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Category Archives: War On Drugs
Measure aims for makeover of Nevada’s war on drugs – Las Vegas Review-Journal
Posted: April 12, 2017 at 9:10 am
CARSON CITY Nevadas war on drugs may be getting a makeover.
Assembly Bill 438 would put in place reduced penalties for offenses tied to controlled substances. Conflict over the measure is centered on the question of whether Americas decades-long war on drugs is working, and if Nevada should rethink its approach.
The war on drugs has been long and exhausting, and were not seeing any changes, Assemblyman Edgar Flores, D-Las Vegas, the bills sponsor, told the Assembly Judiciary Committee on Tuesday.
Flores said Nevada has tougher drug penalties than the feds and stressed the need for low-level offenders to get treatment instead of prison time.
The bill has drawn support from public defenders and opposition from the Metropolitan Police Department. Supporters say a new approach is needed to provide treatment for addicts, pointing to Nevadas high incarceration rates.
The intent of this discussion and why were here today is me asking the state of Nevada to look at non-violent offenders who have flooded our prisons and we ask ourselves: Is that working? Flores said.
A spokesman for Metro, however, said sellers, not addicts have large amounts of drugs and called the bill a drug dealers dream come true.
The bill has a provision that provides a defense for someone who has been forced to engage in drug trafficking. Under the bill, possessing less than one gram of a drug would be a misdemeanor, with the exception of date rape drugs.
Penalties change
Lawmakers heard about the states drug laws from John Piro of the Clark County Public Defenders office. The existing structure, Piro said, is unfair, unworkable and does not give the judge any discretion.
Piro said the bill would put discretion back where it belongs with a judge.
State law does not require proof that the drugs were manufactured or intended to be trafficked for a trafficking conviction. The law also does not make a distinction regarding the type of drugs involved.
Currently, low-level drug trafficking is a felony with one to six years in prison for the possession of four to 14 grams of drugs. Mid-level trafficking, for possession of 14 to 28 grams of drugs, is a category B felony punishable by two to 15 years in prison. High-level trafficking involves 28 grams of drugs and is punishable by mandatory prison sentences of 10 years to life or 10 to 25 years.
Opposition and concerns
Chuck Callaway, representing Metro, urged lawmakers to reconsider. He said the department wants addicts to get help, but it has concerns about the rising violence tied to drug trafficking. About 20 percent of the murders this year in Clark County are drug-related, he said.
Callaway called the bill a drug dealers dream come true and noted that rather than saying the war on drugs has failed, its important to look for solutions.
Contact Ben Botkin at or 775-461-0661. Follow @BenBotkin1 on Twitter.
Assembly Bill 438 would create a framework for Nevada that would change the penalty for drug possession charge. The penalties would be:
A gram is about the same amount as whats in a packet of sugar.
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Measure aims for makeover of Nevada's war on drugs - Las Vegas Review-Journal
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The Philippines’ Cynical Apologists for Duterte’s Brutal ‘Drug War’ – Human Rights Watch
Posted: at 9:10 am
The Philippine ambassador to the United Kingdom, Antonio Lagdameo, has a unique perspective on the murderous war on drugs launched by President Rodrigo Duterte in mid-2016.
Members of the Philippine Drug Enforcement Agency (PDEA) operatives search the area during their anti-drug operaitons in Quezon city, metro Manila, Philippines March 16, 2017.
2017 Reuters
In a letter published on Monday in the Guardian newspaper, Lagdameo asserted that Dutertes relentless campaign against illegal drugs is being waged with firm adherence to the rule of law, due process, and human rights.
If only.
In fact, since Duterte took office on June 30, 2016, police and unidentified gunmen have killed more than 7,000 suspected drug users and drug dealers. That death toll doesnt include the drug war victims Duterte calls collateral damage children killed by stray police bullets. Human Rights Watch research has turned the official narrative on its head: the 3,603 killings the police attribute to vigilantes and drug gangs are nothing more than a strategy to shield police and police agents from culpability in death squad-style extrajudicial killings.
