Lovecraft Country: How The Title Sequence Teased Episode 5’s Twist – Screen Rant

Posted: September 21, 2020 at 7:00 pm

Lovecraft Country's "Strange Case" title sequence teases the episode's twist about Christina's true nature with its reference to the butterfly.

The title sequence ofLovecraft Countryseason 1, episode 5,"Strange Case", teases the episode's twist about Christina's true nature with its reference to the butterfly. The episode opens with Ruby waking up as a white woman. After she looks in the mirror and tells herself to wake up, a silhouette of her face breaking up into a multitude of butterflies accompanies the show's title. It turns out that William has given her a potion to achieve this metamorphosis into a white woman. While this reference to the butterfly is obviously about Ruby and her transformations in the episode, it is also about Christina's transformation into William, who had originally been introduced as Christina's good friend.

Throughout the episode, Ruby and William's relationship develops in mysterious and tantalizing ways, not only because of their being lovers, but also because William has delivered on his claim that he can dramatically change Ruby's life. Masquerading as a white woman, Ruby is able to get a taste of white privilege, and it gives her a unique perspective about her personal achievements as a Black woman, and those of all Black women.

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At first, it seems that Ruby is becoming drunk on the power that William's magic potion gives her. However, as she begins to realize that this power can be used for more than her own personal gain, she ultimately uses it to get justice for her Black co-worker, who she witnessed being sexually assaulted by their white boss. Disguised as Hillary Davenport, her white alter ego, she quits her job and tricks her boss into playing a sexual game in which she wins in a very gruesome and well-deserved way.

The title sequence of "Strange Case" teases the episode's twist because of its reference to the butterfly, a beautiful winged creature known for its metamorphic life cycle. However, the reference is not just about transformation. Before a butterfly morphs into its adult form, it is a caterpillar; and while caterpillars are beautiful in their own ways, they are not able to fly. Only when it becomes a butterfly does it have that power. Therefore, the butterfly reference is not only about changing one's shape and color, it is about empowerment.

William's promise was that he could give Ruby the power to do whatever she wanted. At first, Ruby takes this to be about attaining her personal desires. When she has a conversation with Christina (Abbey Lee), whom she still believes to be William's good friend, she realizes that his promise was about obtaining real power, not about the granting of superficial wishes. This butterfly-as-empowerment metaphor teases the twist ending because power is what Christina has been seeking throughout the show.

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Lovecraft Country: How The Title Sequence Teased Episode 5's Twist - Screen Rant

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