Do you have a biblical worldview? –

Posted: March 19, 2017 at 4:09 pm

More than 100 million adults in America claim to have a biblical worldview, according to a recent survey by George Barna and the American Culture & Faith Institute.

Could that possibly be right?

Or are tens of millions of Christians and Jews deceiving themselves?

Its an important question because everyone has a worldview. Its a set of beliefs that shapes our decisions, our choices and our actions.

Those who believe in secular humanism, postmodernism, existentialism, pantheism or nihilism will clearly make different personal, political and lifestyle choices than those who hold a biblical worldview. And, for those who hold a biblical worldview, we believe its the best hope for a free and self-governing society.

So what did Barna find?

It found that only 10 percent of American adults hold to a biblical worldview not 100 million. Not close. If, indeed, 100 million American adults had a biblical worldview, that would represent almost 50 percent of the adult population. So, instead of 100 million Americans, the number is closer to 24 million.

Furthermore, the survey found that the younger an adult is, the less likely he or she is to have a biblical worldview. Among adults 18 to 29 years old commonly referred to as millennials just 4 percent do. The number rises to 7 percent among those in the 30-to-49 age bracket; it doubles to 15 percent between 50 and 64; it peaks at 17 percent among those 65 or older.

Are we in trouble as a nation?

Yes, but all is not hopeless.

That some 100 million American adults want to identify with a biblical worldview is good news.

That they do identify with the values of the Bible, but dont fully understand what it means, suggests a problem with the shepherds. There are too many lost sheep and not enough shepherds equipped to track them down and feed them properly.

I believe most of those who self-identify as Christians and Jews the people of the Book dont really understand the Book.

And thats why I wrote The Restitution of All Things: Israel, Christians and the End of the Age.

Its an unusual book. In many ways, its shockingly radical. But its 100 percent Scripture-supported and the result of more than 40 years of study.

Would you like to have a Christian worldview?

Maybe this book will help. It was written with that specifically in mind, but it occurs to me that it can help.

There are too many denominations of Christianity in the world today. They cant all be right. Its entirely possible none of them have it totally right.

Therefore, every follower of Jesus has a responsibility to search the Scriptures like Bereans to determine if their beliefs are correct and to ensure they are on the straight and narrow road that leads to salvation and discipleship.

I am convinced this book can help simplify and clarify your earnest search for the truth.

Get Joseph Farahs The Restitution of All Things: Israel, Christians and the End of the Age.

See the book trailer for The Restitution of All Things:

Media wishing to interview Joseph Farah, please contact

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Do you have a biblical worldview? -

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