API | Offshore

Posted: November 6, 2016 at 7:09 pm

Offshore Seismic Surveying

Some of the richest energy reserves in the world are just off our US shores waiting to be discovered in a government owned area lying just 3 - 200 miles out to sea. An advanced exploration technique called seismic surveying is the first step to unlock this precious resource needed to ensure America's energy security.


Offshore, a form of sand control technology has been in commercial use since the early 1990s. Offshore sand control technology combines two mature oil and gas technologies hydraulic fracturing and gravel pack completions. The result has been a significant improvement in well life and reliability, productivity, and oil and gas recovery.


API is the worlds leading standard-developing organization for the oil and natural gas industry. See a brochure that provides an overview of industry guidance documents and best practices supporting safe offshore operations.


Opening theU.S. Atlantic Outer Continental Shelf (OCS), the U.S. Pacific OCS and the Eastern Gulf of Mexicoto offshore oil and natural gas exploration and production could have remarkable benefits for job creation, U.S. energy security, domestic investment, and revenue to the government.


Seismic testing has been safely used in the U.S. and around the world for decades to locate potential new sources of hydrocarbon energy. But as the federal government prepares to allow seismic surveys off the Atlantic Coast, groups opposed to oil and natural gas development are actively spreading misinformation.


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API | Offshore

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