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Category Archives: Vaping

Denver City Council votes to ban most flavored tobacco, vaping products starting in 2023 – The Denver Post

Posted: December 9, 2021 at 1:34 am

The Denver City Council approved a ban on most flavored tobacco and vaping products Monday night.

Come July 2023, the only places adults will be able to legally buy any flavored smokables in the city will be at hookah lounges or shops selling pipe tobacco and handmade cigars.

The flavor ban ordinance passed by a vote of 8-3 Monday. Council members Kevin Flynn, who sought to amend the measure to exempt menthol products, and Chris Herndon, who opposed it in its entirety, were absent.

The vote brings to a close a months-long debate between council members who argued that limiting access to flavored products was essential to fighting youth smoking and vaping and members who viewed the ban as government overreach more likely to hurt small business owners than make a dent in the youth nations vaping epidemic.

This really is about public health and we make those decisions based not on positions of power and who contributes to the tax base but its really about limiting harm, Councilwoman Jamie Torres said prior to voting yes. Kids arent property owners and kids arent business owners.

Council members Amanda Sawyer and Debbie Ortega co-sponsored the bill. It took three committee meetings and a public hearing in the council chamber on Nov. 29 to reach Mondays outcome. Along the way, the bill was watered down in some places but held strong in others.

Sawyer and Ortega accepted amendments that exempted hookah lounges that only serve customers 21 and up and another one that carved out an exemption for pipe tobacco and handmade cigars.

The tobacco used in hookahs, tall water pipes that have been used in Middle Eastern cultures going back centuries, is always flavored so a ban would have effectively shut down roughly 20 businesses in the city if they had not been exempted.

Councilman Paul Kashmann brought the pipe and cigar amendment, noting that many of those products also have flavoring agents in them. Kashmanns rationale for the amendment is that the ordinance is focused on preventing youth smoking.

I dont know kids walking around with nasty old stogies, he said at last months council hearing.

The new ban left several groups feeling burned. Opponents included owners of smoking and vaping-focused small businesses and some members of Denvers Black community that viewed banning mentholated smoking products as a paternalistic attack on their personal choices.

Phil Guerin, the owner of the Myxed Up Creations smoke shop on East Colfax Avenue, attended multiple hearings to argue against the ban. He claims to have helped thousands of adults stop smoking by giving them an alternative through vaping products. The ban will undermine more peoples efforts to quit.

Youre acting like we dont even exist, Guerin said at Monday nights meeting. You guys could have come to me and we could have addressed this as a community.I have solutions.

A proposed amendment from Councilwoman Kendra Black that would have exempted 21-and-up smoke shops that check IDs was voted down during the bills initial council hearing. Flynns amendment that would have exempted menthol-flavored products also lost on a split vote last month.

Community activist Alvertis Simmons was among those who argued for that, decrying the council for exempting hookah lounges in part because of their cultural significance while targeting menthol largely because of its prevalence among Black smokers.

At some point City Council you are going to have to come to the realization that Black folks got our own mind, Simmons said. You talk about equity, youve got to be equitable.

One amendment that did make it in at last months council hearing was a year delay in implementation. Rather than going into effect on July 1, 2022, the ban will start on July 1, 2023, giving small business owners more time to adapt. That amendment was also put forth by Kashmann who ultimately voted no on the ban.

On Monday, Councilman Jolon Clark said he hoped the additional time might allow the city to explore enacting stricter penalties for smoke shops that sell to underage consumers and other regulator avenues for addressing youth use. Ideally, he said, hed like the city to get to a place where it could revisit the exemption for 21-and-up smoke shops. He voted yes on the ban.

Some council members remain skeptical of the bans value. Denver becomes the seventh Colorado municipality to limit the sale of flavored tobacco and vape products but it has neighbors on all sides that dont limit those sales leaving the door open for people to obtain them elsewhere and still possible pass them on to kids.

There is nothing in this legislation that would stop someone from going to Aurora or Commerce City and buying menthol cigarettes and selling them in a park in Denver, Council President Stacie Gilmore said during the Nov. 29 public hearing. Gilmore voted no Monday. I frankly am very concerned about the unintended consequences that we havent fully explored and delved into as a council.

