ICAS 22 Conference – Posthumanism and the Anthropocene | H …

Posted: December 22, 2021 at 1:31 am

ICAS 2022

Seventh Annual Interdisciplinary Virtual Conference in Arts and Science

Human, All Too Human: Posthumanism and the Anthropocene

Thursday 27th January 7-9pm ~ Friday 28th January 7-9pm ~ Saturday 29th January 12-2pm

Southern Regional College, Newry, Northern Ireland

Call For Papers: Conference

Keynote Speakers: Abby Jaques, Stanford University and Rune Graulund, University of Southern Denmark

Existence is entangled, symbiotic, hybrid. There are no clearly defined borders which allow fixed notions of being (Ferrando 2014, p.168). The growing turn away from Humanism, and thus ideas centring on human exceptionalism, arguably begins with Nietzsche and his concept of the Ubermensch but quickly develops towards the disavowal of a series of human constructions that whilst appearing to offer innate human truths, such as freewill, are, inevitably, deconstructed as being bolstered by non-human supplements such as writing, art and, technology fundamental materials from which we derive our anthropocentric history. The posthuman begins with a pre-Humanist reflection: what is human? and in our attempts to answer this question, we have come to revise our ontological individuality towards ideas that acknowledge our existence amongst a network of interactions, species and landscapes. We are intra-agency, fluid, future potentials, and evermore, non-human.

Thus, ICAS 22, asks: Have we surpassed the time for manifestos for cyborgs (Haraway 1985) and evolved into a more inclusive ontological network of being?

We welcome any presentations that reflect the overall theme of the conference.

Please submit a 100 word proposal on your presentation by Friday 3rd January 2022 in Word or pdf files to: finniganl@src.ac.uk

All papers will be given consideration by the conference committee. Notification emails will be sent by 10th January 2022.

Due to current Covid restrictions, all papers will be delivered virtually.

Questions? Contact Dr. Liz Finnigan at: finniganl@src.ac.uk

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ICAS 22 Conference - Posthumanism and the Anthropocene | H ...

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