Don Cherry had many second chances. What readers thought of Hockey Night in Canada without Coachs Corner – The Globe and Mail

Posted: November 18, 2019 at 6:41 pm

Ron MacLean (left) sits beside Don Cherry as Rogers TV unveils their team for the station's NHL coverage in Toronto on Monday, March 10, 2014. MacLean addressed Don Cherry's dismissal during the first intermission of Saturday's "Hockey Night in Canada" broadcast. THE CANADIAN PRESS/Chris Young

Chris Young/The Canadian Press

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Readers respond: On Saturday, Don Cherry was erased from Hockey Night in Canada in more ways than one

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Some changes make you feel good. Some make you feel sad. You are aging. You will experience changes and feel the same when your time comes.

Don Cherry was saddened by the fading support for the poppy program, and consequently, for the sacrifices others made to our benefit. Nothing wrong with that.

I am saddened by the lack of effort to understand Cherrys concern. Primacy was given to vilifying him, in an ugly display of current societys gang-up attitude toward slights perceived or real.

We beat people up; we move on to the next beating; and somehow this feels satisfying to the angry hordes. Ron MacLean has embraced this change. Enjoy your next beating, Ron. I hope you feel better for it. George Bay

The man made bigoted statements on the air for decades. Finally one of them was too much for his employer, and they fired him. The true ugliness is in the bigotry and the chord it struck in his supporters. Alceste

I have said many dumb things in my time, lashed out in anger, had words misconstrued and sometimes had to apologize, clarify, retract, explain. I am thankful that in pretty much every case, the person I was speaking to recognized that they were also flawed, and perhaps either of us imputing the most nefarious intent to every word spoken is not entirely fair and no way to conduct human relations.

Sportsnet has the right to fire Don Cherry if they deem him damaging to their image. But I find the vindictiveness of todays social media mob the desire to destroy peoples lives and careers with no second chances if every word does not pass muster to be disheartening. Freshycat

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The problem with demonizing Don Cherry is that he is not the problem. What readers think of his firing from Hockey Night in Canada

Don Cherry, Colin Kaepernick and why stick to sports doesnt work

Don Cherrys downfall: He became more interested in his own opinions than hockey

Hockey has long defined Canada, but its time to reassess our relationship

Don Cherry poses for a photo in Toronto on March 10, 2014. When sociology professor Kristi Allain saw that "Hockey Night in Canada" commentator Don Cherry was fired for on-air, anti-immigrant remarks Monday, she was hopeful that it spoke to a change in Canadian social values and social life, and an intolerance of racism. But then she logged onto Twitter and saw the reactions. While some have been jubilant he was axed over his rant accusing immigrants of not wearing poppies, others have called for a Sportsnet boycott and are using the hashtag "Don Cherry Is Right." THE CANADIAN PRESS/Chris Young

Chris Young/The Canadian Press

Still upset about it. Im all over being multicultural but this is the end of Canadian culture as we know it. 10 years from now, itll be Soccer Night in Canada. Again, Im all for multiculturalism, but Canada is losing its identity and fast. Pretty sad. Will96

Canada is growing up, and we have room for more than one sport. Oooooops

Hypocrisy at its highest. This Buds for political correctness, not for you, Canada.

From Coachs Corner to HRs Corner.

Sportsnet reran the segment in the late game. Should they not fire themselves? BJBeat

Having met Don Cherry a few times, Ive seen firsthand what a gentleman he truly is, taking over a room with genuine warmth. In person, he is simply a pro at making people feel good. Having witnessed that, what becomes apparent by contrast is how his role on HNIC had become just that: a role he came to play on camera, and one that his fans (myself included) expected of him. The way he spoke, his defiance, his mispronunciations, his put downs on Ron MacLean.

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But it had all become pretty redundant. Even Johnny Carson and David Letterman knew when to eventually take the exit door. Ill miss Don Cherry, and wish him well. There will, no doubt, never be another quite like him. Lorne M-G

On Hockey Night in Canada's Nov. 9 Coach's Corner segment Don Cherry with Ron MacLean.


There isnt a question that Don Cherry was wrong, even he begrudgingly admits that he could have chosen better words. However in the new world, as Ron MacLean puts it, there are no second chances, no lighter sentences or rehabilitation, you are out.

When California first introduced their infamous three strikes and you are out rule on crime, most Western democracies found that to be cruel and unnecessary. In the world of political correctness, it has become the norm that one strike and you are out, and most people seem quite fine with that.

In an age of reconciliation, understanding and acceptance of different views and, of course, compassion, there is also a blank spot where the wrong few words can get you banished, as in Cherrys case.

Cherry, at 85, will be fine. He doesnt need the money and will find something else to do, although it is unlikely it will be in media. However, we should consider that regardless of the fact that Cherrys comments were wrong, is this the type of justice we want? JeffSpooner

Don Cherry was a character with a lot of interesting stuff to say. He has had a great career and was an integral part of our Saturday nights.

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I wonder why he didnt jump right in the next day and say that he was angry at everybody who didnt wear a poppy, and that he didnt intend to single out immigrants. He knows that a blanket condemnation of any group isnt right.

It is too bad that it ended this way. one-eighty

Whats missing from the present situation is that Don Cherry made clear he wanted no rehab. Instead of acknowledging his error, stepping back from and softening his comments, he spent the week digging his heels in and doubling down. He did all but permanently tattoo his rant across his own forehead.

I think recovery from his big slip-up could have been easy, but he refused to participate. And so, there is no lighter sentence, no rehab, no parole. JPP221

Don Cherry had many second chances. If you want to share the blame, maybe its the people (his producers) who let him stray by a few degrees every year from his original Coachs Corner mandate. Like a ship thats only off course by a little, after a lot of time, its way off and ends up on shoals.

Cherry is a grown man and was a highly paid professional. He made his own mess. Not the Alliance

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Archie Bunker would not exist today. What a pity! We need to get rid of our enormous chip on our shoulder and learn again to laugh at ourselves. Not everything is done and said with malice, sometimes its just plain humour. If we dont, then anything, by anyone, can be considered offensive by the next person. Silva2

I love Archie Bunker. The writers were decades ahead of their time. Im not sure they couldnt pull it off again, even today. Archie wasnt given a bully pulpit the best scenes were with Jeffersons son, who would make Archie look simple and wrong by playing along.

In 99 per cent of the cases, Ron MacLean did a good job of pushing back on Don Cherry when he was being Archie. MacLean was right: If he caught him on this most recent faux-pas, Cherrys run as Archie probably continues. PeterK2262

Cant help but think this would be a good time for Ron MacLean to exit. patti o furniture

Oh but there are second chances for a select few. Our Prime Minister comes to mind. billy112

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Don Cherry had many second chances. What readers thought of Hockey Night in Canada without Coachs Corner - The Globe and Mail

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