Kiener Plaza reopening in May; Gateway Arch renovations continue progress –

Posted: February 6, 2017 at 3:10 pm

All work on the Gateway Arch grounds renovation project is expected to be finished by late this year, CityArchRiver officials said Monday.

Kiener Plaza west of the Old Courthouse will reopen in May, CityArchRiver spokesman Ryan McClure said. A more precise date for the reopening of the Museum of Westward Expansion this year is expected to be known next month, McClure said.

Much of the work remaining on Kiener Plaza is landscaping.

"You'll see a lot of planting in the next few months," McClure said.

The $380 million Arch project will finish about two years behind schedule.The project began in 2013 and originally was to finish in 2015.

Visitors can begin going to the top of the Arch again sometime in late March, using the south tram. The north tram will reopen by the end of April, officials said.

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Kiener Plaza reopening in May; Gateway Arch renovations continue progress -

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