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Category Archives: Virtual Reality
DNR VR invites guests to Survive the Night this Halloween – Breaking Travel News
Posted: October 9, 2021 at 7:33 am
The spookiest night of the year is creeping up and this year DNR VR is challenging visitors to Survive the Night in a one-off Halloween experience.
Many use Halloween as an opportunity to settle down to watch the usual horror flick of a group of friends attempt to survive the night in a haunted house or zombie apocalypse, but the first and largest virtual reality arcade in London allows guests to go one step further and live the experience through a frightfully real virtual reality setting.
Visitors can fully immerse themselves as they find their way out of the haunted Hospital Of Horror, evade the supernatural in Manor of Escape or navigate a zombie post-apocalyptic world as one of a few survivors in Arizona Sunshine, as well as many other horror arcade games and experiences on offer.
Visitors will be welcomed by a comedy Halloween host and over-18s are able to enjoy a fully stocked bar with Zombie cocktails for the ultimate Halloween night out with friends.
The event takes place on October 29th, from 19:00-22:00 at Battersea Power Station, 18 Arches Lane, London, SW11 8AB.
Book tickets here.
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DNA VR is a social and active experience with the attraction featuring both tethered experiences, hosted in VR pods and free roam, where customers move around a larger room in unison, allowing for a more immersive experience.
The VR pods allow up to ten people in the same game and offer true escapism with flying and teleporting encouraged.
They are suitable for any age and interest.
Meanwhile, the free roam gallery offers eight different games including five escape rooms, one horror experience and two shooting games.
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I checked out the Men in Black virtual reality experience at Westfield Century City and fighting aliens has never felt more realistic – KTLA
Posted: October 7, 2021 at 4:46 pm
Theres a new Men in Black virtual reality experience at Westfield Century City and Dreamscape invited me to check it out.
Follow Rich DeMuro onInstagramfor more tech news, tips and tricks.
The new experience has you virtually suit up as an agent from the popular movie franchise and step into an alien-fighting adventure fun for the whole family, as long as theyre 10 and up.
I brought my son and we absolutely loved it. The experience is more realistic and immersive than a typical video game and youll be talking about it long after its over.
The beginning of the VR experience takes you on a subway train ride to HQ and that was one of my favorite parts. Dreamscapes virtual trickery has you feeling like youre riding a train. Its so realistic there are verbal instructions before you embark to not to sit on the seats, which look real in VR but arent there. If you tried sitting on them you would most certainly fall right to the ground.
Another aspect of the experience that was wildly realistic is when you ride a platform up into the air, seemingly thousands of feet high. My slight concern of heights kicked in, even though I knew I was safely on the ground inside a room in the mall. Its amazing how easily the brain is tricked.
Overall, the Men in Black VR adventure is enjoyable and a treat if youve never experienced Dreamscapes immersive take on virtual reality they really are doing it best.
My sons only critique is that he wished it lasted longer. Although the entire experience from suit up to suit down takes about 35 minutes, the actual VR portion is under 15 minutes. Still, well worth the memories and conversation youll get for the $23.50 ticket price.
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The Netflix Squid series is coming to virtual reality – Tech News Inc
Posted: at 4:46 pm
Red Light Green Light is a new VR game inspired by the series Netflix Squid game. So hes bringing the hit Korean dramas into virtual reality. VR title available for free on standalone VR headsets Facebook social networking site Quest Oculus And Oculus Quest 2 from now on.
Netflixs nine-episode Squid Game series became a truly global phenomenon when it launched on the platform last month. Everyone, or almost everyone, has surely heard of him. In this K-Drama, a group of 456 people, each with financial difficulties, participate in a series of deadly challenges with the aim of winning a large sum of money. Based on classic games for kids, these demonic experiments will allow the winner to earn at least 45.6 billion yen, or $38.7 million. The new VR title Red Light Green Light adapts the first test of the popular series in virtual reality.
red light green light is work fans From the same Squid game series. These are developers from Soaring Roc. As mentioned earlier, the new VR game for Quest allows players to participate in the first challenge of the series, of the same name.
In this classic childrens game, one person plays the role of the caller or he. You must stand at the end of a certain space, Back to the other participants, which is placed on the opposite end. When she says the green light they can move to get close to her and try to reach the finish line.
Once you say red light everyone should stay where you areShe turns around to see if anyone is moving. Of course, the first participant to cross the finish line wins the game. For those still moving when the caller says red light, they must return to the starting line.