Lagdameos statement doesnt just underscore his willful disregard of the brutality of Dutertes drug war. It also suggests he is unaware or unwilling to publicly acknowledge how Duterte has maderepeated calls for killings as part of his anti-drug campaign, which could constitute acts instigating law enforcement to commit murder. His statements encouraging the general population to commit vigilante violence could be criminal incitement.
The fact that Dutertes killing campaign has largely targeted urban slum dwellers could amount to crimes against humanity, as defined by the International Criminal Court, of which the Philippines is a member. On March 26, Duterte admitted that impoverished Filipinos constituted a large percentage of drug war victims and sought to justify those killings on the basis that he needed to clean up the Philippines.
But Lagdameo isnt the only Philippine official publicly soft-pedalling the appalling human toll of Dutertes drug campaign. On Monday, Philippine National Police Director-General Ronald dela Rosa declared that the 107 suspected drug users and drug dealers shot dead by police between March 6 and April 10 were proof the drug war was becoming less bloody. But dela Rosa has consistently resisted calls for an independent inquiry into the total 2,662 killings attributed to the police since July 1, 2016 by declaring it would harm police morale.
Filipinos deserve accountability for the human rights calamity that Duterte has unleashed on their country in the guise of a war on drugs, not cynical spin by diplomats and senior government officials.
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The Philippines' Cynical Apologists for Duterte's Brutal 'Drug War' - Human Rights Watch
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Jeff Sessions Suggests You Just Say Yes to the War on Drugs –
Posted: at 9:10 am
For all the foolishness that's come out of Camp Runamuck since it opened its D.C. satellite camp in January, the appointment of Jefferson Beauregard Sessions III as the nation's top cop may well go down in history as the worst of it. (Although Scott Pruitt at EPA may give JeffBo a run for his money.) It is now conventional wisdom that one of the worst mistakes the country ever made was launching its idiotic, wasteful "war"on drugs. In the three decades in which this "war" has been waged, we have lost two generations of African-Americans to the prison system, shaved the Bill of Rights down to a nub, tied the hands of the judiciary, and, finally, made not an appreciable dent in the problem of drug use and drug addiction. We have blessed ourselves with private prisons and militarized police forces, so there is that.
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Prior to the ascension of President* Trump, there was a strong, evolving, and bipartisan consensus that it was time to call a truce on the "war" we were making on our own citizens. The country was getting sensible about marijuana and mandatory minimum sentences at the same time; conservatives abandoned simplistic law 'n order coding and hopped on the bandwagon of criminal justice reform; in many cases, they took the wheel on it. And, at least rhetorically, the response to the opioid crisis was more reasoned and measured than the response to the crisis of crack cocaine wasand the reasons for that are worth exploring. But nobody wants to, least of all JeffBo. Over the weekend, we learned that this brief, fragile truce had ended.
From The Washington Post:
Law enforcement officials say that Sessions and Cook are preparing a plan to prosecute more drug and gun cases and pursue mandatory minimum sentences. The two men are eager to bring back the national crime strategy of the 1980s and '90s from the peak of the drug war, an approach that had fallen out of favor in recent years as minority communities grappled with the effects of mass incarceration. Crime is near historic lows in the United States, but Sessions says that the spike in homicides in several cities, including Chicago, is a harbinger of a "dangerous new trend" in America that requires a tough response.
This Cook fellow seems to have a real hangman's view of the human conditionor, at least, the condition of humans who don't look like him. He also has a real gift for unintentional irony.
"The federal criminal justice system simply is not broken. In fact, it's working exactly as designed," Cook said at a criminal justice panel at The Washington Post last year.
I'll bet it is.
(To his credit, a federal judge in Baltimore has already kicked ol' JeffBo where the sun don't shine.)
What We Saw This Week Was Truly Unprecedented
Of course, the great body of the Republican Party is scared chicken of the issue, which makes those few sincere Republicans pushing criminal justice reform all the more remarkable. One of the latter is decidedly not Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell.
