National Speakers Association New Jersey Chapter NSA

Posted: April 26, 2014 at 12:27 pm

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Charles Fleisher is highly experienced speaker, mentor and life coach, having spoken to over 50,000 people during his career.

On October 10, 1988, Charles was the passenger in a vehicle driving at speeds over 100 miles an hour. The ride ended with him being thrown from the vehicle for over 100 feet, resulting in a broken neck and sustaining a paralyzing injury.Charles now devotes his life to sharing the awareness he has received from living with paralysis. He works with audiences and individuals to manage change and capitalize on difficulties.

In his recently released book, The Secret of Difficulties: 4 Steps to Turn Tragedies into Opportunities, Charles profiles individuals who have taken difficult situations and turned them into opportunities they would not have had if they had not had the difficulty in the first place. It provides 4 clear steps to take your own difficult situations and turn them into opportunities to improve your own work, organization, or personal life.

Your Story Blows Me Away: Secrets of Amazing Storytelling for Businesses

Speaker: Dave Leiber

Thursday, May 15, 2014

Stop beating around the bush. Get people to pay attention. Scrap those bullet points. Talk in a way that makes hearts flutter. Learn how to tell your story so that everyone who hears it cares and remembers. Columnist Dave Lieber has been working for more than 30 years to get his newspaper audiences to not turn the page on him. In today's world, it's harder than ever to get people to notice you. But there's one tried and true method that works every time. Dave will share his simple-to-use storytelling method and customize it for your industry. You can use these techniques immediately to increase sales, get that contract, and increase your loyal fan base whose members will help you, fund you, support you and care about you.

About Dave Lieber:

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National Speakers Association New Jersey Chapter NSA

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