Journalist Glenn Greenwald on interrogating Snowden, limitless ambitions of NSA

Posted: May 16, 2014 at 1:47 am

JUDY WOODRUFF: We return again this week to the U.S. governments surveillance programs.

Tonight, we look at the topic from another point of view.

Journalist Glenn Greenwald was the first reporter to meet with Edward Snowden when the disgruntled former NSA contractor wanted to reveal the secrets of the agency.

The NewsHours chief foreign affairs correspondent, Margaret Warner, sat down with Greenwald late yesterday in Washington. They discussed that initial encounter and much more, which he details in his new book, No Place to Hide: Edward Snowden, the NSA, and the U.S. Surveillance State.

MARGARET WARNER: Glenn Greenwald, thanks for joining us.

GLENN GREENWALD, Author, No Place to Hide: Great to be with you.

MARGARET WARNER: And congratulations on your book.

GLENN GREENWALD: Thank you very much.

MARGARET WARNER: Now, you are an experienced skeptical journalist. And, yet, by the end of this process, you seemed to be admiring of Edward Snowden.

Is that the case? And, if so, why?

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Journalist Glenn Greenwald on interrogating Snowden, limitless ambitions of NSA

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