Offshore crew eyes weather gains – reNews

Posted: February 13, 2017 at 9:40 am

European companies including Siemens and ORE Catapult have launched a project to improve the productivity of technicians performing service activities on offshore wind farms.

The Safety and Productivity of Offshore Wind Technician Transit project aims to widen the weather window for crew transfer vessels to increase turbine availability.

It will combine measurements both on board and the surrounding environment with psychological and physiological methods to monitor the well-being of technicians as they transit in different sea conditions.

This will result in a tool that will support the vessel launching authority to make the decision to launch, to not launch, or to launch but only with certain control measures.

This innovation will lead to a reduction in the levelised cost of electricity of about 0.7%, the partners estimate.

They comprise BMO Offshore, Energy research Centre of the Netherlands, Specialist Marine Consultants, University of Hull and MARIN, as well as ORE Catapult and Siemens.

The program has received funding from the European Unions Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme and from the Dutch Ministry of Economic Affairs.

Image: reNEWS

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Offshore crew eyes weather gains - reNews

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