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Utah Bi-Yearly Survey Indicates a Decrease In Teen Vaping Utah Bi-Yearly Survey Indicates a Decrease In Teen Vaping – Vaping Post

Posted: at 1:34 am

The potential benefits of vaping are being overshadowed by the panic surrounding the risks of teen vaping.

Meanwhile, an article published in the American Journal of Public Health last month, highlighted that the potential of smoking cessation via e-cigarettes, is being largely overshadowed by media coverage on this alleged vaping epidemic.

Kenneth Warner, dean emeritus and the Avedis Donabedian Distinguished University Professor Emeritus at the University of Michigans School of Public Health, and 14 other past presidents of the Society for Research on Nicotine and Tobacco, co-authored an article that highlights how the benefits of vaping are being overshadowed by all the panic surrounding the potential risks of teen vaping.

Because evidence indicates that e-cigarette use can increase the odds of quitting smoking, many scientists, including this essays authors, encourage the health community, media, and policymakers to more carefully weigh vapings potential to reduce adult smoking-attributable mortality, reads the article.

The authors reviewed the health risks of e-cigarettes, their potential for smoking cessation and addressed the concerns about youth vaping. Taking all this into consideration they then highlighted the need to balance valid concerns about teen vaping and potential benefits for adult smoking cessation.

Canada: N.B. Health Minister Says Teen Vaping Regulations Are Imminent

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Utah Bi-Yearly Survey Indicates a Decrease In Teen Vaping Utah Bi-Yearly Survey Indicates a Decrease In Teen Vaping - Vaping Post

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Hone Harawira calls for ‘death tax’ on Big Tobacco, vaping wiped out as well as cigarettes – Newshub

Posted: at 1:34 am

Harawira, appearing on The AM Show prior to Dr Verrall's announcement, said reducing the number of outlets would help cut crime.

"You've got small dairies and garages for example, that get robbed. Those are the ones you want to say, 'Look we're gonna shut [you] down - you've got until then to restock with other product, then we're gonna shut you down.'

"People don't rob the big guys like Countdown and Pak'nSave and places like that. So you do the little ones first, then the bigger ones later.

"At the same time, you have to bring in tobacco and vaping product sales venues. It's an addiction, eh?

"It's not something you can just take away. It's an addiction and people need to be helped to get through."

Mori and Pasifika still smoke at much greater rates than other ethnicities. The overall adult smoking rate is 11.6 percent, down from 18 percent 15 years ago; for Mori, it's 28.7 percent and Pasifika 18.3 percent.

"A bit like COVID, a bit like health issues, a bit like everything else Mori and Pasifika, we always end up getting the wrong end of the stick and end up carrying the can," said Harawira, calling for the new campaign to focus on those communities. Dr Verrall's announcement noted funding in Budget 2021 for targeted help for Pasifika communities, and the formation of a new Mori Advisory Taskforce headed by Dame Tariana Turia to help keep the Government on track.

While regular excise taxes have helped fund anti-smoking initiatives, Harawira said the industry itself should foot the bill, not consumers, via a "death tax".

"I'd sue every big tobacco company, make them pay $1 million for everyone who dies from tobacco and vaping-related illnesses - 50 percent to the whnau, 50 percent to the campaign to stop this. We'd be fully funded for this campaign just off that in the first year the second thing is I'd sue every one of those bastards as well."

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Hone Harawira calls for 'death tax' on Big Tobacco, vaping wiped out as well as cigarettes - Newshub

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The TPD review: Scientific Committee delivers its report on vaping – Vaping Post

Posted: at 1:34 am

A meta-analysis of vaping studies

Its no secret that the Tobacco Products Directive (TPD) is due for review. Its the European legislative framework surrounding the sale, manufacture, advertising and more generally, anything to do with tobacco (and vaping) products, A few days ago, the Scientific Committee on Health, Environmental and Emerging Risks (SCHEER) submitted its report on the subject, which was commissioned by the European Commission (EC). The report may be used to determine future legislation on e-cigarettes in the European Union (EU).

