EscapeArtist – Live, Work, Travel, Retire & Invest Overseas

Posted: December 15, 2016 at 7:03 pm

EscapeArtist is one of the world's largest and oldest expatriate resources for living, working, traveling, retiring, and investing abroad and overseas. We also have international real estate listings, international jobs, and offshore events and conferences.

Australia has grown to be among the top countries that people move to for work or leisure. Are you living in Australia alone and would like to bring your family

The IRS is investigating all US bitcoin transactions. If youve been conducting business using a U.S. bitcoin account, your transactions are not private. All U.S. based bitcoin accounts are subject

Nicaragua beachfront real estate is an up-and-coming property market, yet undiscovered by the masses. Nicaragua is a land of immense natural beauty and rich culture. One can spend their days

Traveling abroad is one of the best experiences of life it expands your horizons, gives you new perspectives, and it sometimes takes you out of your comfort zone. When

Connie and I have been digital nomads for nearly ten years. In that time we have met hundreds of people all over the world. One of the most common questions

The IRS is investigating all US bitcoin transactions. If youve been conducting business using a U.S. bitcoin account, your transactions are not private. All U.S. based bitcoin accounts are subject

Youve been running your offshore business for awhile and have some accumulated earnings and profits. You want to invest these retained earnings in the United States and prefer they be

The following article is for U.S. citizens and describes the type of income that can be retained offshore in a foreign corporation. It also defines foreign source and U.S. source

According to Oxford Economics, President Donald Trump will either be a disaster or the best thing ever for the global economy. No one knows which the chips will fall, but

Tax year 2016 is coming to a close and its the time to do some year end planning for your offshore corporation. Miss out on the FEIE or transferring money

Whether you are considering moving to China or not, the events within the country will affect you all the same. It is too big of a power not to cause

Australia has grown to be among the top countries that people move to for work or leisure. Are you living in Australia alone and would like to bring your family

Traveling abroad is one of the best experiences of life it expands your horizons, gives you new perspectives, and it sometimes takes you out of your comfort zone. When

When getting married in Thailand, there are two types of weddings. There is the traditional Buddhist religious ceremony and the legal marriage registration. The ceremony is the wedding, however, the

Governments around the world use passports as a weapon against their citizens. Your passport can be taken from you for any reason at any time, locking you, your family, and

Those who have been following my chronicles from the very beginningknow that one of my very first adventures on the amazing Ambergris Caye was taking my beach cruiser bike all

If youre an American and have tried to open an offshore bank account in the last few years, you know how difficult it can be. About 85% of banks are

Chris is a fellow American living and working in New Zealand. He came here between high school and college to try and figure out life. I worked for the hostel

Europe : The Old Continent is one of the favorite destinations for people all over the world, especially those who are interested in history, architecture, and good old European-style

The rule against perpetuities in the United States makes it impossible to lock up your assets in a domestic trust beyond the lives of people living at the time the

Living anywhere in Latin America offers a lot of historical opportunity for those interested in exploring the area. When I moved to San Pedro, Belize, on Ambergris Caye, the first

Connie and I have been digital nomads for nearly ten years. In that time we have met hundreds of people all over the world. One of the most common questions

One important aspect of visiting or becoming part of a new community is finding ways to involve yourself and give back to the people, animals, and environment around you. In

Driving a motorbike in a foreign country is as crazy as you would imagine. The rules of the road differ, and many times people make up the rules as they

San Pedro is the small town situated on the southern side of Ambergris Caye island in Belize. This Caribbean destination provides a diverse variety of activities for visitors of all

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EscapeArtist - Live, Work, Travel, Retire & Invest Overseas

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