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Category Archives: Space Station
DS3 Mafia RPG Day 1 – Video
Posted: November 11, 2012 at 4:44 am
DS3 Mafia RPG Day 1
The first day aboard the EarthGov Titan Space Station...From:ivons1Views:0 0ratingsTime:12:51More inGaming
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DS3 Mafia RPG Day 1 - Video
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Space Station Silicon Valley Battery Farm 17000 score plus gold statue Part 1 – Video
Posted: at 4:44 am
Space Station Silicon Valley Battery Farm 17000 score plus gold statue Part 1
Moving onto battery farm, I get a high score of 17000 points and of course I collect the gold statue.From:KunioNESViews:0 0ratingsTime:09:31More inGaming
Space Station Silicon Valley Battery Farm 17000 score plus gold statue Part 1 - Video
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Space Station Crew Drive Robot on Earth
Posted: at 4:44 am
NASA and the European Space Agency have tested out a prototype system that may one day help enable Internet-like communications between Earth and robots on another planet.
Astronaut Sunita Williams, commander of the International Space Station's current Expedition 33 mission, used NASA's experimental Disruption Tolerant Networking (DTN) protocol to drive a small LEGO robot at the European Space Operations Center in Germany late last month.
The European-led experiment simulated a scenario in which an astronaut orbiting another world controls a robotic rover on the planet's surface, NASA officials said.
ANALYSIS: Pew! Pew! Space Lasers to Give Missions Broadband
"The demonstration showed the feasibility of using a new communications infrastructure to send commands to a surface robot from an orbiting spacecraft and receive images and data back from the robot," Badri Younes, deputy associate administrator for space communications and navigation at NASA Headquarters in Washington, said in a statement.
"The experimental DTN we've tested from the space station may one day be used by humans on a spacecraft in orbit around Mars to operate robots on the surface, or from Earth using orbiting satellites as relay stations," Younes added.
OPINION: The Interstellar Communication Problem
NASA's DTN architecture is a new technology designed to enable standardized communications over long distances and through time delays, agency officials said. At its core is something called the Bundle Protocol (BP), which is similar to the Internet Protocol, or IP, that serves as the heart of the Internet here on Earth.
The big difference between the two is that IP assumes a seamless end-to-end data path, while BP is built to account for errors and disconnections -- glitches that commonly plague deep-space communications.
Data move through the BP network in a series of short hops, waiting at one node until the next link becomes available, NASA officials said.
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Space Station Crew Drive Robot on Earth
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Experimental Interplanetary Internet Test From International Space Station
Posted: at 4:44 am
November 9, 2012
Image Caption: NASA astronaut Sunita Williams, Expedition 33 commander, participates in a session of extravehicular activity outside the International Space Station on Nov. 1, 2012. Credit: NASA
Lee Rannals for Your Universe Online
NASA has demonstrated the future of the Internet in space, showing how one day space vehicles and habitats could be equipped with the Internet.
Space station Expedition 33 commander Sunita Williams used a NASA-developed laptop in October to remotely drive a small LEGO robot at the European Space Observatory Center in Darmstadt, Germany.
The experiment used NASAs Disruption Tolerant Network (DTN) to simulate a scenario in which an astronaut in a vehicle orbiting a planetary body controls a robotic rover on the planets surface.
The demonstration showed the feasibility of using a new communications infrastructure to send commands to a surface robot from an orbiting spacecraft and receive images and data back from the robot, said Badri Younes, deputy associate administrator for space communications and navigation at NASA Headquarters in Washington. The experimental DTN weve tested from the space station may one day be used by humans on a spacecraft in orbit around Mars to operate robots on the surface, or from Earth using orbiting satellites as relay stations.
NASAs DTN architecture is a new communications technology that enables standardized communications similar to the Internet to function over long distances and through time delays associated with on-orbit or deep space spacecraft.
The DTN suite features a Bundle Protocol (BP), which is almost equivalent to the Internet Protocol (IP) that serves as the core of the Internet on Earth.
While IP assumes a continuous end-to-end data path exists between the user and a remote space system, DTN accounts for disconnections and errors.
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Experimental Interplanetary Internet Test From International Space Station
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Weird lights in space – Video
Posted: at 4:44 am
Weird lights in space
Blinking UFO lights recorded from space station. I saw them while it was live and went back through space station recordings to find them.From:145ConnorViews:5 0ratingsTime:00:24More inScience Technology
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Space Station Astronaut Drives Robot on Earth via 'Interplanetary Internet'
Posted: at 4:44 am
NASA and the European Space Agency have tested out a prototype system that may one day help enable Internet-like communications between Earth and robots on another planet.
Astronaut Sunita Williams, commander of the International Space Station's current Expedition 33 mission, used NASA's experimental Disruption Tolerant Networking (DTN) protocol to drive a small LEGO robot at the European Space Operations Center in Germany late last month.