After GOP lawmakers became nervous about passing legislation that might seem soft on crime, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) declined to bring the bill to the floor for a vote. "Sessions was the main reason that bill didn't pass," said Inimai M. Chettiar, the director of the Justice Program at the Brennan Center for Justice. "He came in at the last minute and really torpedoed the bipartisan effort."
That's OK, because JeffBo has a couple of old standbys standing by.
Still, Sessions's remarks on the road reveal his continued fascination with an earlier era of crime fighting. In the speech in Richmond, he said, "Psychologically, politically, morally, we need to say as Nancy Reagan said 'Just say no.'"
And, of course, from a speech he gave in Richmond not long ago.
"When you fight crime you have to fight it where it is, and you may have at some point an impact of a racial nature that we hate to see. But if it's done properly it's the right thing."
Of course, what can possibly go wrong?
Why Jeff Sessions Is So Uniquely Dangerous
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A Return to the War on Drugs; What’s in the New York State Budget?; Pulitzer-Winning Reporting; John Waters Says … – WNYC
Posted: at 9:10 am
WNYC | A Return to the War on Drugs; What's in the New York State Budget?; Pulitzer-Winning Reporting; John Waters Says ... WNYC The Obama administration may have launched criminal justice reforms to reduce long prison sentences for non-violent drug offenders, but the new Attorney General, Jeff Sessions, has plans to return to the crime fighting strategy of the so-called "war on ... |
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War on drugs make history sheeters feel the heat | Chandigarh … – Times of India
Posted: April 10, 2017 at 3:14 am
JALANDHAR: The war against drugs is making cops dust off old files pertaining to habitual offenders, and to their surprise most of the cases against these history sheeters are pertaining to drug trafficking. Making it mandatory for station house officers (SHO) to make entries in their own hand in a particular register at the police station has led to opening of history sheets of 369 drug peddlers in six districts of Jalandhar zone in the last four months.
The campaign to open history sheets on the basis of cases already registered against criminals was started from December 1 and already over 700 history sheets have been opened and over half of them face cases under the NDPS Act.
Sources said that several of these 369 persons with criminal record have serious criminal charges apart from drug peddling. Before this practice of basic policing was enforced in the last week of November last year, there were only 163 persons in all these six districts whose history sheets were opened by the police. It is learnt that all those against whom history sheets have been opened now had five or more cases registered against each of them but were not in the bad character (BC) list due to lapses in basic police practices. The BC list has names of those persons whose history sheets are maintained by the police.
It is learnt that even as maintaining Register No. 12 - in which a police station is supposed to maintain complete record about cases registered against a resident of the area under its jurisdiction even if the cases are registered at other places also - is an old practice but it was not being followed properly at police stations and history sheets of several of the habitual criminals were not being opened.
However, Jalandhar zone IG L K Yadav over four months back issued orders fixing responsibility of SHOs in making entries in their own hand in Register No. 12 about information regarding cases against criminals who happen to be residents of the areas under their jurisdiction. A few SHOs even faced action after they failed to strictly comply with the directions.
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Ice and Busts: The Lost War on Drugs in Australia – (press release)
Posted: at 3:14 am
It was hard to tell whether Australias Federal Police authorities, along with their Victorian colleagues, were gloating at their latest effort. Thrilled at the unearthing of a stash of methamphetamine, a form of it colloquially known as ice, trumpeted as the biggest seizure in Australian history, there was a sense of achievement. They had gotten one up on the drugs gangs, inflicting a blow to the narcotics trade. Celebrate!
Such celebrations, however, are misplaced. For one, they seemed to follow similar celebrations in February, when $1 billion worth of liquid methamphetamine, concealed in gel push-up bra inserts, were uncovered.
Do these seizures suggest that the police and various enforcement authorities are gaining the upper hand, or perhaps foot dragging before ever enterprising and novel ways of adding to the narcotics market?
A stash of 903 kg of methamphetamines is certainly a remarkable quantity, secreted in boxes of wooden floorboards in an inconspicuous part of east Melbourne. We located 70 boxes of floorboards, chirped AFP assistant commissioner Neil Gaughan. In each of them was concealed between the floorboards two kilograms of methamphetamine.