The authors say they have studied all of the scientific literature on vaping products published from January 2015 to April 2019, as well as reports from other organizations on the subject.

The report opens by noting that most studies on the subject use American data. Although the authors state that the US market may vary considerably from the European market, they note that applying the situation in the US to Europe cannot be ruled out.

The paper states that there is strong evidence that the flavours used attract adults and young people to vaping. It adds that they are responsible for a perceived reduction in risk among minors regarding the use of e-cigarettes.

Flavours are also apparently the main reason young people want to try vaping, but are also one of the reasons why adults use a vaping device.

When it comes to giving up smoking, SCHEER notes that the number of smokers in Europe who have tried to quit smoking without the support of a health professional has risen in recent years, from 70.3% in 2012 to 74.8% in 2017.

This decrease has been observed in parallel to the increased number of people who have tried vaping as a smoking cessation method, which rose from 3.7% to 9.7% over the same period.

The number of smokers who tried to quit using medication and cessation services decreased from 14.6% to 11.1% and from 7.5% to 5% respectively.

The Committee notes, however, that attempts to quit smoking by using e-cigarettes vary enormously from country to country. For example, only 5% of smokers have tried it in Spain, compared to 51.6% in the United Kingdom.

It also notes that there is some evidence that vaping helps people to quit smoking, but that this is limited due to the very small number of studies on the subject.

According to the report, the effects of vaping on health are unclear, particularly because of the lack of evidence on the long-term use of e-cigarettes. However, the authors note that the World Health Organisation (WHO) has stated that although vaping may be less harmful than smoking, e-cigarettes are still hazardous to health.

Regarding nicotine poisoning from inhaling e-liquid, particularly in young children, and the risks of e-cigarettes exploding, the Committee considers such risks severe. However, they are also very rare.

It also notes that there is growing evidence of damage to cardiovascular health from the use of vaping products. However, the authors state that more studies are needed on this subject.

The Committees conclusions on health risks:

The authors also note that the high carbonyl levels detected by some studies are likely to be directly related to poor vaping practices, such as dry hits.

When it comes to the risks of second hand smoke, the authors note that the risks are currently considered low, mainly because of the lack of data on this subject.

They indicate that the risk of irritation is considered moderate, while cardiovascular risks and carcinogenic risks range from low to moderate.

According to the report, the number of teenage vapers in Europe has increased in recent years, from 7.2% in 2012 to 14.6% in 2017.

However, it has also been proven that e-cigarette use is more prevalent among teens and young adults who already smoke, or used to.

The SCHEER notes that for many young people, vaping is considered cool, especially when using a pod.

However, the authors note that these data come from the US, and that products on the US market may differ from those sold in Europe

This report is quite incomprehensible.

When you read it, the authors seem to be quite pragmatic and relatively cautious about their conclusions.

However, in the abstract at the start of the document they only seem to point out the negative data collected during their research.

The reports conclusions on the effects of vaping on health:

On passive vaping:

On the gateway theory:

On whether vaping helps people to stop smoking:

In short, vaping does not help people quit smoking, the flavours attract young people to vaping, and using an e-cigarette is dangerous to your health.

None of this bodes well for the next revision of the TPD.

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Men who vape are twice as likely to have erectile dysfunction: study – New York Post

Posted: December 7, 2021 at 5:27 am

Stick this in your e-cig and smoke it.

New research published in the American Journal of Preventive Medicine has suggested a correlation between vaping nicotine and impotence, as findings indicate male e-cigarette users are more than twice as likely to suffer from erectile dysfunction [ED] compared to non-vapers.

The study, conducted by doctors at New York Universitys Grossman School of Medicine and Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, included data from the Population Assessment of Tobacco and Health (PATH) Study, restricting the scope to men in the US aged 20 to 65 who responded to questions regarding ED for the survey.

Of the 13,711 participants included, about 1,920 (14%) said they currently use tobacco products other than cigarettes. About half of all participants said they were former smokers, while some 2,880 (21%) considered themselves current smokers.

As opposed to the men who had never used an e-cigarette, vapers were 2.2-times more likely to report having experienced ED.

