The folly of political correctness is exposed by one of its high priests … – The Times (subscription)

Posted: February 20, 2017 at 7:22 pm

February 20 2017, 5:00pm,The Times

Melanie Phillips

For decades, left-wing ideologies silence dissenters - but now there is a welcome backlash

For several years now, Trevor Phillips has been on a political journey. Originally a fully paid-up member of the metropolitan liberal set, the former chairman of the Equality and Human Rights Commission has been regularly denouncing some of the shibboleths to which he previously subscribed.

On Thursday he will take this further. In a documentary on Channel 4, he will blame political correctness for the rise of populism throughout the West.

The reason nobody saw the peoples revolt coming is that political correctness is too easily dismissed. At best it is viewed as a kind of idiocy that takes the avoidance of giving offence to absurd lengths; at worst, as the unpleasantly assertive politics of identity and group rights.

Phillips appears to understand that, far

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The folly of political correctness is exposed by one of its high priests ... - The Times (subscription)

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