Democrats standing in the way of progress – The Daily Gazette

Posted: August 6, 2017 at 5:01 pm

Let me take you back to the previous administration when the so-called Republicans had no problem passing a bill to repeal the health care law.

This ploy, or show if you prefer, made it look like the Republicans were against the Democrats and this law, but thats not true.

If they were against it, why did they not stop it before it came in? If they were serious about repeal, then why not now? They knew their repeal would be vetoed, but the show went on. You see, people, I have known individuals who were involved in DC politics, and they tell me that the two parties are not two. They look like they are against each other in public ,but they get together at parties, each others houses, and all sorts of other venues.

Its all pretense, which is becoming clearly visible if you look past their hype and outright lies. Sen. Chuck Schumer, Rep. Paul Tonko (who once said average people are not smart enough to go to DC), and Sen. Kirsten Gillbrand (these from our area) are just playing the roles with no care for America. All they care about now, and this goes for a lot of the establishment (swamp people) Republicans, is to not let this upstart outsider come in and ruin their good thing they have going.

These three especially need to be voted out or maybe recalled if thats possible in this state for not doing their jobs in a correct manner and just obstructing.

Barry Groat



Democrats standing in the way of progress - The Daily Gazette

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