Executive Board reviews progress in the implementation of the global road map on defeating meningitis by 2030 – World Health Organization

Posted: February 11, 2022 at 6:56 am

During the 150th Executive Board (EB) of the WHO, agenda items on the Immunization Agenda 2030 (IA2030), Infection prevention and control and the Global road map on defeating meningitis by 2030 were grouped together for discussion. A total of 40 speakers, including 33 delegates from Member States (including regional statements from EMRO, AFRO and the EU), and 7 non-state actor organizations took the floor.

Twelve Member States from the six WHO regions made specific supportive statements on the Global road map on defeating meningitis by 2030 report (EB150/3).

These statements strongly supported the implementation of the road map and expressed their commitment. Several Member States highlighted progress made to date and the specific challenges which with the implementation of the road map will be overcome. The importance of establishing coordination mechanisms and political frameworks was also stressed.

Member States warmly welcomed and supported the establishment of a Strategic Support Group to facilitate the implementation of the road map and raise the profile of meningitis on the global health agenda.

Member States also underscored the relevance and need to integrate meningitis prevention and control into Primary Health Care, to enhance vaccination activities as well as diagnostics and treatment activities by expanding capacity at the peripheral level.

In her statements, the Deputy Director-General highlighted how innovative the road map was, as it addressed meningitis not only as an infectious disease that can often be prevented and treated, but also with a strong focus on support and care for people living with disabilities after an episode of meningitis.

In his closing remarks, the Director-General also highlighted how essential it was to integrate prevention, early diagnostics and treatment activities into primary health care, to defeat meningitis.



List of Member States that made interventions during the discussion: Angola, Argentina, Bangladesh, Botswana, Brazil, Canada, Chile, China, Colombia, Denmark, Dominican

Republic, Ecuador, France, Guinea Bissau, India, Japan, Malaysia, Mexico, Namibia, Norway, Oman, Philippines, Singapore, Spain, Syrian Arab Republic, Republic of Korea, Russian Federation, Tajikistan, Timor-Leste, Thailand, Tunisia, United Kingdom, United States of America.

List of non-state actors that made interventions during the discussion:

PSI Public Services International, IFMSA International Federation of Medical Students' Associations, ICN International Council of Nurses, IPSF International Pharmaceutical Students' Federation, WaterAid International, GHC Global Health Council, Inc., MMI Medicus Mundi International Network Health for All

See original here:

Executive Board reviews progress in the implementation of the global road map on defeating meningitis by 2030 - World Health Organization

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