Is the GOP going the way of the Whigs? | TheHill – The Hill

Posted: February 4, 2021 at 6:42 pm

Once a major party that elected two presidents, the Whigs dissolved in 1856 over the issue of slavery. From the ashes arose what became the anti-slavery Republican Party.

Today, 165 years later plagued with deep ruptures its possible the Republican Party could dissolve in a decade or two. The critical question: Is Trump adoration by the GOP base akin to the Whigs splintering over slavery?

Although an overused political clich, here are five reasons the Republican Party could go the way of the Whigs.

Voters are abandoning the GOP for diametrically opposed reasons

Last week, after writing about why I left the Trumplican Party, I was deluged with two types of emails. First, long-time Republican friends and readers of The Hill applauded my bold and brave declaration of independence after doing the same.

Second were messages from (now) ex-friends leaving the party for totally different reasons than you listed. Their disappointment stems from so-called Republicans that failed to support Trump and defend him. One wrote that I am part of the problem with the Republican Party, and another stated how no longer would we break bread.

Rising passions resulting in double subtraction generates a political equation with GOP decline as the answer.

Cancer for the Republican Party

During the June 1973 Senate Watergate Committee hearings, White House Counsel John Dean testified that he had told President Nixon of a cancer growing on the presidency. Nixon eventually resigned but left the Republican Party severely damaged. Recovery, in the form of a political savior, came in 1980 when Ronald Reagan was elected president.

On Monday, the cancer analogy dramatically resurfaced. SenateMinority LeaderMitch McConnellAddison (Mitch) Mitchell McConnellOn The Money: Biden commits to ,400 checks, but open to eligibility limits | House approves budget resolution for COVID-19 package | McConnell seeks to inflict political pain on budget votes Overnight Health Care: Biden commits to ,400 checks, but open to eligibility limits | CDC director: Teacher vaccination 'not a prerequisite' for safe school reopening | Coronavirus infections, hospitalizations falling Senate names first Black secretary of the Senate MORE(R-Ky.) alluded to how Georgia GOP Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene is contaminating the entire party with loony lies and conspiracy theories, warning of cancer for the Republican Party.

Unfortunately, whatever treatment plan McConnell and GOP House leaders put into motion, its too late. Greenes cancer has metastasized into the Republican label, and she is the brands angry new face. Worse, Greene stating that Trump supports me 100 percent highlights her face with professional make-up. Unless eradicated, cancer is often deadly for people and political parties. Now the party is suffering in a white nationalist ICU bed with stage 4 cancer thanks to Trump and Greene.

Republican identity crisis

Given the cancer diagnosis, corporate and major donors are fleeing. And why would average Americans want to identify as Republicans? Soon, they must defend a party that acquitted their president after he incited a deadly insurrection to overturn a certified election based on his Big Lie. The Republican identity crisis is defined by its new membership card slogan reading, We stand for shredding the Constitutions impeachment clause and nullifying lost elections.

Leadership crisis

Here is an easily defined problem that sticks to the party like Super Glue: Are you with Trump or against Trump?

In a recent interview, Republican National Committee Chairwoman Ronna McDanielRonna Romney McDanielMcConnell says Taylor Greene's embrace of conspiracy theories a 'cancer' Democrats look to make Marjorie Taylor Greene the face of GOP Republicans scramble to unify heading into next election cycle MORE made a laughable assessment, saying, .. if we dont keep our party united and focused on 2022, we will lose. But united and focused around who? Mar-a-Lago is currently the Republican headquarters. Its occupant a twice-impeached former president who in one term led his party to lose control of the White House, Senate and House while inciting a horrific attack on the Capitol is the undisputed party leader. Any senators or representatives who want to purge Trump by voting for impeachment and conviction will face agonizing reelections or choose to step down. Conversely, watch if Trump acolyte Wisconsin Sen. Ron JohnsonRonald (Ron) Harold JohnsonSenate panel advances Biden's Commerce secretary pick in 21-3 vote Senate confirms Biden's DHS pick after GOP delay Democrats face tough odds in race for Ohio Senate seat MORE dares to run for reelection.

While the partys future is viewed through the Trump lens, a strong new prescription is needed to see and eradicate the Big Lie. Sadly, according to one poll, 76 percent of Republicans believe Trump defeated Joe BidenJoe BidenScience is back at the White House; now it must be integrated into American diplomacy Why we will oppose spending bills that repeal or weaken the Hyde Amendment Fauci says he hopes he gets another chance to throw out Nationals first pitch after 'embarrassing' first try MORE. But this week, a ray of hope surfaced when Trump campaign pollster Tony Fabrizio released a campaign autopsy showing that the former president lost largely because of his handling of thecoronaviruspandemic. Moreover, his data show that Trump lost ground among key demographic groups.

Armed with Fabrizios autopsy, all GOP leaders (but especially 2024 presidential hopefuls) must undo Trumps Big Lie about the stolen election. If they collectively fail to do so, there is no uniting, no future, and the party deserves not just to lose but to dissolve.


Sixty-seven percent of the 2020 electorate was white, down from 70 percent in 2016. Trump won 58 percent of this shrinking majority, compared to 41 percent for Biden. But the growing non-white vote was 33 percent, which Biden won 71 percent to Trumps 26 percent.

On the bright side, Trump increased his percentage of Hispanic voters from 28 percent to 32 percent. Meanwhile, the percentage of Hispanics in the electorate rose to 13 percent, from 11 percent in 2016. Trump also won more Black voters, 12 percent compared to 8 percent in 2016. Still, the Republican Party has a lot of catching up to do with non-white voters. Are demographics destiny? Yes, when combined with the all reasons above. For if the GOP goes the way of the Whigs, demographics would accelerate the demise already in motion.

Ultimately, the one saving grace that could keep the GOP in business is Democratic overreach liberalism gone wild, political correctness run amok and tanking the economy with progressive policies. And all that will start happening in 3, 2, 1.

Myra Adams writes about politics and religion for numerous publications. She is a RealClearPolitics contributor and writes aSundayBible study on Townhall. She served on the creative team of two GOP presidential campaigns in 2004 and 2008. Follow her on Twitter @MyraKAdams.

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Is the GOP going the way of the Whigs? | TheHill - The Hill

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