In the Squid game, these things are directly eliminated, that is to say, kill them. Soaring Rocs new virtual reality title is based on Same principle of play. It must be said that it is a real fight for survival. Note that to move around the game, players simply have to move their controllers Aculus Touch. Also, it is possible to play alongside other players.
Certified gamer. Problem solver. Internet enthusiast. Twitter scholar. Infuriatingly humble alcohol geek. Tv guru.
The Netflix Squid series is coming to virtual reality - Tech News Inc
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Resolve Partners with Anglian Water @one Alliance to Improve Operations Access to 3D Assets with Virtual Reality – WIBW
Posted: at 4:46 pm
Published: Oct. 7, 2021 at 6:00 AM CDT|Updated: 9 hours ago
NEW YORK, Oct. 7, 2021 /PRNewswire/ -- Resolve, the leading virtual reality solution that allows operations teams to review 3D design models before construction, has announced an enterprise partnership with the Anglian Water @one Alliance. Anglian Water, one of the UK's largest water suppliers, and @one Alliance design and construction partners are adopting Resolve to strengthen operation's input on designs, which can reduce construction rework and improve operations efficiency and safety.
Resolve's support for complex models on standalone VR devices enables teams to interact with building information models (BIM) more independently even while working remotely. With Resolve, teams can conduct a virtual Safe to Operate walkthrough to flag accessibility and safety concerns before construction. Resolve connects with Anglian Water's common data environment for BIM to seamlessly integrate with existing workflows.
"The use of Resolve allows teams to confidently assess the site in VR for issues before it gets built and increases engagement with our existing 3D models, improving the quality of the real-world product," says Richard Morris, Engineering Implementation Manager at @one Alliance.
Resolve was piloted by two sites that discovered its benefits for helping operations staff have a more active role in the design process. Staff working from home reviewed water schemes immersively rather than via screen share. Previous solutions required a centralized VR set up at an office that required travel, but the intuitive Resolve platform and standalone Oculus Quest make it easier to scale VR to projects across the portfolio.
With this partnership, all projects in Anglian Water @One Alliance's 1.2B scope of work in AMP7, which runs through 2025, now have access to Resolve. The partnership will also contribute to the company's commitment to sustainability by reducing the carbon footprint from travel and delivery of additional materials due to rework.
Anglian Wateris one of the UK's largest suppliers of water and water recycling services, covering the largest geographical area across England and Wales. In April 2020, Anglian Water received a Queen's Award for Enterprise: Sustainable Development for the second time. This is the UK's highest accolade to celebrate business success.
The Anglian Water @one Alliancecomprises consultants, contractors, and other stakeholders who together will deliver projects accounting for over half of Anglian Water's capital investment programme. The @one Alliance will design and build around 800 schemes worth approximately 1.2 billion including water and water recycling treatment centres serving more than six million people in eastern England (and the Hartlepool Water region) and maintaining/improving the region's water mains and sewerage network. Alliance partners are Anglian Water Asset Delivery, Balfour Beatty, Barhale, MMB, SWECO, Skanska and MWH Treatment.
Resolvebuilds software that unlocks 3D building information models for operations teams of complex facilities. Its custom software can render large BIM files on the standalone VR devices making it a scalable, easy to use solution for project teams. Resolve is used by leaders spanning industries like water treatment, data centers, biopharmaceuticals, and green energy.
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Use of Virtual Reality in Horror Films – Analytics Insight
Posted: at 4:46 pm
The horror film genre is frequently cited as a natural fit for virtual reality. 360-degree clip keeps your head in the right place if youre being threatened from behind, being killed and eaten, or being exposed to the antics of a lunatic surgeon. People are thrilled to experience VR since it allows them to look around while waiting for the next leap.
YouTube has a surprising quantity of VR horror, despite only adding 360-degree video support last year. The majority of it comes from amateurs, therefore its no surprise that the majority of it is very terrible! But, as horror fans know, sometimes the worst is so, so good.
Virtual realitys filmmaking potential is boundless. It allows filmmakers to create or recreate real-world situations in which they may take people on terrifying journeys.
In recent years, a slew of new technologies has emerged to improve VR experiences. Feel real, a multimodal mask is one example of this. It can mimic hundreds of different fragrances, allowing users to fully engage themselves in virtual environments. Another technology that is improving VR is Haptx. It makes use of haptic technology to provide virtual experiences a sensation of touch.