Our analyses accounted for the cigarette smoking history of participants, including those who were never cigarette smokers to begin with, so it is possible that daily e-cigarette vaping may be associated with higher odds of erectile dysfunction regardless of ones smoking history, said lead author of the study, Dr. Omar El Shahawy, in a statement for NYU Langone.

Researchers went a step further by factoring out those with a prior history of cardiovascular disease, which is known to prompt ED due to poor blood circulation, reducing their participant pool to 11,207 wherein 1,143 (10.2%) reported experiencing bouts of impotence, 5.5% of whom reported occasional vaping while 2.5% reported a daily habit. In total, e-cigarette users in this sample suffered ED at a rate of 2.4-times that of non-users.

Added El Shahawy, Given that many people use e-cigarettes as a form of smoking harm reduction or to help them quit smoking, we need to fully investigate the relationship between vaping products and erectile dysfunction, and thus better understand the potential implications for mens sexual health.

He continued, Our findings underscore the need to study patterns of e-cigarette use that are relatively safer than smoking.

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Men who vape are twice as likely to have erectile dysfunction: study - New York Post

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Does vaping really damage DNA and increase the risk of cancer? – The Conversation UK

Posted: at 5:27 am

Vapers experience DNA changes, according to a recent paper published in Nature, and the changes are similar to those seen in smokers although much less pronounced.

Crucially, this evidence was based on a few people by examining changes in their DNA at the time of the analysis, similar to creating a snapshot image, without considering any potential future change in vaping or smoking behaviour. The study does not provide real-world evidence of vaping-associated ill health in humans.

Positively, the study attempts to separate the effects of vaping itself from the effects of damage caused by tobacco smoking. This is difficult because most vapers use e-cigarettes to help them stop smoking and so are likely to be ex-smokers.

An important outcome of this analysis, somewhat buried in the paper, is that the damaged genes in smokers was about 7.4 times higher than in vapers. So what this study finds is what we know already: vaping is not completely risk free but is much less risky than smoking tobacco.

Transcriptomics (the study of gene readouts in a cell), which this study used, is a promising field that explores the molecular mechanisms and potential processes leading to the future development of cancer. However, it cannot currently be used to accurately predict future cancer risk.

The study recruited a relatively small number of people who were not representative of the population. And it did not consider other lifestyle habits that may affect the measurements, such as alcohol use.

Studies are already emerging showing that switching from smoking to e-cigarettes can have health benefits, such as improvement in respiratory symptoms and lung function in asthma patients, or improvements in measurements that predict the future development of disease, such as blood vessel function for cardiovascular disease.

Other studies show that exposure to toxins is far lower in vapers who used to smoke compared with current smokers. It is important to look at all the evidence, which supports the harm reduction role of e-cigarettes as a smoking substitute.

Sadly, studies that do not examine direct clinical effects are easily interpreted and reported as evidence of health damage. A Daily Mail headline states: Vaping damages DNA and raises the risk of cancer the same way as cigarettes. Although the second part of the headline offers balance: but its not as bad as traditional smoking, the damage to public perceptions may already be done.

No one is claiming that e-cigarettes are completely risk free. Inhaling anything into the lung may result in changes to DNA that could increase risks for future disease. Inhaling fumes from diesel cars, for example, has been shown to cause DNA changes. For the public good, the focus should be on reducing harm, since preventing all harm is impossible.

Many people are physically dependent on nicotine. People may come to first use nicotine through smoking tobacco, or, less commonly, may start using nicotine by vaping. Once dependent, it is very hard to quit. If you try to stop, you will suffer from unpleasant withdrawal symptoms and experience cravings.

Some people, particularly with support, can overcome nicotine dependence. Others find it more difficult or dont want to stop using nicotine. For these people, public health doctors must encourage smokers to use nicotine in ways that reduce harm, through vaping or by using nicotine replacement products.

The costs to peoples health of using nicotine by continuing to smoke are huge. The World Health Organization estimates that tobacco kills more than 8 million people a year.

It is irresponsible to report sensationalist headlines to the public based on complex studies that in reality do not show any real-world harm. Particularly compared to the immense harms to health of tobacco smoking.

