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Category Archives: Space Station
Ulysses in the 31st Century Calypso 23 – Video
Posted: November 18, 2012 at 9:44 pm
Ulysses in the 31st Century Calypso 23
Ulysses in the 31st Century Ulysses 31 is an 80 #39;s Children #39;s TV cartoon that had kids glued to their TV #39;s. Since then it has become part of Children #39;s TV folklore. Just start a conversion with friends... #39;Do you remember the cartoon Ulysses 31 #39;. 3 hours later you will have found you have talked about loads of programmes you grew up with. It wasn #39;t originally a English show and was in fact a French show animated by a Japanese company. The show was based on a book that was set in ancient Greece called #39;The Odyssey #39; which was written by Homer (no, not the Simpson one!). The series continued with the Greek Mythology theme, but instead it was based in the 31st century (even the space station looked like a Greek helmet).Only 26 episodes of Ulysses 31 were made, which surprises a lot of people as everyone thinks there were more. The Intro music was very catchy (you will hum it for hours), plus the music during the show was very atmospheric and set the mood for each story. One thing I do know is that the title sequence (below) from the Videos/DVDs has been cut short, which is a shame as the intro had sections that Nono sang. I #39;d love to see the original titles again. Plus the DVD #39;s have missed the swoosh effect right at the end of them. I used to love this bit when I was a kid! Story: Each Episode began with these immortal lines: #39;It is the 31st Century, Ulysses killed the Giant Cyclops when he rescued the children and his son Telemachus. But the Ancient Gods of Olympus are angry ...From:TheJackoTravelViews:0 0ratingsTime:08:36More inFilm Animation
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Ulysses in the 31st Century Calypso 23 - Video
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Ulysses in the 31st Century Calypso 13 – Video
Posted: at 9:44 pm
Ulysses in the 31st Century Calypso 13
Ulysses in the 31st Century Ulysses 31 is an 80 #39;s Children #39;s TV cartoon that had kids glued to their TV #39;s. Since then it has become part of Children #39;s TV folklore. Just start a conversion with friends... #39;Do you remember the cartoon Ulysses 31 #39;. 3 hours later you will have found you have talked about loads of programmes you grew up with. It wasn #39;t originally a English show and was in fact a French show animated by a Japanese company. The show was based on a book that was set in ancient Greece called #39;The Odyssey #39; which was written by Homer (no, not the Simpson one!). The series continued with the Greek Mythology theme, but instead it was based in the 31st century (even the space station looked like a Greek helmet).Only 26 episodes of Ulysses 31 were made, which surprises a lot of people as everyone thinks there were more. The Intro music was very catchy (you will hum it for hours), plus the music during the show was very atmospheric and set the mood for each story. One thing I do know is that the title sequence (below) from the Videos/DVDs has been cut short, which is a shame as the intro had sections that Nono sang. I #39;d love to see the original titles again. Plus the DVD #39;s have missed the swoosh effect right at the end of them. I used to love this bit when I was a kid! Story: Each Episode began with these immortal lines: #39;It is the 31st Century, Ulysses killed the Giant Cyclops when he rescued the children and his son Telemachus. But the Ancient Gods of Olympus are angry ...From:TheJackoTravelViews:0 0ratingsTime:07:48More inFilm Animation
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Ulysses in the 31st Century Before the Flood 23 – Video
Posted: at 9:44 pm
Ulysses in the 31st Century Before the Flood 23
