Legislation could mean an economic boost in New Bedford offshore wind projects – SouthCoastToday.com

Posted: February 14, 2017 at 11:43 am

By Michael Bonner, mbonner@s-t.com

Clean energy advocates dropped A-list names at least in terms of American history Monday when discussing promoting a Massachusetts bill.

The 100 Percent Energy Act would make the state the first in the nation to commit entirely to renewable energy, the hope being others would follow the lead of the Bay State in producing a greener country.

Throughout our entire career as a community, Massachusetts has offered leadership to the world, whether it was John Winthrop ... talking about being light in the city on the hill or John Adams echoing him or John Kennedy echoing them," Sustainability Roundtable CEO Jim Boyle said in a conference call.

In January, State Reps. Sean Garballey, D-Arlington, and Marjorie Decker, D-Cambridge, along with State Senator Jamie Eldridge, D-Acton, introduced the bill, which now has 53 co-sponsors. It would require Massachusetts to source all of its electricity from renewable sources like solar and wind by 2035. Other sectors, like heating and transportation, would have to use renewable energy by 2050.

We know were not going to achieve 100 percent renewable energy overnight, Director of Environment Massachusetts Ben Hellerstein said. But we can make sure that every decision were making in the upcoming decade is going to make us that much closer.

New Bedford already took steps in that direction last week when Deepwater Wind opened its offices in the city. The ribbon-cutting ceremony of sorts included the mayor among others with the belief that the company will bring a plethora of opportunities to New Bedford in offshore wind energy.

Studies have shown that Massachusetts has the potential to generate 11 times the amount of electricity that fuel takes each year just from offshore wind alone, Hellerstein said. So theres huge potential, to supply not just Massachusetts but the entire New England region.

Last year, Environment Massachusetts released a report, which named New Bedford as one of the leading cities in the state marching toward 100 percent renewable energy.

Another study conducted at Stanford University predicted that 55 percent of the energy used in Massachusetts in 2050 could come from offshore wind.

It all leads to a predicted jolt in the local economy with innovative high-paying jobs.

Once the legislation is passed, we will pretty quickly begin to see real tangible benefits come to our communities, Hellerstein said.

The bill would also establish a council to identify opportunities for the workforce that would try to help erase the challenges that stand in the way of cities that were built on the dependence of fossil fuels.

Massachusetts has an almost unique opportunity to lead this technological revolution globally, Boyle said.

No timetable was provided as to when the bill could be passed. There was no concrete information regarding the total cost either.

In the short term the bill would focus on new construction. However, the panel acknowledged that most of the buildings and homes that will exist in 2050 are already built.

We absolutely will need to create programs and incentives to help folks in those homes make the transition, Hellerstein said.

Originally posted here:

Legislation could mean an economic boost in New Bedford offshore wind projects - SouthCoastToday.com

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