VR films may engage all 5 senses, touch, sight, smell, taste, and hearing, using 360-degree views, CGI filmmaking, ambient fragrances, and haptics. It gives things a more realistic appearance. Furthermore, virtual reality films open up new narrative possibilities. It may ultimately allow viewers to engage in the story and make their own decisions. You have the ability to see in any direction, pick up things, and choose a course. Simply said, your decisions can change the course of the story.
Many VR horror films youll encounter right now are shorts made by unknown or lesser-known directors. Take, for instance, the Easter Bunny. Its just a brief 360-degree video of a man wearing a frightening mask thats been seen over a million hits on YouTube.
Youll see this frightening man coming as you strap on your VR headset. You cant get away or hide. All you have to do now is wait for him to approach you. Even though its just a few seconds long, its enough to make the hairs on the back of your neck stand up.
Immersive technology is being used by an increasing number of studios. Sony created a virtual reality teaser for Natalie Dormers film- The Forest. Youll witness the tale unfold from a first-person perspective once more. Its shot from the perspective of the main character, Sara, in this case.
At night-time, youre in a shelter in the midst of the jungle. You hear Saras name being called. Youll see shadows encircling the tent as you gaze about. Even though it is only a little over a minute long, it will strike you with a lasting impression.
Here is a list of some more VR horror films that you can try:
A VR horror movie made by inside360, merging the most innovative virtual reality technology with a classic plot, the interactive experience allows the viewer to become part of the plot, blurring the line between reality and fiction and making this VR experience more thrilling.
This is Chinas first VR zombie video, and its terrifying! Its mostly about a beauty presenter leading an investigation of the truth column to investigate an ancient home in the city that was abandoned due to stories of supernatural happenings, and they seek to debunk the myth.
When you go into a haunted home and suddenly hear a mysterious voice say to you, Follow his commands or you will be murdered, do you listen to what he says? In the office, a variety of strange stories are being told.
This VR horror film is about a girl named Xiao Wan who has had a strange encounter. In each episode, she informed the audience about horrific stories she had personally encountered in the third and first person: in a foggy nights bathroom, a wet nights book experience, a nightmare in a hotel.
There are murderers, insane scientists, and physicians in this dreadful workplace, and anything might happen. As though terror has infiltrated every inch of your flesh as you go inside this lab. Do you think you can make it through it?
A Day Before the Night is a virtual reality-based criminal thriller. You play as Veronica Coltrane, a former cop who was embroiled in a large-scale criminal plot, was harassed and bullied and had his daughter abducted. This narrative depicted his efforts to save her daughter.
Virtual reality will almost certainly continue to be explored by the horror genre, especially as technology improves. Although virtual reality can provide unprecedented levels of immersion, it may never be able to completely replace traditional filmmaking.
VR equipment is still fairly big at the moment. You might not be able to watch a whole feature-length film while wearing VR masks and sensory gloves. In addition, youll need a lot of room to fully immerse yourself in the VR experience. A typical theatre, especially one with 360-degree views, will not be suitable for VR films. If the studios agree, viewers may be able to see the films from the comfort of their own homes.
On the contrary, virtual reality is a relatively new and costly cinema format. Moviemakers are doing the best they can with the resources they have. Perhaps more VR horror films will emerge as VR gets more widespread, less costly, and less chunky.
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New Virtual Reality Exhibit The INFINITE Comes To Houston In December – Houstonia Magazine
Posted: at 4:46 pm
At the heart of Houston's Historic First Ward lies the site for The INFINITE, a new virtual reality experience coming to Sawyer Yardson December 20. The immersive exhibit will allow participants to undergo life in space, submerging them in a multi-sensory physical and virtual journey.
Created by Felix & Paul Studios, a production company founded in Montreal by directors Felix Lajeunesse, Paul Raphal and Stphane Rituit; is an Emmy Award-winning creator of immersive entertainment experiences.The group has gained notoriety from collaborations with names such as Barack and Michelle Obama, Wes Anderson, and NASA, along with their premium franchise partnerships fromJurassic WorldtoCirque du Soleil.
