Daily Progress wins 42 awards from Virginia Press Association – The Daily Progress

Posted: April 12, 2017 at 8:32 am

The staff of The Daily Progress was honored as the best of its class on Saturday at the Virginia Press Association Awards in Richmond.

The Progress won the VPAs Grand Sweepstakes with 42 awards for the newsroom and advertising teams the most in its division, which includes daily newspapers with circulation under 20,000.

The Progress also won the News Sweepstakes with its news, sports, editorial and photography staff claiming 13 first-place, 12 second-place and 10 third-place awards.

The best part of aspiring as a newspaper is when you see your staff members recognized by experts for their exceptional work, said Daily Progress publisher Rob Jiranek. Our recognition Saturday night demonstrates tremendous achievement by a dedicated and lively team of local journalists. Theyre going to keep doing great work. Thats how theyre wired. I know their mothers are proud of them, and so am I!

Those earning first-place honors were:

Second-place awards went to:

Third-place awards went to:

The advertising department also hauled in seven awards. The three first-place awards were given for:

Two second-place awards were given for:

And two third-place awards were given for:

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Daily Progress wins 42 awards from Virginia Press Association - The Daily Progress

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