WE Are Women’s Philanthropy – Jewish Exponent

Posted: February 9, 2017 at 6:06 am

Last years Womens Philanthropy Pomegranate event. Photo via Flickr @jewishphilly

The Jewish Federation of Greater Philadelphias Womens Philanthropy group is an inclusive community of passionate, caring women of all ages, incomes and lifestyles. We share a commitment to support the Jewish community locally, in Israel and around the world. We lead and convene, educate and advocate, travel and fundraise in support of the Jewish Federations mission. We do all this by focusing on Giving, Inclusion and Tradition.

Women have contributed more than $29 million to our Jewish Federation over the past five years.

Womens Philanthropy raises money to help vulnerable Jewish populations, and to feed, clothe and shelter Jews. We are their safety net.

Together, we care for older adults and make sure they can get to doctors appointments, have socialization opportunities and receive assistance with taking care of their homes so they can continue to live with dignity in their own homes for as long as possible.

We make sure that Holocaust survivors are living out their lives in dignity.

We feed Jews who are food-insecure through a variety of programs. Regardless of whether they need a little extra help every month or three hot meals a day, whether they are an individual or a large family, we are here for them.

We help those in times of crisis no matter the situation. If theyve lost a job, are in a dangerous situation or are dealing with any other pressing matter, we fund programs that will see them through the tough times and get them back on their feet.

Womens Philanthropy also ensures our community members have access to a vibrant Jewish life. We make sure families can access Jewish education, Jewish camping, Hillel on campus and family programs like jkidphilly and Interfaith Family.

We also work hard to send people of all ages to Israel to see, touch and feel the magic of the Jewish homeland.

We are inclusive. We want all of our community members to have a seat at the table for open dialogue to form a strong and vibrant network that enables us to ensure the safety of Jews everywhere.

We are a group of women who are proud of the work we accomplish each and every year. We know that our investment of time, talent and treasure will address our critical priorities and make sure that we Carry the Light for all of us, our families and generations to come.

Join us this spring at one of our upcoming events to get a taste of all that is Womens Philanthropy.

Pomegranate Event: An Evening of Happiness with Keynote Speaker Carin Rockind on Wed., March 1 at 6:30 p.m. at the home of Elyse Berger in Penn Valley, Pa.

Carin is a leading happiness and life-purpose expert, a media personality and the creator of PurposeGirl, a movement to empower purpose-driven living. All women who make a minimum gift of $1,000 are invited to this event.

International Womens Day Speaker Series on Wed., March 8 at Southern Cross Kitchen in Conshohocken from 7 to 9 p.m.

Join us for an evening of empowerment and self-defense featuring speaker Yudit Sidikman, the co- founder and CEO of El Halev, a women-run NPO working to end violence by providing personal safety and empowerment programs for women, children, seniors and people with special needs. She is a renowned motivational speaker who has taught thousands how to find their inner strength and is committed to promoting self-worth and self-esteem among women, children, the elderly and those with special needs through violence prevention. The cost to attend is $36; no donation is required.

WE (Womens Event): Tues., April 4, from 6:30 to 9 p.m. at the Hilton Philadelphia City Avenue.

Join us for our largest event of the year to celebrate community and tzedakah at our Womens Event (WE). Keynote Speaker Archie Gotesman, co-founder of JewBelong, is on a crusade to help Jews embrace the joy, warmth and meaning in our rituals and traditions. Once youve heard Archies take on Jewbarrassment, your holiday gatherings will never be the same. All women who make a minimum donation of $180 to our Jewish Federation are welcome.

For additional information on Womens Philanthropy, email womensphilanthropy@jewishphilly.org or visit jewishphilly.org/womensphilanthropy.

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WE Are Women's Philanthropy - Jewish Exponent

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