Sawyer Yard's forthcoming experience includes a litany of things to explore like the life-sized 3-D recreation of the International Space Station, where only 250 astronauts have lived on the station itself. The experience will also include an accompanying virtual reality adventure and a cinematic virtual reality spacewalk with a breathtaking view of Earth. Additionally, globally renowned Japanese artist Ryoji Ikedas exclusive installation will be on view, along with never-before-seen footage captured by astronauts from the 2021 Emmy Award-winning film Space Explorers: The ISS Experience, the largest production ever captured in space.
The INFINITEwasseveral years in the making, opening first in Montreal, and now Houston. After working in close collaboration with many astronauts and with our partners at NASA and in the space industry for 3 years to bring this project to life, its incredibly exciting to finally be able to share that immersive experience with audiences, LaJeunesse exclusively tells Houstonia. "Its an incredible honor to present The INFINITE in Houston - a city that played such an important role in making this project a reality."
Silver Street Studios, 2000 Edwards Street. Open to all ages over eight years and accessible to visitors with limited mobility. Covid guidelines will be set in order to guarantees viewer safety. Tickets are now on sale.
For more information, visit the website.
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Bank of America using VR to prep for sensitive customer interactions – American Banker
Posted: at 4:46 pm
Brian is an associate at Bank of America with an attitude. His lunch breaks run late, he is careless with his cash drawer, and he bristles at feedback when his manager points out these faults.
Chelsea works alongside Brian. She is a top performer but could do better at encouraging her customers to share more about their goals and financial priorities, and improve how she handles tense situations. Recently, when a customer complained about a cashiers check fee, she simply overrode the fee without exploring the problem with her disgruntled customer.
Bank of America has distributed 50 virtual reality headsets across 50 branches to date. Branch employees will take a headset into a back room to practice conversations. Over time, the bank plans to extend the use to contact center employees, wealth managers, financial adviser, commercial bankers and more.
Brian and Chelsea are fictitious. But actors play them in scenarios that Bank of America employees can watch by donning virtual reality headsets as part of their training through The Academy, Bank of Americas onboarding, coaching and development organization for customer-facing employees.
On Thursday, the bank is announcing the rollout of virtual reality training for branch staff. As part of the soft launch, Bank of America has distributed 50 headsets in 50 branches. Next month, both numbers will rise to 1,000, and by the end of the first quarter it plans to have goggles in every branch.
Virtual reality is a nascent technology that experts expect will be more widely used in financial services in the near future. Bank of America appears to be the first large bank to use it for training purposes. Unlike watching a training video, employees working through exercises virtual reality can interact with lifelike scenarios and hear how they sound, reflect on what could have gone better, and practice in privacy.
Bridie Fanning, who leads the talent and organization group for financial services at Accenture, predicts that virtual reality and extended reality (the umbrella term for technologies that merge physical and virtual worlds to create immersive experiences) will reach mainstream banking in the next couple of years. She has already seen early adoption in banking over the past year, as companies look for more immersive experiences for remote workers and the costs of headsets and software have declined.
Virtual reality, which allows the user to interact with a simulated environment, is less common in the financial world today than augmented reality, which overlays digital images on real-world ones, said Jost Hoppermann, vice president of banking applications and architecture at Forrester. Augmented reality only calls for a smartphone, while virtual reality requires dedicated, and expensive, headsets.
But, it will only be a matter of time before banks will start considering virtual reality to improve process efficiency and collaboration, Hoppermann said.
To enable customer service training, Bank of America's academy provides hundreds of online simulators to familiarize employees with tasks like opening an account. It also provides a library of recorded customer service calls. A simulator called iCoach uses artificial intelligence to hold dialogues with trainees and provide instant feedback about whether they are introducing themselves properly or conveying empathy.
Virtual reality is Bank of Americas newest addition to its academy. Its meant to help reinforce customer service skills and help employees feel comfortable navigating delicate situations before they occur.
Virtual reality gives people a training experience they will remember, said Mike Wynn, innovation and design manager for the academy. It gets at the difference between knowing what to say and actually saying the right thing. It also lets people polish these skills privately rather than feel flustered playing roles in front of a classroom.
John Jordan, head of the academy, still remembers the first angry client he spoke to many years ago.
Those are situations you dread going through the first time, he said. You dont want to say the wrong things.
Jordan landed on the idea of using virtual reality in employee training three years ago when he was surveying different technologies to incorporate into the academy and met with a vendor of the technology.
I went in skeptically thinking there was no way it would have real applications, Jordan said. But a session that put him in the shoes of a Chipotle manager made an impression.
