At formal swearing-in, McMahon promises collaboration will bring progress –

Posted: January 18, 2020 at 10:31 am

SYRACUSE, N.Y. Onondaga County Executive Ryan McMahon promised today at his formal swearing-in ceremony to double down on efforts to work collaboratively with other local officials. The approach has already yielded positive results, he said.

McMahon, who was appointed county executive 14 months ago before winning election in November, said he has focused on strengthening relationships between his office and county legislators, the Syracuse mayor, and town and village officials.

As a result, he said, the community has shown more unity of purpose than it did in the past. Businesses and state and federal officials have noticed and are showing more interest in investing in Syracuse, he said.

McMahon said the recent decisions by two businesses JMA Wireless and Bankers Healthcare Group to expand in Syracuse were influenced by government collaboration. The same is true of Microsofts decision to locate a smart cities hub here, he said.

He promised that collaboration will continue to yield progress.

We have a moment in time as leaders of this community right now to double down on what we know has worked in 2019, he said. And if we can do that, if we can accomplish this, this community will look different.

McMahon said he plans to announce new initiatives at his State of the County Address, which will be Feb. 10 at Onondaga Community College.

Todays formal ceremony in the county legislature chamber followed a private swearing-in Dec. 30. McMahon received prolonged applause today from the audience, which he acknowledged was mainly composed of county workers.

Most of you are my employees, he said. I was looking to see who was clapping the loudest.

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At formal swearing-in, McMahon promises collaboration will bring progress -

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