‘I Might . . . Pull Off a Leg or Two’ – National Review

Posted: May 26, 2017 at 3:54 am

A shocking new video has just been released by the Center for Medical Progress, the undercover investigative group that in 2015 released videos showing that Planned Parenthood affiliates have profited from selling the body parts of aborted babies.

This latest video is a preview of footage that CMP investigators gathered at the 2014 and 2015 National Abortion Federation conventions, attended by hundreds of members of the abortion industry each year. (The NAF is a major trade group of North American abortion providers, and Planned Parenthood makes up about 50 percent of its members and leadership.)

Here are some of the most horrifying remarks from the brand-new undercover footage. Attendees made some of these comments during official presentations, and others directly to undercover CMP investigators.

Dr. Lisa Harris, the medical director of Planned Parenthood of Michigan:

Given that we actually see the fetus the same way, and given that we might actually both agree that theres violence in here....Lets just give them all the violence, its a person, its killing, lets just give them all that.

Dr. Ann Schutt-Aine, the director of abortion services for Planned Parenthood Gulf Coast (which has been referred to local law-enforcement for criminal charges related to fetal-tissue trafficking):

If Im doing a procedure, and Im seeing that Im in fear that its about to come to the umbilicus [navel], I might ask for a second set of forceps to hold the body at the cervix and pull off a leg or two, so its not PBA [partial-birth abortion].

Dr. Stacy De-Lin, the director of abortion services for Planned Parenthood of New York City:

But we certainly do intact D&Es [dilation and extraction, otherwise known as partial-birth abortion, a method that is illegal under federal law].

Dr. Uta Landy, the founder of the Consortium of Abortion Providers (CAPS), Planned Parenthood Federation of America (PPFA):

An eyeball just fell down into my lap, and that is gross! [laughter from the crowd]

Talcott Camp, the deputy director of the ACLUs Reproductive Health Freedom Project:

Im like Oh my God! I get it! When the skull is broken, thats really sharp! I get it! I understand why people are talking about getting that skull out, that calvarium.

Dr. Susan Robinson, an abortion provider at Planned Parenthood Mar Monte:

The fetus is a tough little object, and taking it apart, I mean, taking it apart on Day One is very difficult....You go in there, and you go, Am I getting the uterus or the fetus? Oh, good, fetus. [Robinson makes a stabbing sound effect] What have I got? Nothing. Lets try again.

Below are some comments from the footage that provide further evidence of Planned Parenthoods involvement in illegally profiting from fetal-tissue trafficking.

Dr. Leslie Drummond, an abortion provider at Planned Parenthood Mar Monte (a PPFA affiliate that contracted with a biotech firm to be paid per fetal organ provided):

I get a lot of oohs and ahhs from StemExpress [biotech firm]. You know, theyre wanting livers....Last week I was in Sacramento, and she said, I need four intact limbs. And I said, you want what?

Dr. Deborah Nucatola, the senior director of medical services for PPFA:

You know, sometimes shell tell me she wants brain, and well, you know, leave the calvarium in till last, and then try to basically take it, or actually, you know, catch everything and keep it separate from the rest of the tissue so it doesnt get lost.

StemExpress procurement manager:

Theres a lot of clinics that we work with that, I mean, it helps them out significantly.

Deb VanDerhei, the national director of CAPS for PPFA:

But the truth is that some might want to do it to increase their revenues. And we cant stop them.

Dr. Stacy De-Lin, the director of abortion services for Planned Parenthood of NYC:

But I think a financial incentive from you guys [CMP investigators posing as tissue buyers] is going to be like... the people who we have to get this approved from will be very happy about it.

Dr. Paul Blumenthal, the former medical director for PP of Maryland:

I know Planned Parenthood sells a lot of stuff [fetal organs] to people.

Both the NAF and Planned Parenthood sought and obtained a preliminary injunction against the Center for Medical Progress to prevent the release of these undercover videos. That civil suit is currently on appeal.

But Californias attorney general took matters into his own hands in late March, charging CMP investigators David Daleiden and Sandra Merritt with 14 felony counts of illegally recording confidential communications. The state refuses to name the 14 accusers in the criminal case, even though Daleiden and Merritt have themselves been charged publicly.

Every video recording for which the attorney general is charging David was obviously and unquestionably made in a public place where it could not possibly be considered confidential, says Brent Ferreira, one of Daleidens defense attorneys.

The gruesome footage from this latest video leaves no doubt as to why NAF and Planned Parenthood want to silence CMPs investigators. Those in the abortion industry know theyre taking human life. They just dont care.

Alexandra DeSanctis is a William F. Buckley Fellow in Political Journalism at the National Review Institute.

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'I Might . . . Pull Off a Leg or Two' - National Review

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