The European-led experiment simulated a scenario in which an astronaut orbiting another world controls a robotic rover on the planet's surface, NASA officials said.
"The demonstration showed the feasibility of using a new communications infrastructure to send commands to a surface robot from an orbiting spacecraft and receive images and data back from the robot," Badri Younes, deputy associate administrator for space communications and navigation at NASA Headquarters in Washington, said in a statement.
"The experimental DTN we've tested from the space station may one day be used by humans on a spacecraft in orbit around Mars to operate robots on the surface, or from Earth using orbiting satellites as relay stations," Younes added.
NASA's DTN architecture is a new technology designed to enable standardized communications over long distances and through time delays, agency officials said. At its core is something called the Bundle Protocol (BP), which is similar to the Internet Protocol, or IP, that serves as the heart of the Internet here on Earth.
The big difference between the two is that IP assumes a seamless end-to-end data path, while BP is built to account for errors and disconnections glitches that commonly plague deep-space communications.
Data move through the BP network in a series of short hops, waiting at one node until the next link becomes available, NASA officials said.
The space station's current Expedition 33 consists of six crewmembers: NASA astronauts Williams and Kevin Ford, Japanese spaceflyer Akihiko Hoshide and Russian cosmonauts Yuri Malenchenko, Evgeny Tarelkin and Oleg Novitskiy.
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Space Station Astronaut Drives Robot on Earth via 'Interplanetary Internet'
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Space station astronaut controls robot on Earth
Posted: at 4:44 am
NASA and the European Space Agency have tested out a prototype system that may one day help enable Internet-like communications between Earth and robots on another planet.
Astronaut Sunita Williams, commander of the International Space Station's current Expedition 33 mission, used NASA's experimental Disruption Tolerant Networking (DTN) protocol to drive a small LEGO robot at the European Space Operations Center in Germany late last month.
The European-led experiment simulated a scenario in which an astronaut orbiting another world controls a robotic rover on the planet's surface, NASA officials said.
"The demonstration showed the feasibility of using a new communications infrastructure to send commands to a surface robot from an orbiting spacecraft and receive images and data back from the robot," Badri Younes, deputy associate administrator for space communications and navigation at NASA Headquarters in Washington, said in a statement.
"The experimental DTN we've tested from the space station may one day be used by humans on a spacecraft in orbit around Mars to operate robots on the surface, or from Earth using orbiting satellites as relay stations," Younes added.
NASA's DTN architecture is a new technology designed to enable standardized communications over long distances and through time delays, agency officials said. At its core is something called the Bundle Protocol (BP), which is similar to the Internet Protocol, or IP, that serves as the heart of the Internet here on Earth.
The big difference between the two is that IP assumes a seamless end-to-end data path, while BP is built to account for errors and disconnections -- glitches that commonly plague deep-space communications.
Data move through the BP network in a series of short hops, waiting at one node until the next link becomes available, NASA officials said.
The space station's current Expedition 33 consists of six crewmembers: NASA astronauts Williams and Kevin Ford, Japanese spaceflyer Akihiko Hoshide and Russian cosmonauts Yuri Malenchenko, Evgeny Tarelkin and Oleg Novitskiy.
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Space station astronaut controls robot on Earth
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Donald Pettit Speaks at Luminance 2012 – Video
Posted: November 9, 2012 at 11:44 am
Donald Pettit Speaks at Luminance 2012
NASA astronaut Donald Pettit has called the International Space Station home for a total of 370 days. While there, he #39;s captured some of the most mind-blowing photos of space -- and Earth -- we #39;ve ever seen. Donald gives us an inside look into what it #39;s like to take photos of space, why bringing 10 DSLRs with him is actually necessary, and the reason why hard drives tend to fail in zero gravity. For more videos from Luminance 2012, visit 0ratingsTime:29:08More inPeople Blogs
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Donald Pettit Speaks at Luminance 2012 - Video
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Night view from the "Cupola" module of the International Space Station – Video
Posted: at 11:44 am
Night view from the "Cupola" module of the International Space Station
From:vicinlViews:0 0ratingsTime:02:30More inScience Technology
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Night view from the "Cupola" module of the International Space Station - Video
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Halo 4 Forges – Abandoned space station – Infection – Video
Posted: at 11:44 am
Halo 4 Forges - Abandoned space station - Infection
Hi this is H4F and we are proud to bring you guys our first inf map this comes with the infection game type and its all set up. comment in the video if you want it and message me on xbox. Comment, Subscribe, and hit that like button please :DFrom:Halo4ForgingmapsViews:10 1ratingsTime:03:45More inGaming
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Halo 4 Forges - Abandoned space station - Infection - Video
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