Update to LDWF’s Recreational Offshore Landing Permit (ROLP) System Requires Action from Permit Holders – Louisiana Department of Wildlife and…

Posted: March 8, 2022 at 10:11 pm

The Louisiana Department of Wildlife and Fisheries is designing a new Recreational Offshore Landing Permit (ROLP) website. The new site is meant to improve the quality of the permit holder database, update aspects of the permit to comply with recent legislative changes, improve the look and feel of the site, and make it mobile-friendly. The new website is scheduled to go live by late April.

The changes will require sub-account ROLP permit holders to take action to prevent the deletion of their account. Previously, a single ROLP account (primary account) could include multiple permit holders (sub-accounts). In the new website, each ROLP account will be limited to one ROLP permit. Sub-accounts will be deleted from the system on Friday, March 25, 2022 unless the sub-account holder moves their account to a primary account.

The only method of making a sub-account a primary account is for the primary account holder to log-in to their account (https://rolp.wlf.la.gov/), find the sub-account, and click on the Move to another account icon shown below.

Click on the EXPORT TO NEW ACCOUNT button in the next page.

The website allows only one ROLP account per email address. Consequently, the new primary account must use a unique email address.

Once a unique email address has been entered and a password has been created, click the checkmark in the lower, right-hand corner of the webpage. You will be returned to the original primary account profile.

All ROLP accounts will be impacted by the ROLP website migration to some degree or another. Additional news releases will be published to guide permit holders through the process. The migration is expected to be completed by the end of April.

The ROLP is a free permit that is required in addition to all other applicable licenses and/or permits to possess the following offshore fish species or species groups in Louisiana state waters:

The ROLP was developed to better quantify and characterize the charter and recreational anglers that fish beyond Louisianas territorial waters and plays a critical role in States LA Creel Program.

For questions or assistance, contact LDWF at rolp@wlf.la.gov.

See more here:

Update to LDWF's Recreational Offshore Landing Permit (ROLP) System Requires Action from Permit Holders - Louisiana Department of Wildlife and...

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