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Category Archives: Space Station
Posted: November 11, 2012 at 4:44 am
A small ship travels to a rotating space station. Aboard the station, a group of starfish-like beings discuss how to warn humans of an impending disaster, deciding on contacting Japanese scientist Dr. Kumara. Meanwhile, flying saucers are spotted over the skies of Tokyo, baffling scientists. A journalist tries to get a statement from Dr. Kumara about the sightings, but Kumara replies that there is not enough evidence to formulate a hypothesis. At an observatory, Professor Isobe spots an object in his telescope apparently releasing smaller objects. This film is PUBLIC DOMAIN which, by its very definition, means that no one owns the rights to it - it is copyright free. Feel free to subscribe if you like this channel :-)From:avidesigner6Views:0 0ratingsTime:01:27:55More inEntertainment
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my space station in welcome to roblox building – Video
Posted: at 4:44 am
my space station in welcome to roblox building
I need more than 100 views to show how to make my space and give more LIKES!!!From:Dovydas SeronasViews:3 1ratingsTime:05:30More inPeople Blogs
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my space station in welcome to roblox building - Video
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Kerbal Space Program #2: Let’s go to the Mun (Part 1) – Video
Posted: at 4:44 am
Kerbal Space Program #2: Let #39;s go to the Mun (Part 1)
After many failures, the Kerbals achieve their dream of landing on the Mun! Music: Electric Skyy - Deep TeknoAXE - The Fallout TeknoAXE - Distress Call From A Far Off Space StationFrom:kingcraiganViews:1 0ratingsTime:12:00More inGaming
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Kerbal Space Program #2: Let's go to the Mun (Part 1) - Video
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Russia’s Gay Whatcha Say Parody with lyrics – Video
Posted: at 4:44 am
Russia #39;s Gay Whatcha Say Parody with lyrics
EN:Just parody 🙂 with lyrics. SUBSCRIBE 🙂 PL:Poprostu parodia z tekstem. LYRICS: [Chorus] Ru- ru- ru- ru- Russia is gay Russia #39;s gay In it everyone has aids they all got it from butt sex Their president finger bangs them little kids [Verse 1] I, wait so long in the snow For one little piece of bread (of bread) I have been drunk since I was born I keep Mongolians in a cage I #39;m poor I sold my child for a sip of vodka My wife is named Svetlana Borshtynskovskiska At my space station, we tried to send a cardboardbox up into the sky [Hook] When the wall came down them Russians rushed out, It was a day when freedom won If mister Putin wants to invade Georgia We #39;ll be waitin #39; here with guns (I live in atlanta) [Chorus] Russia #39;s gay They suck a lot of long dicks on the internet Russia #39;s gay They like to touch on young boys a little bit Russia #39;s gay In it everyone has aids they all got it from buttsecks Ru- ru- ru- ru- Russia is gay [Verse 2] I, eat sour dough, it no good I have never seen a real black man (black man) I, have ten kids, I can #39;t feed I hope we fight a nuclear war (da) I hope I eat a piece of fish for dinner We have a wall to keep my people in here The KGB, arresting me, cause they catch me Touching myself [ Lyrics from: ] [Hook] Tell the troops right now Time to bomb Moscow Fun time games are done We should kill them Ruskis take their land Cause it #39;s far from Mexico This one #39;s for 9/11 [Chorus] Russia #39;s gay It looks like candyland ...From:raz0r28Views:7 0ratingsTime:03:53More inNonprofits Activism
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The Suite Life on Deck – 1×17 (The Wrong Stuff) – Video
Posted: at 4:44 am
The Suite Life on Deck - 1x17 (The Wrong Stuff)
London holds a competition between Cody and Woody to decide which one of them will accompany her on her trip to the Tipton Space Station. Desperate to win, Cody and Woody each try to sabotage the other during the competition. Meanwhile, Zack is in charge of the senior citizen #39;s activities and meets a passenger who is unwilling to participate in any of the activities. Zack makes multiple attempts to find something he wants to do and finally discovers that he enjoys playing pranks on other people. Together, they try to pull off a series of pranks on the other passengers. ---- I own nothing. This video and all its content belongs exclusively to Disney Inc. I will be pleased to answer any question about this issue by private message.From:sprousewebViews:0 1ratingsTime:22:33More inEntertainment