I put those things on my head for maybe three minutes, and three years later I remember vividly what I saw, he said. (The bank did not want to name its virtual reality headset vendor.)
Bank of America is soft-launching the VR training with five modules which will rise to 20 by the end of 2022 for both managers and customer-facing employees. They cover coaching direct reports, sussing out the needs of small-business owners, introducing the importance of retirement planning to different life stages, discussing account options and processing transactions.
In one exercise, viewers watch an everyday scene in a Bank of America branch unfold. Brian returns late from lunch and casually throws his bank keys on a table. He checks his personal phone. Chelsea ignores the first customer who enters. The two later make several mistakes as they interact with customers.
Throughout, the viewer will click on problematic behaviors as they happen with a controller and decide whether these behaviors merit addressing immediately or later in one-on-one conversations. A manager, Marcus, models sample dialogues for the situations to be addressed right away. Another session delves into the kinds of conversations a manager would have later, asking the viewer to select from a variety of key statements that would help the associates reconsider their actions. In a third session, the trainee will record feedback, play it back and rate it. Employees can access detailed reports about their performance.
For now, branch employees will take a headset into a back room to practice. Over time, Bank of America plans to extend the use to contact center employees, wealth managers, financial advisers, commercial bankers and more. They could potentially help tellers or relationship bankers practice skills to become potential managers, and young trainees understand different life stages to build empathy.
Virtual reality can create an effective setting for simulated human interactions, which can help workers enhance people skills such as communication and empathy all critical in customer service environments in banking, Fanning said.
For now, employees are said to be excited.
Its not often people say, I cant wait to do this training, Wynn said.
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Virtual Reality in Manufacturing Industry to Reach $14,887.0 million by 2026 Exclusive Report Covering – Benzinga
Posted: at 4:46 pm
Pune, India, Oct. 07, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- The globalvirtual reality in manufacturing industrysize is projected to witness substantial growth owing to the increasing trend of digitalization accepted across almost all commercial sectors worldwide. There is a rise in demand for advanced solutions in the manufacturing sector for optimizing any chances of uncertainty or error and this propelled the installation of virtual reality solutions in most of the production companies worldwide. A recently published report by Fortune Business Insights titled, "Virtual Reality in Manufacturing Industry Share, Trends & Industry Analysis, By Component (Hardware, Software, Content), By Application (Product Design and Development, Safety and Training, Maintenance and Repair, and Communication & Collaboration), and Regional Forecast, 2019-2026,"states that the market value was USD 924.7 million in 2018 and is expected to rise at a CAGR of 39.2% to reach USD 14,887.0 million by the end of 2026.
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Fortune Business Insights lists the names of significant players in Virtual Reality in Manufacturing Industry. These include:
An Overview of the Impact of COVID-19 on this Market:
The emergence of COVID-19 has brought the world to a standstill. We understand that this health crisis has brought an unprecedented impact on businesses across industries. However, this too shall pass. Rising support from governments and several companies can help in the fight against this highly contagious disease. There are some industries that are struggling and some are thriving. Overall, almost every sector is anticipated to be impacted by the pandemic.
We are taking continuous efforts to help your business sustain and grow during COVID-19 pandemics. Based on our experience and expertise, we will offer you an impact analysis of coronavirus outbreak across industries to help you prepare for the future.
Report Scope and Segmentation:
This Report Answers the Questions Below:
Drivers & Restraints-
Rising Demand for Minimizing Operational Cost will Aid in Expansion of Market
Manufacturers across all sectors are increasingly demanding quality control, increasing automation, minimized operational cost, and predictive maintenance. This propels the demand for Visual Reality applications in production companies. To cite an instance, VR skylight platform and VR smart glasses are used by Boeing for guiding technicians with their viewfinder, thus helping the company to lessen their wiring construction time by 25%. Such innovative technologies applied to ease manufacturing processes are likely to positively contribute to the virtual reality in manufacturing industry growth in the forthcoming years.
Additionally, massive investments in advanced solutions for virtual reality technology by economically established companies will also add impetus to the market.
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Competitive Landscape-
Collaborative Efforts and Innovative Product Launches will Intensify Competition
Companies functioning in this market are engaging in collaborative efforts and new product launches to expand their portfolio during the forecast period.Below are a couple of the latest key industry developments:
November 2016 Autodesk and HTC entered into a joint venture to form a cloud-based design engine for combining the HTC vive and Forge platforms to provide VR experience to their customers. The main aim is to revolutionize the method with which designers create, form models, and collaborate for an immersive VR experience.