Ulysses in the 31st Century Ulysses 31 is an 80 #39;s Children #39;s TV cartoon that had kids glued to their TV #39;s. Since then it has become part of Children #39;s TV folklore. Just start a conversion with friends... #39;Do you remember the cartoon Ulysses 31 #39;. 3 hours later you will have found you have talked about loads of programmes you grew up with. It wasn #39;t originally a English show and was in fact a French show animated by a Japanese company. The show was based on a book that was set in ancient Greece called #39;The Odyssey #39; which was written by Homer (no, not the Simpson one!). The series continued with the Greek Mythology theme, but instead it was based in the 31st century (even the space station looked like a Greek helmet).Only 26 episodes of Ulysses 31 were made, which surprises a lot of people as everyone thinks there were more. The Intro music was very catchy (you will hum it for hours), plus the music during the show was very atmospheric and set the mood for each story. One thing I do know is that the title sequence (below) from the Videos/DVDs has been cut short, which is a shame as the intro had sections that Nono sang. I #39;d love to see the original titles again. Plus the DVD #39;s have missed the swoosh effect right at the end of them. I used to love this bit when I was a kid! Story: Each Episode began with these immortal lines: #39;It is the 31st Century, Ulysses killed the Giant Cyclops when he rescued the children and his son Telemachus. But the Ancient Gods of Olympus are angry ...From:TheJackoTravelViews:0 0ratingsTime:07:07More inFilm Animation
Originally posted here:
Ulysses in the 31st Century Before the Flood 23 - Video
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Ulysses in the 31st Century Calypso 33 – Video
Posted: at 9:44 pm
Ulysses in the 31st Century Calypso 33
Ulysses in the 31st Century Ulysses 31 is an 80 #39;s Children #39;s TV cartoon that had kids glued to their TV #39;s. Since then it has become part of Children #39;s TV folklore. Just start a conversion with friends... #39;Do you remember the cartoon Ulysses 31 #39;. 3 hours later you will have found you have talked about loads of programmes you grew up with. It wasn #39;t originally a English show and was in fact a French show animated by a Japanese company. The show was based on a book that was set in ancient Greece called #39;The Odyssey #39; which was written by Homer (no, not the Simpson one!). The series continued with the Greek Mythology theme, but instead it was based in the 31st century (even the space station looked like a Greek helmet).Only 26 episodes of Ulysses 31 were made, which surprises a lot of people as everyone thinks there were more. The Intro music was very catchy (you will hum it for hours), plus the music during the show was very atmospheric and set the mood for each story. One thing I do know is that the title sequence (below) from the Videos/DVDs has been cut short, which is a shame as the intro had sections that Nono sang. I #39;d love to see the original titles again. Plus the DVD #39;s have missed the swoosh effect right at the end of them. I used to love this bit when I was a kid! Story: Each Episode began with these immortal lines: #39;It is the 31st Century, Ulysses killed the Giant Cyclops when he rescued the children and his son Telemachus. But the Ancient Gods of Olympus are angry ...From:TheJackoTravelViews:0 0ratingsTime:08:37More inFilm Animation
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Ulysses in the 31st Century Chronus, Father of Time 23 – Video
Posted: at 9:44 pm
Ulysses in the 31st Century Chronus, Father of Time 23
Ulysses in the 31st Century Ulysses 31 is an 80 #39;s Children #39;s TV cartoon that had kids glued to their TV #39;s. Since then it has become part of Children #39;s TV folklore. Just start a conversion with friends... #39;Do you remember the cartoon Ulysses 31 #39;. 3 hours later you will have found you have talked about loads of programmes you grew up with. It wasn #39;t originally a English show and was in fact a French show animated by a Japanese company. The show was based on a book that was set in ancient Greece called #39;The Odyssey #39; which was written by Homer (no, not the Simpson one!). The series continued with the Greek Mythology theme, but instead it was based in the 31st century (even the space station looked like a Greek helmet).Only 26 episodes of Ulysses 31 were made, which surprises a lot of people as everyone thinks there were more. The Intro music was very catchy (you will hum it for hours), plus the music during the show was very atmospheric and set the mood for each story. One thing I do know is that the title sequence (below) from the Videos/DVDs has been cut short, which is a shame as the intro had sections that Nono sang. I #39;d love to see the original titles again. Plus the DVD #39;s have missed the swoosh effect right at the end of them. I used to love this bit when I was a kid! Story: Each Episode began with these immortal lines: #39;It is the 31st Century, Ulysses killed the Giant Cyclops when he rescued the children and his son Telemachus. But the Ancient Gods of Olympus are angry ...From:TheJackoTravelViews:0 0ratingsTime:09:51More inFilm Animation
