Posthuman Futures | abhominal | experimentations on the …

Posted: January 2, 2016 at 8:43 am

No longer a science fiction, we the human race are on the cusp of human genetic engineering.

Humans have altered the genomes of species for thousands of years through artificial selection. Over the past 40 years scientists have made amazing technological progress to improve natures crops and mammals through genetic modifications; recently science has mapped the entire human genome and begun to realise the potential for modifying us.

Abhominal, an archaic word meaning inhuman, is an exploratory weblog of the human form. The digital sculptures are a fusion of geometric, architectural and biological abstract forms a bleak evolutionary future where biotechnology has been used to make perfect posthuman beings.

To modify nature is our nature.

In April 2015 it was announced that the first human embryos had been modified by Chinese scientists. The team, led by Junjiu Huang at Sun Yat-sen University in Guangzhou, used a gene editing procedure called Crispr to correct a fault that causes beta-thalassaemia a life-threatening blood disorder. Prominent science journals Nature and Science refused to publish the research paper on ethical grounds. The work is outlined here: Protein and Cell Journal.

What does this all mean, why does it matter?

Simply that human genetic modification is no longer a science fiction but a reality. We are at the dawn of a new age, our future is now.

Limited edition prints available.

To be a model is the stuff young girls dreams, and to be size zero is to reach the height of fashion. With genetic tinkering we will no longer need to fuss over what we eat. This is a 6ft tall, super thin hexagonal lattice posthuman; with fifteen toes, two full breasts and four nipples.

Limited edition prints available.

Reconfigured human form. Bulbous and fleshy genetic mound elevated high on an integrated pedestal.

Modular biostructure for the growth of spare parts. Anodised aluminium supporting lattice with organic form.

Limited edition prints available.

Posthuman structure measuring 220cm cubed. Within its safe and self-supporting geometric boundaries the main body has plenty of room for further growth.

Some more free skin textures created in zbrush.

These are 800px files. I am selling seamless skin textures $5 for 10 4K maps.

Scroll down and share on social media to download for free: [sociallocker]

5ft 6in tall cylindrical hexagonal lattice structure of stainless steel, supporting modified flesh growth.

Posthuman form supported within a golden ratio structure.

Here are some skin textures taken from photos, I use them in conjunction with the skin textures I created.

I use them in ZBrush with alpha brushes to spray on colour and build up realistic skins textures for SSS Shaders such as VRay FastSSS.

Please like this website on social media if you find these useful:

Here are some of the skin textures created by me that I use for my monsters.

I use them in ZBrush to spray on colour to build up realistic skins textures for SSS Shaders such as VRay FastSSS.

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Posthuman Futures | abhominal | experimentations on the ...

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