May 2015 The release of EON World Builder (TM) beta was announced by EON Reality Inc. This builder allows the users to create, upload, build, and share any design of their choice. This application is present in the EON Experience VR Library and is accessible on android or IOS phones.
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Product Design and Development Segment to Witness Significant Growth Owing to Problem Recognition and Solving Abilities in Initial Stages of Production
In terms of application, the product design and development segment earned a 28.8% share on account of its seamless ability to replicate product design or prototype in its primary stage. Engineers can easily save the overall production cost and time by identifying and fixing any issue in its initial stage. Thus, this segment will witness significant growth in the coming years.
Regional Analysis-
Presence of Established IT Infrastructure May Help North America to Continue Dominance
Regionally, North America earned the highest virtual reality in manufacturing industry share in 2018 with a revenue of 359.5 million and is likely to continue dominating the market in the years to follow. This is owing to the presence of well-established IT infrastructure, further attributed to the early adoption of advanced technologies in the region. On the other side, Asia Pacific is likely to rise robustly as manufacturing is one of the prominent businesses in nations such as India, Japan, and China that demand advanced manufacturing solutions. This will further propel the demand for virtual reality applications across all manufacturing companies across the region.
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Celebrating 25 Years of Psytrance: Infected Mushroom Talk Virtual Reality, NFT’s, and New Album –
Posted: at 4:46 pm
After two decades of pioneering the psytrance genre,Amit Duvdev Duvdevani and Erez Eisen ofInfected Mushroomare somehow just getting started.
Having formed in 1996 at the height of the electronic music boom, Infected Mushroom have since released over a dozen albums and earned a reputation as one of the best-selling groups in Israel and the dance music scene at large.Over the years, weve heard high-profile collaborations with Lady Gaga, Steve Aoki, Matisyahu, Paul Oakenfold, Jonathan Davis of Korn, Ray Manzarek of The Doors, and many more.
Now the two are scheduled to head back home to where it all started to celebrate 25 years as a group at Israels Yarkon Park, in an annual gathering with their hometown fans.
We love going back to Israel where we started producing our music. It started as our hobby, we were just having fun producing and experimenting with music,"Eisen told EDM.comin an interview ahead of their performance at The Depot in Salt Lake City."We wanted to keep that going and keep on having fun. Its why we started, its a really fun job to have but we take it seriously."
Infected Mushroom perform atThe Depot inSalt Lake City on September 25th, 2021.
Andrew Motter
And take it seriously they do. Throughout their chart-topping albums, the duo have continued to defy genres as they overlap their definitive psytrance sound with complex melodies and hypnotic arrangements of rock, metal, and classical accompaniments.
Because we grew up learning classical music, we make our melodies quite complex,"Duvdev said."We tend to think about the development of a song more in depth and thats really helped us with our composition over the years. It makes it easier to actually play the chords and know them instead of writing them on the computer."
Along with crossing over the boundaries of genres, Infected Mushroomalsocontinue to offer unrivaled production quality. The duo owns several Polyverse production and plug-in tools, produced with the demand and desire for musical experimentation throughout the decades. That glitchy, psychedelic, unique sound the tandem is known for escapes from an average of over 200 channels per song and a plethora of tools and tricks to make it all happen.
Infected Mushroom perform at The Depot in Salt Lake City on September 25th, 2021.
Andrew Motter
With our plug-ins, we tried to be unique and make something that wasnt there before. Whats missing in the market that people would buy and use?"Eisen said.
"What we like in a plug-in is one that is easy to use and that you can get a lot out of it. We have over 200 presets that we worked really hard to make. They are for people to use, but ultimately, they are for us. All of our tracks have at least one of our plug-ins that are being used," Duvdev continued to explain.
If youve ever attended an Infected Mushroom show youd understand the complexity of what goes into the development of their music. Even just listening to their albums, you can hear the duos evolution over the years as they gained more creative freedom with the rise of technology and production tools available.
But Infected Mushroom's sonic innovations dont stop at their exploratory production work or at their live shows. With the unwaveringinspiration to do whats never been done, the pairtook the energy from their live concert experiences and transported their otherworldly electronic sound into the metaverse. Recently partnering with Oculus for a special Racket NX Infected Mushroom Music Challenge, gamers and fans alike were launched to a digital realm for the ultimate game of psytrance racquetball.