But this suggests that there might well be much more, a drugs economy that is thriving in a hot house of high demand. Even Justice Minister Michael Keenan has conceded this point, noting that Australia has become one of the most lucrative markets for drug trade in the western world.
Tones of scolding severity duly follow when the phenomenon of drugs consumption is examined, notably among the researchers most interested in those habits of gradual yet mesmerising decay. There is no doubt Australia has a culture, especially among our young people, which does not see the taking of illicit substances or binge drinking as particularly detrimental to the health, claimed Professor Harvey Whiteford of the University of Queensland in 2013.
The police also annotate such findings with their suspicions about the inner drug devil in many an Australian. As Detective Chief Superintendent Mick Smith of the New South Wales Drug Squads Chemical Operation Unit claims with a Presbyterian fury, 1.3 million people in Australia have tried ice. Some of your friends and members of your family would have to have tried ice. The horror, the horror.
Last month, researchers released findings after examining, somewhat unglamorously, wastewater across 51 sites only to find that methylamphetamine was the most consumed illicit drug in the country. It topped the premier league table of items, beating a range of other contenders such as heroin and cocaine.
For such reasons, this is a battle, if not a poorly described war, that is unwinnable against basic human wishes and market demand. Experimentation and temptation is all, and the world of testing is becoming more diverse than ever. Law and medical authorities are desperate to stifle the interest, and are failing. The central problem is the nagging obsession with drugs as a matter of law and order.
Those participating in the market know this better than anybody else. Even Gaughan concedes with detectable admiration that the methods of novelty in this case on the part of the drug traders were considerable. (One has to beef up the opposition to show your own efforts are worthwhile.) You can appreciate the concealment method used in this particular activity is quite complex, quite unique. It wasnt something we had seen previously. The sentiment is often noted.
The battle against drugs was lost in the United States at enormous cost, becoming a continental affair of devastating consequences to security and welfare. Other countries, lagging in efforts to legalise certain drugs and attempts to control the narcotics market, find themselves at the losing end. Warring against desire and instinct eventually unravels. The cartels, and those connected with the prison industrial complex, profit.
It is precisely for such reasons that Portugal decriminalised the use of all drugs, whatever their rank of severity, in 2001. The result? Portugal has 3 drug overdose deaths for every million citizens. The EU average, by way of contrast, is 17.3 per million.
In Australia, a few politicians have decided to shift the emphasis. The Greens leader, Senator Richard Di Natale, himself a former drugs and alcohol doctor, convinced his party in 2016 to abandon absolute opposition to the legalisation of illicit drugs. Its time we recognise this as a health problem not a law and order one. We have to have an open, honest conversation about this and stop pretending were winning this war.
Whether it is the heavy hand of the law, or some clumsy variant of it, the campaign against drugs is simply going the way of those who cash in on it, a vast sprawl of vested interests. In the end, the very existence of the police and the enforcement complex thrives on such spectacles, on the illusion of safety and security. As this happens, sickness prevails as the money runs out the door.
In the meantime, lawyers and members of the public will be treated to the picture of overly enthusiastic ministers and police commissioners keen to get the message across that arrests are taking place and drugs seized with dedicated efficiency. During such a process, the rule of law is bound to take a battering, not least of all the presumption of innocence. Grainy images of various suspected figures are already doing the rounds through the papers.
The ministers traffic in votes and illusions, and finding drugs provides a false incentive for both. What is needed, as The Age editorial surmised in November last year, is a policy in favour of a harm minimisation strategy based on decriminalisation, regulation and education. Paramilitary approaches should be ditched, and resources channelled into health. Portugal, not the United States, should be seen as the model here.
Dr. Binoy Kampmark was a Commonwealth Scholar at Selwyn College, Cambridge. He lectures at RMIT University, Melbourne. Email:
Scoop Media
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War on Drugs focus of latest Town Hall – Shelby News: Local News – Shelbynews
Posted: at 3:14 am
Like most wars, the war on drugs has many combatants and many casualties.