The rest is here:
Ulysses in the 31st Century Chronus, Father of Time 23 - Video
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Ulysses in the 31st Century City of Cortex 13 – Video
Posted: at 9:44 pm
Ulysses in the 31st Century City of Cortex 13
Ulysses in the 31st Century Ulysses 31 is an 80 #39;s Children #39;s TV cartoon that had kids glued to their TV #39;s. Since then it has become part of Children #39;s TV folklore. Just start a conversion with friends... #39;Do you remember the cartoon Ulysses 31 #39;. 3 hours later you will have found you have talked about loads of programmes you grew up with. It wasn #39;t originally a English show and was in fact a French show animated by a Japanese company. The show was based on a book that was set in ancient Greece called #39;The Odyssey #39; which was written by Homer (no, not the Simpson one!). The series continued with the Greek Mythology theme, but instead it was based in the 31st century (even the space station looked like a Greek helmet).Only 26 episodes of Ulysses 31 were made, which surprises a lot of people as everyone thinks there were more. The Intro music was very catchy (you will hum it for hours), plus the music during the show was very atmospheric and set the mood for each story. One thing I do know is that the title sequence (below) from the Videos/DVDs has been cut short, which is a shame as the intro had sections that Nono sang. I #39;d love to see the original titles again. Plus the DVD #39;s have missed the swoosh effect right at the end of them. I used to love this bit when I was a kid! Story: Each Episode began with these immortal lines: #39;It is the 31st Century, Ulysses killed the Giant Cyclops when he rescued the children and his son Telemachus. But the Ancient Gods of Olympus are angry ...From:TheJackoTravelViews:0 0ratingsTime:08:53More inFilm Animation
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Ulysses in the 31st Century City of Cortex 13 - Video
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Ulysses in the 31st Century Chronus, Father of Time 33 – Video
Posted: at 9:44 pm
Ulysses in the 31st Century Chronus, Father of Time 33
Ulysses in the 31st Century Ulysses 31 is an 80 #39;s Children #39;s TV cartoon that had kids glued to their TV #39;s. Since then it has become part of Children #39;s TV folklore. Just start a conversion with friends... #39;Do you remember the cartoon Ulysses 31 #39;. 3 hours later you will have found you have talked about loads of programmes you grew up with. It wasn #39;t originally a English show and was in fact a French show animated by a Japanese company. The show was based on a book that was set in ancient Greece called #39;The Odyssey #39; which was written by Homer (no, not the Simpson one!). The series continued with the Greek Mythology theme, but instead it was based in the 31st century (even the space station looked like a Greek helmet).Only 26 episodes of Ulysses 31 were made, which surprises a lot of people as everyone thinks there were more. The Intro music was very catchy (you will hum it for hours), plus the music during the show was very atmospheric and set the mood for each story. One thing I do know is that the title sequence (below) from the Videos/DVDs has been cut short, which is a shame as the intro had sections that Nono sang. I #39;d love to see the original titles again. Plus the DVD #39;s have missed the swoosh effect right at the end of them. I used to love this bit when I was a kid! Story: Each Episode began with these immortal lines: #39;It is the 31st Century, Ulysses killed the Giant Cyclops when he rescued the children and his son Telemachus. But the Ancient Gods of Olympus are angry ...From:TheJackoTravelViews:0 0ratingsTime:03:20More inFilm Animation
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Ulysses in the 31st Century Chronus, Father of Time 33 - Video
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Ulysses in the 31st Century Phantoms From the Swamp 23 – Video
Posted: at 9:44 pm
Ulysses in the 31st Century Phantoms From the Swamp 23