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Does vaping really damage DNA and increase the risk of cancer? - The Conversation UK

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Sports nutrition and wellness sales almost triple for vaping specialist Supreme – Business Live

Posted: at 5:27 am

Vaping specialist's sports nutrition and wellness revenue almost tripled during the first half of its financial year, according to new figures.

Supreme plc has confirmed the division's revenue jumped by 192% during the six months to the end of September 2021.

The Manchester-based vaping, lighting and batteries group also reported an overall revenue of 61m, up from the 56.3m it achieved during the same period in 2020.

READ MORE: Sizable Boohoo stake snapped up by Norway's central bank

The company's pre-tax profits also rose from 6.7m to 8.4m, according to figures filed with the London Stock Exchange.

The AIM-listed group added that its vaping revenue grew by 13%.

Chief executive Sandy Chadha said: "The combination of Supreme's extensive retail relationships combined with our high volume, great value product proposition continued to underpin our strong profit performance in the first six months of trading in the current financial year.

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"Our market-leading Vaping category, alongside our high growth Sports Nutrition & Wellness division, continue to outperform their respective markets - further demonstrating our ability to attract and maintain consumer demand.

"When combined with the operational developments we have implemented, including the acquisitions of Vendek and Sci-MX alongside the launches of Millions & Millions and Sealions, this has been an important period for our business, as we continue to leverage our unique capabilities and integrated approach to accelerate performance.

"The second half of the current financial year has started well and our established business model, alongside our diverse product portfolio, provides the board with confidence in the group delivering a good performance in the second half and beyond."

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New Zealand’s Medicinal Cannabis Summit Moved to February 2022 New Zealand’s Medicinal Cannabis Summit Moved to February 2022 – Vaping Post

Posted: at 5:27 am

New Zealands first medicinal cannabis conference was held in November 2020 and less than a year later, registrations were open for MedCan 2021. Academics, researchers, government officials, doctors, business people, investors, entrepreneurs and innovators, growers, and patients cannot afford to miss Octobers MedCan Summit 2021. It marks the sunrise industrys true starting line, as local producers are taking positive steps towards being in market, read a release announcing the 2021 Summit, earlier this year.

Executive Director of BioTechNZ and MedCan Summit 2021 organiser, Dr Zahra Champion, had explained that with over $100 million invested in the local medicinal cannabis industry 2021 is our year to shine. MedCan 2021 will help local companies accelerate their path to market through valuable insights to exporting, innovation and education. Well present the latest medical and scientific findings and breakthrough technologies, and well explore the current challenges and opportunities around the likes of investment, agritech, pharma manufacturing, and clinical trials, she said.

Unfortunately, due to the ongoing Covid-19-related restrictions, the event has had to be postponed, and has now been set for the 10th and 11th of February next year at Aucklands Cordis hotel.

The event aims to connect medicine, industry, science and technology, and will feature leading international and national thought leaders. The areas covered in the discussions will include seed to sale, clinical trials, prescribing, patient case studies, as well as the social, cultural and economic benefits of the products to New Zealand.

This has been a long journey. Its nearly three years since the enabling legislation was passed in Parliament and over 18 months since New Zealands Medicinal Cannabis Scheme took effect. The local industry is starting to roll-out high quality and affordable products for Kiwi patients, but theres still so much more to come, said Champion.

She highlighted that despite being moved, the summit has still gathered momentum with additional sponsors, exhibitors and speakers joining, and an updated two-day programme is now available on MedCans website The program outlines details pertaining to Industry and Science streams, as well as the Healthcare Professionals Forum.

The Cannabis Law Reforms Taking Place in Europe

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New Zealand's Medicinal Cannabis Summit Moved to February 2022 New Zealand's Medicinal Cannabis Summit Moved to February 2022 - Vaping Post

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Innokin’s Why Smoke? Vaping Campaign Hits the Streets of London – Business Wire

Posted: December 3, 2021 at 5:09 am

LONDON--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Innokin presents its "Why Smoke?" campaign in London, featuring branded buses, vans, and projection displays on buildings throughout the city.

