Offshore Jobs | Offshore Jobs | Find yourself an Offshore …

Posted: July 14, 2016 at 4:33 pm

The offshore industry has seen a tremendous growth in the past few years. The increase in the number of offshore rigs has led to the increase in demand of employees. With the high pay in the industry most people are moving from their current jobs to the offshore industry. Below are some of the best salaries in the world offshore jobs and recruitment that may be of help to you when making an application to join the industry.

The offshore installation manager is the senior most positions in an offshore site. This position requires special training and education. The installation engineer is mandated with handling all operations in the offshore rig. For this position you will probably need 10 years of offshore work.

The offshore industry requires a lot of engineers and the pay for this position is attractive. They take care of the drilling processes and conduct repairs and maintenance of all equipment on the offshore rig. It is a challenging job that requires a lot of physical and mental strength; this job definitely requires that you have a degree.

Rig safety coordinators are tasked to ensure that all employees in the rig are safe. Rigs are prone to work place accidents. As a safety coordinator you need to ensure that the employees follow proper work procedures.

Working in the offshore industry is very challenging. Most of the jobs are strenuous and exposes you to many risks; however, the pay is very good and the positioned mentioned above offer the best salaries in the world offshore jobs and recruitment.

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