Political Correctness Hurt the Oscars – WSAU (blog)

Posted: February 28, 2017 at 6:24 am

The controversy of not enough black people nominated last year hurts the winners this year. It is unfair to all the black actors and actresses, who are nominated, to have a shadow cast over them. Last year, a fake controversy appeared, when there were complaints that not enough black people were nominated for an Oscar. Now, this year's Oscars had a record amount of black people nominated. This was obviously a political correctness response from the left.

Now we will never know if those actors and actresses that won, received an Oscar because they were the best. It is unfair to the great performances by these actors, to have any doubt Loom over their wins or nominations. If left-wing political correctness hadn't reared its head, we would know that these actors won because they are the best. But leave it to the left and political correctness to destroy a special moment.

I don't know if anyone won because of their skin color, But the fact that I have to even ponder that, is ridiculous. I don't look at someone's skin color, I just look at whether they're deserving or not. But last year and this year, political correctness made skin color an issue for the Oscars. When the left tries to fix something, you can be assured it will end up even worse.

See the article here:

Political Correctness Hurt the Oscars - WSAU (blog)

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