In the VR world, the sound possibilities are insane," Duvdev gushed. "Imagine that you are already in a VR world where whats around you is secondary and the virtual elements are all around you, underneath you, and above you. Incorporating sound into that is unbelievable. Its a new way to incorporate and consume music for a whole new experience."
As if that werent enough, Infected Mushroom didnt wait long to enter the increasingly popular NFT space with their most recent EP, Shroomeez. Collaborating with illustrator and artist FARGO, the four-track record included three collections: the first featuring 100 completely unique, original AI-powered shroomeez, the second featuring four futuristic worlds inspired by the four tracks on the album, and the third offering the exclusive rights to own one Infected Mushroom song. Due to its size and scale, the project is one of the largest drops of its kind in the history of Nifty Gateway, the digital art online auction platform for non-fungible token art.
NFTs are a new way for artists to show their art in a digital way and music just so happened to intersect with that. Erez and I have been following digital artists for years and this is how weve always chosen the art for our albums, looking for the craziest art concepts out there, Duvdev said. More NFT drops are coming, hopefully another one this year. Were going to continue diving into this. We produce a lot of music but dont always release it if its not the best time or we think its not suitable for a certain project. NFTs can allow us to release more music in this new unique way alongside exclusive artwork.
Infected Mushroom perform at The Depot in Salt Lake City on September 25th, 2021.
Andrew Motter
Whether its exclusively through an NFT drop or made publicly for fans, more music is indeed underway. With over a year off the road from touring, the tandem was able to write and produce a plethora of new music. And as the world rumbles with live shows once again, its only fitting for Infected Mushroom to push themselves into the creative headspace to write a brand new album.
Infected Mushroom and's Mikala Lugen.
Andrew Motter
There is music ready, we just need to finalize it. Our upcoming album is full of collaborations," Duvdev teased. "Were working with an Israeli band called Hope 6, reggae-rock band 311, Israeli singer Ninet Tayeb, psytrance producer BLiSS, and more. We love doing collaborations because it always brings something new to our music. We havent done an album that is as diverse since 2009s Legend of the Black Shawarma. This is as much of an Infected Mushroom album as it gets."
While not currently out on a full tour, Infected Mushroom are out playing special dreamstate DJ sets at selected cities around the world. The duo just returned to Salt Lake City, Utah and will soon head to the Monstercat Showcase at Amsterdams Melkweg Amersterdam on October 14th before returning to the U.S. for a string of headlining performances at Electric Daisy Carnival, Freaky Deaky Festival, and Dreamstate Festival.
For a full list of upcoming tour dates, head toInfected Mushroom'swebsite.
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Augmented and virtual reality reshapes how the field service and construction workforce utilize and service equipment –
Posted: at 4:46 pm
WINNIPEG, MB andVANCOUVER, Wash. and HOUSTON, Oct. 5, 2021 /PRNewswire/ --Librestream,the #1-rated provider of augmented reality (AR) and remote collaboration tools, RealWear, the world's leading provider of assisted reality devices for frontline industrial workers, and NOV, Inc., the world's leading independent equipment and technology provider to the energy industry, are changing the way field service, construction, and other industries inspect, repair, and utilize heavy equipment assets.
Organizations across the world are experiencing significant worker shortages, which contributes to knowledge loss, decreased productivity and lost revenue due to equipment downtime. Heavy equipment operation requires specialized knowledge and skillsets that take significant time to learn and develop. For these types of organizations with specialized technicians, the worker shortage is a more acute and immediate challenge. Librestream's AR solutions incorporate a deep knowledge network that records critical data operators use to make real-time decisions and get new workers up to speed quickly, effectively, and safely.
"Today's heavy equipment is increasingly complex. It is essential that workers have access to the right knowledge and tools at the right time," said Charlie Neagoy, SVP of Customer Success at Librestream. "Our advanced technology solutions scale knowledge across workforces to make organizations more efficient, resilient, and adaptable by enabling organizations to inspect, diagnose, and repair any piece of equipment from anywhere in the world and through almost any device."
Librestream longtime partner, RealWear, produces the HMT-1, a ruggedized assisted reality device that navigates the Librestream software with simple voice commands to record and communicate with remote experts.