On Tuesday, law enforcement officials and recovery leaders are scheduled to gatherat the Shelbyville Boys Club, 710 S. Miller Ave.,in a public forum to raise awareness of the issue locally and whats being done about it.
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War on Drugs focus of latest Town Hall - Shelby News: Local News - Shelbynews
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Ice and Busts: The Lost War on Drugs in Australia | Global Research … – Center for Research on Globalization
Posted: April 7, 2017 at 9:27 pm
It was hard to tell whether Australias Federal Police authorities, along with their Victorian colleagues, were gloating at their latest effort. Thrilled at the unearthing of a stash of methamphetamine, a form of it colloquially known as ice, trumpeted as the biggest seizure in Australian history, there was a sense of achievement. They had gotten one up on the drugs gangs, inflicting a blow to the narcotics trade. Celebrate!
Such celebrations, however, are misplaced. For one, they seemed to follow similar celebrations in February, when $1 billion worth of liquid methamphetamine, concealed in gel push-up bra inserts, were uncovered.
Do these seizures suggest that the police and various enforcement authorities are gaining the upper hand, or perhaps foot dragging before ever enterprising and novel ways of adding to the narcotics market?
A stash of 903 kg of methamphetamines is certainly a remarkable quantity, secreted in boxes of wooden floorboards in an inconspicuous part of east Melbourne. We located 70 boxes of floorboards, chirped AFP assistant commissioner Neil Gaughan. In each of them was concealed between the floorboards two kilograms of methamphetamine.
But this suggests that there might well be much more, a drugs economy that is thriving in a hot house of high demand. Even Justice Minister Michael Keenan has conceded this point, noting that Australia has become one of the most lucrative markets for drug trade in the western world.
Tones of scolding severity duly follow when the phenomenon of drugs consumption is examined, notably among the researchers most interested in those habits of gradual yet mesmerising decay.
There is no doubt Australia has a culture, especially among our young people, which does not see the taking of illicit substances or binge drinking as particularly detrimental to the health, claimed Professor Harvey Whiteford of the University of Queensland in 2013.
The police also annotate such findings with their suspicions about the inner drug devil in many an Australian. As Detective Chief Superintendent Mick Smith of the New South Wales Drug Squads Chemical Operation Unit claims with a Presbyterian fury, 1.3 million people in Australia have tried ice. Some of your friends and members of your family would have to have tried ice. The horror, the horror.
Last month, researchers released findings after examining, somewhat unglamorously, wastewater across 51 sites only to find that methylamphetamine was the most consumed illicit drug in the country. It topped the premier league table of items, beating a range of other contenders such as heroin and cocaine.
For such reasons, this is a battle, if not a poorly described war, that is unwinnable against basic human wishes and market demand. Experimentation and temptation is all, and the world of testing is becoming more diverse than ever. Law and medical authorities are desperate to stifle the interest, and are failing. The central problem is the nagging obsession with drugs as a matter of law and order.
Those participating in the market know this better than anybody else. Even Gaughan concedes with detectable admiration that the methods of novelty in this case on the part of the drug traders were considerable. (One has to beef up the opposition to show your own efforts are worthwhile.)
You can appreciate the concealment method used in this particular activity is quite complex, quite unique. It wasnt something we had seen previously.
The sentiment is often noted.
The battle against drugs was lost in the United States at enormous cost, becoming a continental affair of devastating consequences to security and welfare. Other countries, lagging in efforts to legalise certain drugs and attempts to control the narcotics market, find themselves at the losing end. Warring against desire and instinct eventually unravels. The cartels, and those connected with the prison industrial complex, profit.
It is precisely for such reasons that Portugal decriminalised the use of all drugs, whatever their rank of severity, in 2001. The result? Portugal has 3 drug overdose deaths for every million citizens. The EU average, by way of contrast, is 17.3 per million.
In Australia, a few politicians have decided to shift the emphasis. The Greens leader, Senator Richard Di Natale, himself a former drugs and alcohol doctor, convinced his party in 2016 to abandon absolute opposition to the legalisation of illicit drugs.
