Mental Health Counseling, Personal Empowerment | Kansas …

Posted: August 29, 2016 at 7:36 am

The challenges that led you to this webpage can be your 'window' into discovering more about yourself and finding greater contentment and emotional well-being. Together we'll take a look at these challenges and find their hidden possibilities for creating positive change.

Our world is a complicated one! Because of all the external pressures, It is easy to lose track of ourselves and what we need.. Whether you're struggling with personal or relationship issues, I will be your objective collaborator. Together, we will discover more about the real you - your core values and strengths. You will learn how to embrace who you are and put yourself first. This is not a selfish agenda, but instead allows you to build a calm and serene inner foundation , leaving you with more to give.

My clients work on a variety of issues, but I have special interest and training in the areas of addiction (substances, gambling, sex, eating, gaming, etc.) LGBT issues, self-esteem and self-discovery.

I have offices in Kansas City and St. Joseph, Missouri, all which provide a safe, casual , and comfortable environment. I take most insurances and am also available by skype, phone, text, webcam, IM ,and email and will take emergency appointments.

Originally posted here:

Mental Health Counseling, Personal Empowerment | Kansas ...

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