"Wearables paired with assisted reality platform solutions are achieving the future of frontline work," RealWear Chief Product Officer Rama Oruganti said. "Our hands-free devices are compatible with PPE and can be operated in extremely loud, cold, windy, wet, dusty or other harsh environments. When paired with Librestream's Onsight solution, today's modern industrial worker can feel empowered to safely and efficiently access the right information, when it's needed, to complete tasks."
NOV developed TrackerVision, a custom application that utilizes the hands-free devices from RealWear and Librestream's Onsight collaboration solutions to connect field personnel with remote experts around the world. NOV's global aftermarket organization currently support customers across multiple languages and geographies using interactive schematics and drawings to deliver immediate support.
"When global operations slowed down and travel restrictions were rising, we already had the infrastructure in place to support our customers' operations," said Katie Saski, NOV's Director of Sales. "We are able to offer 24/7 global service and support to our customers without increasing downtime due to travel or even quarantine time. Offering remote Factory Acceptance Tests (FAT's) has saved our customers anywhere from 4 to 8 days of travel, plus expenses. From real-time inspections of marine resources in port to troubleshooting a piece of equipment on an offshore exploration rig in the remote waters off Australia, TrackerVision has ensured that NOV's customers are able to maintain uptime and operations continue as intended. For NOV's global customers, the value of TrackerVision goes beyond the direct expenses of technician travel and time."
The field service, construction, and heavy equipment workforce shortages, resulting knowledge loss, and industrial and remote working conditions make immersive technology solutions a prime fit to transform the way these sectors work. NOV, Librestream, and RealWear will come together on October 6 at the 8th annual Enterprise Wearable Technology Summit (EWTS) to share in-depth insight into NOV's adoption and use of TrackerVision, powered by Librestream and RealWear, benefits achieved, and provide best practices to other companies when considering and implementing remote collaboration solutions. Learn more about the presentation and register here.
About Librestream
Librestream transforms workforces through advanced AR and AI solutions that scale knowledge across businesses to enhance safety, efficiency and resiliency. With the Onsight augmented reality knowledge platform, Librestream helps workers and distributed teams gain immediate access to the content, people, relevant data, and guidance needed to solve business challenges. Librestream's global Forbes 2000 customer base includes energy, manufacturing, service, aerospace, and defense enterprises with aggregate annual revenues totaling $3.2T. The company has been honored with recognition including ranking as the #1 AR remote assistance solution provider by independent research firm, Verdantix, and winner of the Field Service WBR Innovation Award. Visit Librestream at and connect with us on LinkedIn, Facebook & Twitter.
About RealWear
RealWear is the world's leading provider of assisted reality wearable solutions that engage, empower, and elevate the modern frontline industrial worker to perform work tasks more safely, and with increased efficiency and precision. RealWear gives these workers real-time access to information and expertise, while keeping their hands and field of view free for work. Workers use voice-controlled commands even in high noise environments to collaborate with remote experts or navigate through workflows.
RealWear offers the only assisted reality wearable solutions fully supported by the world's leading video conferencing applications. RealWear is compatible with worker PPE, purpose-built for industry and enterprise, and features the only "full shift" battery in its category. RealWear is field proven with world-class customers, including ExxonMobil, Goodyear, Mars, Colgate-Palmolive, and BMW, who use it to improve workplace safety while delivering unprecedented ROI.
RealWear is headquartered in Vancouver, Washington in the United States, with local offices in the United Kingdom, Singapore, Germany, Australia, the Netherlands, and Japan, along with a new customer experience center in Dubai. RealWear's number one position was further strengthened with triple (3X) year-over-year growth in 2020. The company has shipped wearable devices to more than 3,000 unique enterprise customers worldwide in a range of industries, including Energy, Manufacturing, Food & Beverage, Automotive, and Telecommunications. For more information, visit
About NOV
NOV delivers technology-driven solutions to empower the global energy industry. For more than 150 years, NOV has pioneered innovations that enable its customers to safely produce abundant energy while minimizing environmental impact. The energy industry depends on NOV's deep expertise and technology to continually improve oilfield operations and assist in efforts to advance the energy transition towards a more sustainable future. NOV powers the industry that powers the world. Visit for more information.
Librestream press kit here.
Karen Blondell
Lightspeed PR for Librestream
Sarah Ekenberg
Director, PR & Communications, Librestream
Aaron Cohen
Director of Marketing and Communications, RealWear
Ben Lasher
Senior Brand Manager, NOV
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