Innokin is proud to create a vaping awareness campaign in the UK for the first time in two years. The "Why Smoke?" campaign is meant to make us think about our habits, even just for a moment. The campaign aims to inform smokers that there is an accessible, less harmful option to traditional cigarettes.

Advertising vaping products is a challenging task. There are many regulatory considerations, and this can make it very difficult to deliver a compelling message. Innokin is investing in vaping advocacy through a combination of traditional and innovation-led channels, intending to start an honest conversation about tobacco harm reduction.

Innokins "Why Smoke?" campaign began November 26th. Mobile billboards traveled throughout north and central London for four days, stopping in prominent areas to reach thousands of people each day. The mobile billboards introduce Innokins message to people all over the city.

On November 28th, large mobile projections displayed impactful messages on iconic London buildings over two days. The projection locations were selected based on high foot traffic in densely populated areas. The projections are a mix of vaping awareness messages and promotional displays for the MVP Pod, Innokins newest vaping device.

On November 29th, Innokins traditional media campaign began. The "Why Smoke?" message, along with promotional displays for the brand new MVP Pod, appear on five-hundred buses throughout the British capital for two weeks. Garnering the general public's attention is crucial to helping smokers transition to vaping.

Innokin has run promotional campaigns in the UK before. Previously, the vaping giant has partnered with the EFL to promote displays in football stadiums throughout the country and created two successful bus campaigns. Innokin is determined to help millions of smokers, not just in the UK but worldwide. Making cigarettes a thing of the past continues to be the firms priority. "Why Smoke?" is just the beginning of Innokins mission to create a smoke-free future.

For more information about this campaign, please visit Innokin Official Website for the details.

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Netherlands’ Protests Highlighting The Importance of Vape Flavours – Vaping Post

Posted: at 5:09 am

Earlier this year, a public consultation about the proposal to ban flavours was meant to close on the 19th of January, but had been extended to the 2nd of February. A statement published on the Netherlands Government website, had revealed that the consultation was extended due to popular demand.

An overwhelming majority of the responses, 98.54%, opposed the ban.

The WVA had already organized two light installations to protest the ban. The Covid-friendly light shows were projected onto landmark buildings in the Hague, starting at 18.00 and ending before curfew.

Subsequently, on the morning that members of the Health Committee met to discuss the ban last Summer, the WVA held another protest outside the House of Representatives. Vapers and vape shop owners handed out samples of disgusting tasting ice creams, in a bid to remind MPs and the public the importance of flavours and how they are vital in encouraging smokers to switch.

When this proposal was put to public consultation it received one of the biggest ever responses, with 98% of respondents opposing the ban. The message to the State Secretary was clear vaping flavours help smokers quit, and there is huge opposition to his ridiculous plan. Vapers are outraged that a caretaker Government would continue pushing for this proposed ban after such a loud and clear message, said Director of the World Vapers Alliance, Michael Landl.

A flavour ban for vaping would be a public health disaster for the Netherlands. It is incredible that a caretaker government would try to introduce such deeply controversial legislation, that would have such negative consequences for so many, before a new Government is formed, WVA Director Michael Landl concluded.

Reflecting Landls comments, a recent study looking into the flavour ban set in the US city of San Francisco, reported alarming findings. Titled, The Impact of a Comprehensive Tobacco Flavour Ban in San Francisco Among Young Adults, the current study was conducted with the aim of determining the impact of the ban on tobacco use behavior. A sample of 247 San Francisco residents were surveyed about their e-cigarette and tobacco use, before and after the flavour ban.

The study found that while the ban did lead to a decline in e-cigarettes and cigars sales, it sadly also caused a spike in smoking rates. Additionally, the researchers found that the measure was not enforced properly and 65% of participants reported being able to obtain flavoured products in multiple ways.

These findings suggest that comprehensive local flavor bans, by themselves, cannot sharply reduce the availability or use of flavored tobacco products among residents. Nevertheless, local bans can still significantly reduce overall e-cigarette use and cigar smoking but may increase cigarette smoking, concluded the study.

FDA Revokes Marketing Denial Orders for Humbles Flavoured E-liquids

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