Fire service receives funding to deliver ‘personal development … – Wiltshire Times

Posted: February 14, 2017 at 11:14 am

Children take on the role of firefighters at a Salamander session

A NEW eight-week programme which will give children a glimpse of what its like to be a firefighter will begin in April.

Dorset & Wiltshire Fire and Rescue Service recently received funding of 5,000 from Westbury Area Board to deliver the Westbury Salamander programme, which will be open to children aged between 13-19 selected by the fire service.

Rob Guy, youth intervention manager for Dorset & Wiltshire Fire and Rescue Service, said: The Salamander Project is a tailored personal development programme designed to promote empowerment in a positive environment to help build young peoples confidence and skills.

Working in partnership with Youth in Focus, street-based youth workers will work with local partners to target young people aged 13-19 in need of positive activities to build confidence, develop new skills or those who are in danger of engaging in risk taking behaviour.

We would like to thank Wiltshire Council, Westbury Area Board and the Local Youth Network Management group for their support in enabling us to provide positive activities for young people in the area.

At the sessions, held at Westbury Fire Station, children will undertake tasks including using fire hoses and investigating mock car crashes, learning why dangerous driving is a bad idea.

Salamander programmes have in the past been run as intensive five-day courses in other towns but this is the first time it will be delivered at weekly sessions.

At the end of the programme, participants will have a chance to demonstrate what they have learned to their family members at a passing out parade.

Contact Mr Guy on 07739 899293 if you need more information.

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Fire service receives funding to deliver 'personal development ... - Wiltshire Times

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