Oceania Healthcare Invites Kiwis To Take A Walk In Nurses’ Shoes This International Nurses Day – Scoop.co.nz

Posted: May 12, 2020 at 10:51 am

Tuesday, 12 May 2020, 9:34 amPress Release: Oceania Healthcare

Leading aged care provider, Oceania Healthcare will bemarking International Nurses Day with the launch of a uniqueinitiative In Their Shoes a celebration ofthe dedicated and clinically skilled nurses who work at theforefront of New Zealands aged care sector.

OceaniaHealthcare will gift each of their several hundred frontlinenurses around the country a pair of custom Allbirds - whilethe story of a day in those shoes will be brought to lifefor Kiwis across print, digital, radio and PR.

OceaniaHealthcares GM Nursing & Clinical Strategy, DrFrances Hughes, said they wanted to do something special tomark International Nurses Day this year, particularlyagainst the backdrop of the dedication shown by ourhealthcare sector throughout COVID-19.

The theme ofthis years celebration is nursing the world tohealth, and with In Their Shoes, wereacknowledging every facet of what is required to deliver onthat vital role. The initiative is a recognition not just ofthe kindness and compassion that nurses bring to each andevery interaction but, more importantly, their skills,knowledge, commitment and professionalism.

Nursesare adept and highly-skilled problem solvers, criticalthinkers, clinical decision-makers, planners, organisers,and patient advocates who are continually training andupskilling to be able to provide us with the very best levelof care.

Within the aged care sector, inparticular, COVID-19 has been a vivid reminder of theimportance of that continued investment in our nurses,because it does directly translate to the health andwellbeing of our aged population. Thats why we wanted toshow our respect for their continued, unparalleled hardwork.

Oceania Healthcare Chief Executive EarlGasparich adds, For so many, their view of the nursingprofession is defined by that softer side of the story so we wanted to take International Nurses Day as anopportunity to acknowledge our nurses for the incredibleskills and expertise they bring to our business and ourcommunities.

This gift is just a small token ofrespect for the skill and dedication this communitydemonstrates day in and day out, making a huge difference tothe lives of some of our most vulnerable, and treasuredcommunities.

To mark the day, each of our nurseswill be gifted a pair of bespoke Allbirds, with a speciallycrafted message in the insoles of what it's like to walk aday in their shoes a token of our respect for the workthat they do.

If these shoes couldtalk,

They would tell a story thats notoften shared.

A tale of dedication, knowledgeand putting in the mahi,

To care for those whoonce cared for you and me.

An account of mileswalked and corridors paced.

If these shoescould talk,

It would be of education,experience and intuition,

Applied in equalmeasure.

Tales of patient advocacy and clinicalexpertise,

To bring comfort and kindness toevery day.

If these shoes couldtalk,

They would tell the story of an aged carenurse.

Thank you for the extra miles you go tocare for those in need.

We celebrate you todayand every day.

Allbirds said "We've been inspiredby the way New Zealanders have banded together in the faceof monumental challenges, led by these incredible frontlineworkers. It's great to see organisations like Oceaniashowing a little extra appreciation for nurses this year, asthese healthcare professionals have been so instrumental inkeeping their communities safe andhealthy.

International Nurses Day (IND) iscelebrated around the world every 12 May, the anniversary ofFlorence Nightingales birth. Florence Nightingale was thefounder of modern nursing, and a British social reformer andstatistician.

To find out more about the initiative,head to InTheirShoes.co.nz

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Oceania Healthcare Invites Kiwis To Take A Walk In Nurses' Shoes This International Nurses Day - Scoop.co.nz

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