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Category Archives: Space Station
Mission Highlights: SpaceX’s Dragon Makes History – Video
Posted: September 7, 2012 at 11:59 pm
17-07-2012 11:24 On May 25, 2012 SpaceX made history when the Dragon spacecraft became the first privately developed vehicle in history to successfully attach to the International Space Station. Previously only four governments -- the United States, Russia, Japan and the European Space Agency -- had achieved this feat. This video features highlights from the mission, including: May 22: Launch Day: SpaceX's Falcon 9 rocket launched the Dragon spacecraft into orbit from the Cape Canaveral Air Force Station. May 23: Dragon orbited Earth as it traveled toward the International Space Station. May 24: Dragon's sensors and flight systems were subjected to a series of tests to determine if the vehicle was ready to attach to the space station. May 25: NASA gave Dragon the GO to attempt berthing with the station. Dragon approached. It was successfully captured by the station's robotic arm. May 26: US astronaut Don Pettit opened Dragon's hatch and the astronauts entered. May 31: After six days at the International Space Station, Dragon departed for its return to Earth, carrying a load of cargo for NASA. SpaceX completed its historic mission when Dragon splashed down safely in the Pacific.
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Soyuz Launches to Space Station – Video
Posted: at 11:59 pm
14-07-2012 22:04 A Russian Soyuz TMA-05M spacecraft launched to the International Space Station on July 15 from the Baikonur Cosmodrome in Kazakhstan. Inside the spacecraft for the two-day journey are Expedition 32/33 Soyuz Commander Yuri Malenchenko, NASA Flight Engineer Suni Williams and Flight Engineer Aki Hoshide of the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency, the station's next crew. The trio will dock to the station July 17 to start a four month tour, joining station Commander Gennady Padalka, NASA Flight Engineer Joe Acaba and Russian Flight Engineer Sergei Revin, who have been on the outpost since mid-May.
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Raw Video: International Space Station at Night – Video
Posted: at 11:59 pm
23-07-2012 14:08 Time lapse video of thousands of photographs at the International Space Station offer a stunning view of the Earth and outer space. (July 23) Subscribe to the Associated Press: Download AP Mobile: Associated Press on Facebook: Associated Press on Twitter: Associated Press on Google+:
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Cargo Ship Undocks From Space Station – Video
Posted: at 11:59 pm
22-07-2012 16:57 The Progress 47 uncrewed cargo ship, emptied of supplies and filled with trash for disposal, undocked from the International Space Station. Russian flight controllers tested a new automated rendezvous system, known as Kurs-NA, to perform the maneuver more safely and efficiently.
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FreeOK2 – Seth Andrews "Scrabble on the Space Station" – Video
Posted: at 11:59 pm
24-07-2012 17:55 Seth was the keynote speaker at the 2012 Oklahoma Freethought Convention. His presentation takes an often humorous look at the claims of religion in the Age of Information. This speech has been abridged from the "live" version for time and features a few extra visuals for the YouTube audience. There's a brief drop-out of audio at the 45:30 mark, due to a loss of feed from the house sound system.
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FreeOK2 - Seth Andrews "Scrabble on the Space Station" - Video
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ISS Progress 47 Re-docks to Space Station – Video
Posted: at 11:58 pm
28-07-2012 20:30 The ISS Progress 47 cargo vehicle docks once again to the International Space Station's Pirs docking compartment Saturday, July 28, 2012, at 9:01 pm EDT after a successful test of its new automated rendezvous system.
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LIVE From The International Space Station 1080i Full HD – Video
Posted: at 11:58 pm
07-08-2012 15:55 Keep up with us - Subscribe here: FaceBook Page: Follow on Twitter Google+ - Visit us on the web: orkut -
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LIVE From The International Space Station 1080i Full HD - Video
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Station Crew Discusses Life in Space With Social Media Followers – Video
Posted: at 11:58 pm
22-08-2012 14:17 Aboard the International Space Station, Expedition 32 Flight Engineers Sunita Williams and Joe Acaba fielded questions about the progress of their mission and their research aboard the orbital laboratory during an in-flight discussion with social media devotees Aug. 22. Williams, who will conduct a spacewalk out of the Quest airlock on the station Aug. 30, will remain aboard the complex until mid-November. Acaba, who has been on board since mid-May, is preparing to return to Earth in four weeks.
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Station Crew Discusses Life in Space With Social Media Followers - Video
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Earth Illuminated: ISS Time-lapse Photography – Video
Posted: at 11:58 pm
08-08-2012 13:43 From high above the Earth, the International Space Station (ISS) provides a unique vantage point to view our home planet. Stunning time-lapse photography of cities, aurora, lightning and other sights are seen from orbit. Famed astronomer Galileo imagined these views from space and now through the technological marvel of the space station, we can see them for ourselves. For more time-lapse imagery, visit the NASA website: From here, NASA invites you to download videos or stills to enjoy or perhaps even create an ISS time-lapse video production of your own.
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Station Crew Member Discusses Life in Space with Japanese Media (English Translated Version) – Video
Posted: at 11:58 pm
23-08-2012 10:42 Expedition 32 Flight Engineer Aki Hoshide of the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency fielded questions about his mission aboard the International Space Station during an in-flight interview Aug. 23 with the Japanese television network "TV Asahi." Hoshide will remain in orbit until mid-November.
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Station Crew Member Discusses Life in Space with Japanese Media (English Translated Version) - Video
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