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Category Archives: Space Station
ISS Update – Nov. 14, 2012 – Video
Posted: November 14, 2012 at 10:44 pm
ISS Update - Nov. 14, 2012
The International Space Station video update for Nov. 14, 2012.From:ReelNASAViews:25 5ratingsTime:03:08More inScience Technology
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ISS Update - Nov. 14, 2012 - Video
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Jupiter – ISS passing – Video
Posted: at 10:44 pm
Jupiter - ISS passing
International Space Station passing near Jupiter. 1080p, Full HD available.From:Jerry BoydViews:16 0ratingsTime:00:09More inScience Technology
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Russia loses space station contact
Posted: at 10:44 pm
Russia has reportedly lost the ability to send commands to most of its satellites and its segment of the International Space Station (ISS) following a power cable failure near Moscow.
State news agency RIA Novosti said on Wednesday the power cut may also delay the planned November 19 return to earth of three ISS members who are completing their six-month mission on board the floating international space lab.
'We have not had a connection with the ground telemetry stationed in Russia for the past two hours,' RIA Novosti quoted an unidentified source in the Russian space industry as saying.
'Our specialists lack the ability to control the civilian satellites or send commands to the Russian segment of the ISS,' said the source.
'They can see the crew and can talk to them, but they cannot send any commands to the Russian segments.'
The director of a Moscow region institute in charge of satellite and ISS communication told the Interfax news agency that the power cut appeared to have been caused by basic road repair work.
The unnamed industry source added that military satellites were not affected by the power cut and that the line would take at least 48 hours to fix.
'What happened is in no way related to the work being done by our specialists with the air and space defence forces,' the source told RIA Novosti.
'Communications with the military satellites continue as always,' the source said.
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Russia loses space station contact
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Sarah Brightman Press Highlight Reel – Video
Posted: at 10:44 pm
Sarah Brightman Press Highlight Reel | Highlights from the press coverage of Sarah Brightman #39;s announcement from Moscow that she will be traveling to the International Space Station.From:ChannelMusicalViews:10 1ratingsTime:02:42More inMusic
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Russia loses contact with satellites, space station
Posted: at 10:44 pm
by agence france-presse Posted on 11/14/2012 11:38 PM |Updated 11/14/2012 11:39 PM
MOSCOW, Russia - Russia on Wednesday, November 14 lost the ability to send commands to most of its satellites and its segment of the International Space Station following a power cable failure near Moscow.
The Roscosmos space agency attributed the embarrassing malfunction to basic road repair work near the the sprawling Korolyov mission control centre outside Moscow.
Officials said the problem may take 48 hours to fix and could theoretically delay the November 19 return to Earth of three ISS members who are completing their four-month mission on board the floating international space lab.
"We have not had a connection with the ground telemetry stationed in Russia for the past two hours," RIA Novosti quoted an unidentified source in the Russian space industry as saying.
"Our specialists lack the ability to control the civilian satellites or send commands to the Russian segment of the ISS," said the source, while adding the problem could take two days to fix.
"They can see the crew and can talk to them, but they cannot send any commands to the Russian segments."
Russia has suffered a string of failed satellite launches and rocket losses in the past two years that prompted reshuffles at the very top of the country's once-proud space industry.
But the agency has struggled to reform due to chronic underfunding and alleged corruption as well as a long-term inability to replace retiring Soviet-era specialists with fresh talent.
The main subsidiary of Roscosmos is currently the subject of a 6.5 billion ruble ($200 million) embezzlement probe that has fanned speculation over possible new sackings at the very top of Russian space command.
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Europe Proposes Cheap Quantum Optics Link to the Space Station
Posted: at 10:44 pm
The ability to send entangled photons to the ISS would be a stepping stone to a global quantum internet and could test the link between quantum mechanics and relativity
One of the great mysteries of modern physics is the link between quantum mechanics and general relativity or gravity. But quantum phenomena generally occur on the very smallest scales while gravity generally crops on the largest scales. Never the twain shall meet.
At least, not without some clever thinking. One idea is to entangle a pair of photons, hang on to one and send the other across a distance so vast that gravity is significant, in other words, far enough for the gravitational curvature of space to come into play.
The issue in question is whether the entanglement--a purely quantum phenomenon--'feels' this curvature in the same way as purely classical things, like humans.
Therequired distance isn't that far--a few hundred kilometres should do the trick.
But there's a problem. The furthest scientists have sent entangled photons is just 144kilometres.and because of atmospheric losses and the curvature of the Earth's surface, the only way to go further is to fire photons straight upwards, into space.
Today,Thomas Scheidl at theAustrian Academy of Sciences in Vienna and a couple of pals suggests a simple and relatively cheap way of doing these kinds of experiments for the first time using the International Space Station (ISS), which orbits at an altitude of about 400 kilometres.
Their plan is to create entangled photons on the ground and beam them up to the ISS. That gets around one important problem with this kind of work, which is that much of the hardware needed for creating entangled photons--the lasers, nonlinear materials etc--are not yet qualified for use in space and getting such a qualification is an expensive business.
So leaving all this stuff on the ground is a sensible idea. All you need in space is a sensor capable of detecting photons and their polarisation. In other words, a camera.
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Europe Proposes Cheap Quantum Optics Link to the Space Station
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Cut cable in Russia won’t affect space station , country says
Posted: at 10:44 pm
A communications cable serving the Russian space agency's mission control was cut by construction workers but the accident has not affected the International Space Station or civilian satellites, the U.S. and Russian space agencies said Wednesday.
Russian news agencies cited unnamed sources as saying the cut meant controllers could not send commands to satellites or the Russian segments of the orbiting space lab. But Alexei Kuznetsov, a spokesman for the Roscosmos space agency, said communications were continuing by other means, which he did not specify.
Josh Byerly, a spokesman for the U.S. space agency NASA, said the Russian space program had another ground communications site in operation and was communicating with the space station via Johnson Space Center in Houston without problems.
A Soyuz space capsule is to ferry three astronauts from the station back to Earth on Monday. Kuznetsov said the accident did not affect that plan.
The Interfax news agency quoted an unnamed Defense Ministry official as saying military satellites were under control.
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Cut cable in Russia won't affect space station , country says
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SpaceX Dragon Departs Space Station – Video
Posted: November 12, 2012 at 11:44 pm
SpaceX Dragon Departs Space Station
SpaceX Dragon Departs Space Station -- The SpaceX Dragon spacecraft departs the International Space Station, wrapping up 18 days attached to the complex for the cargo craft on its first contracted resupply mission.From:okrajoeViews:0 0ratingsTime:06:10More inFilm Animation
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SpaceX Dragon Departs Space Station - Video
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Dragon Released From Space Station – Video
Posted: at 11:44 pm
Dragon Released From Space Station
Dragon Released From Station -- Dragon was uninstalled from the Earth-facing port of the Harmony node at 7:19 am EDT Sunday. Canadarm2 then ungrappled Dragon for release at 9:29 am Video courtesy NASA.From:okrajoeViews:0 0ratingsTime:03:52More inScience Technology
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why would space station leave streaks in the sky – Video
Posted: at 11:44 pm
why would space station leave streaks in the sky
you can research it but i heard that the space station was gonna leave these visable streaks in the sky a could days ago,so its out there if you wanna do more research on it but heres a link to a photo of it ,?pifflelab.comFrom:jon clemViews:14 3ratingsTime:04:55More inNonprofits Activism
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why would space station leave streaks in the sky - Video
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