Montero accuses the PP of populism for demonizing taxes and will review patrimony, inheritance and donations Explica .co – Explica

Posted: April 23, 2021 at 12:35 pm

The Minister of Finance, Maria Jesus Montero, insists that the Government is going to review all fiscal figures, including patrimony, donations and inheritance, but it does not set a date to undertake that review. In his appearance before the commission of his area in Congress, Montero has limited himself to saying that the Executive it will undertake the tax reform when the time comes, and has left it in the hands of the newly created group of experts.

Already in the last press conference after Minister council, Montero said that fiscal increases will not be implemented immediately and that the reforms will be undertaken when economic conditions allow it, that is, when the recovery takes hold. Days ago, Montero had opened the door to an additional contribution from the great estates Already in 2022, while the economic vice president, Nadia Calvio, had said that this is not the time to raise taxes.

In this Thursdays debate at the parliamentary headquarters, the head of tax authorities confronted with him PP. Say that the tax reduction produces an increase in collection is a populist slogan, the popular deputy Carolina Spain told him, and reminded him, on account of the electoral campaign in Madrid, that Ayuso did not lower taxes in two years. Montero recognizes that it is necessary to control the tax burden to be competitive , but at the same time he pointed out that the Executives objective is to shield the welfare state and pay the ERTEin the nearest future. PP he has raised taxes more than any party in Spain despite what he is saying when he is in opposition, he concluded.

The Minister of Finance maintained that the interest of the government is to produce a modernization of the tax system to adapt it to the 21st century and that is why they want to adapt taxation. While, accused the PP of demonizing taxes and he reminded them that their arguments do not hold up because they have been, he said, the party that has raised taxes the most in Spain despite what it says when it is in the opposition.

In another message to the popular, Montero argued that They have had eight years to eliminate these taxes and they did not., so they are falling, in the opinion of the head of the Treasury, in a contradiction. He also advised the PP that to do the analysis of taxation from the capital of Spain It harms the rest of the autonomous communities because not everything is Madrid. To conclude his presentation, Montero said that the PP voted in favor of fiscal harmonization in Andalusia and that this debate began to take shape with the appearance of Citizens.

Precisely Carolina Spain he snapped at Montero that the Executive It has no credibility because, he argued, the General State Budgets they are already invalidated. The popular believe that Moncloa does not dare to say what he is going to do in fiscal matters so as not to harm the candidate Gabilondo in the middle of the campaign of the Madrid women. Likewise, Spain accused the minister of being obsessed with Inheritance and Estate taxes.

The PP considers that the Government he is cheating by saying that we are the ones who are going to grow the most. Spain recalled that we will be because we are also the ones who have fallen the most during the pandemic. And he asked Montero to speak of fiscal effort, because, he said, we have one of the highest in the entire OECD. What the Executive does, according to the PP, it is announcing false growth and a tax increase, which is what the left likes.

Montero, faced with this, insisted on defending the plans of the Executive who wants, in the words of the minister, to defend the welfare state firmly and robustly regardless of the territoryand do not allow imbalances at the social and territorial levels. This crisis has required unusual responses without an instruction manual to go to, said the head of the Treasury, who also emphasized that the current recipes are not the correct ones. 2008 .

About the recovery plan, Huntsman He explained that it represents a leap in transformation and modernization and that the objective is to make the production model competitive. In the ministers opinion, the Covid-19 pandemic has highlighted the fragility in which our model of well-being was foundHe also claimed that Spain has been one of the countries that has given the highest degree of protection to local administrations, in reference to communities and municipalities.

Looking ahead to the next few days, Huntsman He recalled that the Executive will send to the European Commission the definitive reform plan to access the 140,000 million of European funds that correspond to Spain. In addition, before April 30, the Government will present the revision of the stability plan, with updated data on debt and deficit.

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Montero accuses the PP of populism for demonizing taxes and will review patrimony, inheritance and donations Explica .co - Explica

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