How The Daily Progress is working to keep you safe – The Daily Progress

Posted: March 19, 2020 at 6:43 am

To our subscribers,

As we continue to gather and deliver the most relevant, reliable and credible news coverage of the COVID-19 pandemic, we want you to know that we are taking extra measures to keep our work environments safe.

We have instructed our employees to work from home if they have health or scheduling concerns and to observe universal good hygiene guidelines, something all of us should observe:

Washing our hands frequently

Maintaining social distancing

Avoiding touching our face

Covering our mouth with a tissue or sleeve when sneezing

We also have taken measures to disinfect the working areas at our facilities to ensure that The Daily Progress gets to you safely.

Additionally, our office is now closed to walk-ins until further notice. For delivery and billing questions, please call (434) 978-7201. For assistance with classified ads, obituaries, legal notices, etc., call (434) 978-7202. For display advertising, please call (434) 978-7232. And for the newsroom, call (434) 978-7264.

Our newsroom staff is working nonstop to report on all aspects of this health emergency, including producing stories about closings and cancellations, medical repercussions, the decision-making processes of local leaders and much more, such as expert advice and tips about how best to deal with the impact of the virus.

Additionally, we are providing free access to local COVID-19 news coverage on our website, so our entire community can stay informed.

Please know that we continue to work hard to deliver news you can use, whether in print, via our e-edition, or through our website,

Timely and informative journalism helps readers make decisions and wade through the uncertainty that comes with challenging times. We are committed to our mission of reporting and delivering local, national and international news, especially in difficult times.

Thank you for your support.

See the rest here:

How The Daily Progress is working to keep you safe - The Daily Progress

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