Its time we recognise this as a health problem not a law and order one. We have to have an open, honest conversation about this and stop pretending were winning this war.
Whether it is the heavy hand of the law, or some clumsy variant of it, the campaign against drugs is simply going the way of those who cash in on it, a vast sprawl of vested interests. In the end, the very existence of the police and the enforcement complex thrives on such spectacles, on the illusion of safety and security. As this happens, sickness prevails as the money runs out the door.
In the meantime, lawyers and members of the public will be treated to the picture of overly enthusiastic ministers and police commissioners keen to get the message across that arrests are taking place and drugs seized with dedicated efficiency. During such a process, the rule of law is bound to take a battering, not least of all the presumption of innocence. Grainy images of various suspected figures are already doing the rounds through the papers.
The ministers traffic in votes and illusions, and finding drugs provides a false incentive for both. What is needed, as The Age editorial surmised in November last year, is a policy in favour of a harm minimisation strategy based on decriminalisation, regulation and education.Paramilitary approaches should be ditched, and resources channeled into health. Portugal, not the United States, should be seen as the model here.
Dr. Binoy Kampmark was a Commonwealth Scholar at Selwyn College, Cambridge. He lectures at RMITUniversity, Melbourne. Email: [emailprotected]
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Exploring the link between police violence and the war on drugs – WGN Radio
Posted: at 9:27 pm
WGN Radio | Exploring the link between police violence and the war on drugs WGN Radio Host and producer Christopher Johnson and co-producer Derek L. John join Justin to discuss the new Audible audio documentary series, 100:1 The Crack Legacy. Derek and Christopher talk about where this project began, the origins of the crack epidemic ... |
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Church Calls on Philippine President to Modify His War on Drugs … – CBN News
Posted: April 5, 2017 at 5:17 pm
MANILA Pastor Emil Ybanez painfully described the horrific condition of his son AJ's body on CBN's 700 Club Asia program, broadcast from Manila. His son was the victim of an extrajudicial killing.
"A wire was tied around his neck. Duct tape covered his face. His hands tied at his back and there was a very big slash in his neck. It was so big. That was when I broke down. Why did they treat my son like an animal?" he asked.
Pastor Ybanez admits his son was a drug user, but he says he quit drugs and became a police informant just weeks before his death.
AJ is one of nearly 8,000 people who have died since Philippine President Duterte began his war on drugs seven months ago. Most of the alleged drug users and pushers were denied due process.
A creeping culture of societal impunity prompted the Catholic Church to issue a rare pastoral letter condemning the rising death toll.
Catholic leaders called the government's approach to the drug war a reign of terror, aimed largely at the poor.
"The Catholic Church, believing in the gift of life of every Filipino, directly confronts the incident of what's happening now, how to speak and how to get out of the fear that's being planted because of what's happening in the country," Fr. Nonong Fajardo with the Manila Archdiocese told CBN News.
A woman named Linda says she fears for her life. Five of her drug-dealing friends surrendered to authorities, she said, but they were still killed. Linda says poor people like her friends should also be given a chance to change and have a new life.
Poverty is one of the main reasons these men and women resort to selling drugs as their source of income. And this is why the church and human rights groups are calling out to the government to resort to more humane means of solving the drug problem, which is providing basic needs for these families, such as education and livelihood programs.
Friends in the police and military are helping Pastor Ybanez solve his son's case. He believes God is using his son's death as a wake-up call to all Filipinos.
"We should repent as a nation and come together to put a stop to the extrajudicial killings because this kind of evil only begets evil," Ybanez said. "What has happened to my son has inspired me to be more active in a ministry that teaches values formation to policemen, who in turn teach values to students." Farjardo said, "Let's give a chance to the users and pushers because we believe that everybody can change and that is the same thing that we believe that the president can do. That's what we've been praying for that President Duterte would really change his way of running the drug war."
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Church Calls on Philippine President to Modify His War on Drugs ... - CBN News
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