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The Suite Life on Deck - 1x17 (The Wrong Stuff) - Video
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ISS International Space Station QSO on 2 meters 145.800 8/11/12 – Video
Posted: at 4:44 am
ISS International Space Station QSO on 2 meters 145.800 8/11/12
ISS filmed with iPad on 8/11/12 Icom IC-7000 Watson W300From:arferstubeViews:0 0ratingsTime:02:39More inScience Technology
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ISS International Space Station QSO on 2 meters 145.800 8/11/12 - Video
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Halo 4 Walkthrough Ch.7-1 Gameplay – Composer – (Saving Dr.Tillson / Artifact) Alpha Walkthrough HD – Video
Posted: at 4:44 am
Halo 4 Walkthrough Ch.7-1 Gameplay - Composer - (Saving Dr.Tillson / Artifact) Alpha Walkthrough HD
Making it through a Space Rift and onto a different part of space, A UNSC space station is viewed into the distance... why did the didact bring us here? A secret worth keeping upon the ship? Finally the game you all (most of you) have been waiting for, Halo 4! If most of you held back the urge to pirate this game then i envy you guys. We finally get to see what the hell was going on during the 4 years master chief has been in cryo sleep. Due to a disturbing wake up call we realize that not only the covenant broke the truce, but a new evil is among us...and i have to say this really may be the new nemesis to the chief. Not only that but Cortana is bugging out on us as well! I #39;m not sure how we are gonna even try to fix everything, but stayed tuned and we #39;l go through the entire campaign to see the real truth and perhaps..and final conclusion? You can view the entire Playthrough / Walkthrough of Halo 4 here! For any updates check out my twitter: Or my facebook: Halo 4 is a first-person shooter video game developed by 343 Industries for the Xbox 360 console. It is the first installment in a new trilogy of Halo series games, named the "Reclaimer Trilogy".The game was released worldwide on November 6, 2012, with the exception of Japan where the game will be released on November 8, 2012. The game begins 4 years after the ending of Halo 3, and marks the return of the Master Chief as the main protagonist, and the AI CortanaFrom:MrGrimmmzViews:0 0ratingsTime:09:47More inGaming
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Halo 4 Walkthrough Ch.7-1 Gameplay - Composer - (Saving Dr.Tillson / Artifact) Alpha Walkthrough HD - Video
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SS13 Bomb Making Guide – Video
Posted: at 4:44 am
SS13 Bomb Making Guide
This is a tutorial on how to make bombs on a game called Space Station 13. Remember. Dont try this in real life.From:macproductions172Views:19 3ratingsTime:09:15More inGaming
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SS13 Bomb Making Guide - Video
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Kerbal Space Program – 0.18 Update News and Orbital Rendezvous – Video
Posted: at 4:44 am
Kerbal Space Program - 0.18 Update News and Orbital Rendezvous
In this video, I talk all about the announced additions coming in the next update of KSP, 0.18. There are a ton of them. In the background, I perform my first ever orbital rendezvous, meeting up with a space station that had been in orbit for 2 years to perform a crew change. I apologize for the wait since the last video, I was trying a few things to make a fun video but none of them ended up working out. Tried to land a spaceplane on Duna, but didn #39;t have enough lift. Crashed. Tried an orbital rendezvous before this one. Failed. I actually tried to talk about the update while doing this rendezvous, but it was kind of rambling and unfocused because I was concentrating on moving the crew around, so I just did a voice over. As promised, here are some official video showing off a few of the additions: NovaSilisko - Probe Deployment : C7 - Crewed De-Orbit of the Kerbal Planetary observatory : I #39;ll add more as they become available.From:TheTwoRocketGuysViews:11 1ratingsTime:06:58More inGaming
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DS3 Mafia RPG Day 1 – Video
Posted: at 4:44 am
DS3 Mafia RPG Day 1
The first day aboard the EarthGov Titan Space Station...From:ivons1Views:0 0ratingsTime:12:51More inGaming
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