Ulysses in the 31st Century Ulysses 31 is an 80 #39;s Children #39;s TV cartoon that had kids glued to their TV #39;s. Since then it has become part of Children #39;s TV folklore. Just start a conversion with friends... #39;Do you remember the cartoon Ulysses 31 #39;. 3 hours later you will have found you have talked about loads of programmes you grew up with. It wasn #39;t originally a English show and was in fact a French show animated by a Japanese company. The show was based on a book that was set in ancient Greece called #39;The Odyssey #39; which was written by Homer (no, not the Simpson one!). The series continued with the Greek Mythology theme, but instead it was based in the 31st century (even the space station looked like a Greek helmet).Only 26 episodes of Ulysses 31 were made, which surprises a lot of people as everyone thinks there were more. The Intro music was very catchy (you will hum it for hours), plus the music during the show was very atmospheric and set the mood for each story. One thing I do know is that the title sequence (below) from the Videos/DVDs has been cut short, which is a shame as the intro had sections that Nono sang. I #39;d love to see the original titles again. Plus the DVD #39;s have missed the swoosh effect right at the end of them. I used to love this bit when I was a kid! Story: Each Episode began with these immortal lines: #39;It is the 31st Century, Ulysses killed the Giant Cyclops when he rescued the children and his son Telemachus. But the Ancient Gods of Olympus are angry ...From:TheJackoTravelViews:0 0ratingsTime:07:56More inFilm Animation
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Ulysses in the 31st Century Flowers of Fear part 2 – Video
Posted: at 9:44 pm
Ulysses in the 31st Century Flowers of Fear part 2
Ulysses in the 31st Century Ulysses 31 is an 80 #39;s Children #39;s TV cartoon that had kids glued to their TV #39;s. Since then it has become part of Children #39;s TV folklore. Just start a conversion with friends... #39;Do you remember the cartoon Ulysses 31 #39;. 3 hours later you will have found you have talked about loads of programmes you grew up with. It wasn #39;t originally a English show and was in fact a French show animated by a Japanese company. The show was based on a book that was set in ancient Greece called #39;The Odyssey #39; which was written by Homer (no, not the Simpson one!). The series continued with the Greek Mythology theme, but instead it was based in the 31st century (even the space station looked like a Greek helmet).Only 26 episodes of Ulysses 31 were made, which surprises a lot of people as everyone thinks there were more. The Intro music was very catchy (you will hum it for hours), plus the music during the show was very atmospheric and set the mood for each story. One thing I do know is that the title sequence (below) from the Videos/DVDs has been cut short, which is a shame as the intro had sections that Nono sang. I #39;d love to see the original titles again. Plus the DVD #39;s have missed the swoosh effect right at the end of them. I used to love this bit when I was a kid! Story: Each Episode began with these immortal lines: #39;It is the 31st Century, Ulysses killed the Giant Cyclops when he rescued the children and his son Telemachus. But the Ancient Gods of Olympus are angry ...From:TheJackoTravelViews:0 0ratingsTime:09:49More inFilm Animation
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Ulysses in the 31st Century Flowers of Fear part 2 - Video
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SpongeBob SquarePants: Creature from the Krusty Krab (PS2) – Part 5 – Video
Posted: at 9:44 pm
SpongeBob SquarePants: Creature from the Krusty Krab (PS2) - Part 5
Rocket Rodeo Beginning from the horrible fate Starfishman suffered in episode 2, he is alive in space, still attached to the rocket. Patrick now must control the rocket while getting untied to the rocket. He flies through a black hole and finds a space station under bombardment by asteroids. After untying himself, Patrick mans the laser cannons and destroys the asteroids, obtaining lasers for his rocket. Then Patrick advances to a level where he must destroy pillars and energy crystals to open doors out of a space ship containing aliens. He then gets out but must now destroy a UFO in the shape of a Krabby Patty. Things go right and Patrick returns to Earth but he doesn #39;t know how to stop the ship and crashes into the sea.From:GamerXZ95Views:0 0ratingsTime:13:05More inGaming
SpongeBob SquarePants: Creature from the Krusty Krab (PS2) - Part 5 - Video
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