

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MRW To Hold Spring Festival - The Progress - mvprogress

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