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Category Archives: Space Station
Linkin Park-Stagelight Demos [2012][Full] – Video
Posted: December 18, 2012 at 10:43 pm
Linkin Park-Stagelight Demos [2012][Full]
Linkin Park-Stagelight Demos [2012] Tracklist: 01 - Bruiser 02 - Space Station 03 - LP Jam 01 04 - LP Jam 02 05 - Complimentary -Sguenos En Facebook: http://www.facebook.comFrom:CFLPMtyViews:42 6ratingsTime:13:02More inMusic
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Rocket Knights Adventures Playthrough Part 3 – Video
Posted: at 10:43 pm
Rocket Knights Adventures Playthrough Part 3
The 3rd part of my Rocket Knight Adventure playthrough. In the final part of this playthrough Sparkster has a decisive battle with axel gear and Sparkster has to escape the space station thingy.From:syndicateATHViews:4 1ratingsTime:13:11More inPeople Blogs
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Rocket Knights Adventures Playthrough Part 3 - Video
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Posted: at 10:43 pm
Shepard might have cleared the galaxy of the Reaper threat, but that doesn #39;t mean that his (or her) work is done just yet. Omega, the latest and largest Mass Effect DLC pack returns us to one of the most recognisable and loved settings from the second game, and it pairs us with one of the feistiest females in the universe. But how has the dingy space station of Omega changed since Mass Effect 2? And can Shepard finally put a leash on the incorrigible Aria T #39;Loak? Find out in our review! But what do you think? Let us know in the comments below! Want to keep up with all our latest content? Just click on that SUBSCRIBE button! Not enough for you? Well... We #39;re on Facebook! We #39;ve got Twitter! And there #39;s also our website as well! http://www.ginx.tvFrom:GinxTelevisionViews:0 0ratingsTime:04:42More inGaming
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Russian Spacecraft Prepares To Launch – Video
Posted: at 10:43 pm
Russian Spacecraft Prepares To Launch
The next International Space Station crew concluded their pre-flight preparations on Tuesday. Russian cosmonaut Roman Romanenko, Canada #39;s Chris Hadfield, and NASA astronaut Thomas Marshburn will be travelling in a Soyuz TMA-07M spacecraft. Blast-off from the Baikonur Cosmodrome in Kazakhstan is set for Wednesday, and the spacecraft will be docking with the ISS on December 21.From:Alun HillViews:0 0ratingsTime:02:30More inNews Politics
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Space dancing, Earth gazing on the ISS – Video
Posted: at 10:43 pm
Space dancing, Earth gazing on the ISS
Reposted after tidying up. Check out michael500CA #39;s channel for a complete guided tour of the international space station, starring Commander Sunny Williams.From:ergonomoverViews:3 0ratingsTime:02:32More inNonprofits Activism
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Gangnam Style Parodia – Video
Posted: at 10:43 pm
Gangnam Style Parodia
earn more about NASA: Learn more about the International Space Station Sign up to get space station sighting information sent to you: For students interested in NASA Johnson Space Center: NASA Johnson Style is a volunteer outreach video project created by the students of NASA #39;s Johnson Space Center. It was created as an educational parody of Psy #39;s Gangnam Style. The lyrics and scenes in the video have been re-imagined in order to inform the public about the amazing work going on at NASA and the Johnson Space Center. Special thanks to astronauts Tracy Caldwell Dyson, Mike Massimino and Clay Anderson Special thanks to Mr. Mike Coats, Dr. Ellen Ochoa, and all supporting senior staff membersFrom:periodicoamleonViews:111 5ratingsTime:03:57More inNews Politics
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ISS Update – Dec. 18, 2012 – Video
Posted: at 10:43 pm
ISS Update - Dec. 18, 2012
The International Space Station video update for Dec. 18, 2012.From:ReelNASAViews:140 10ratingsTime:06:35More inScience Technology
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ISS Update - Dec. 18, 2012 - Video
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Humans On ISS to Control Robots On Earth | Video – Video
Posted: at 10:43 pm
Humans On ISS to Control Robots On Earth | Video
In an test of teleoperation, the METERON (Multi-Purpose End-To-End Robotic Operation Network) project will test haptic control device technology on Space Station that will be linked with robotic systems on Earth.From:VideoFromSpaceViews:82 10ratingsTime:01:22More inScience Technology
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Humans On ISS to Control Robots On Earth | Video - Video
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Commander Kevin Ford Offers Holiday Greetings from Space – Video
Posted: at 10:43 pm
Commander Kevin Ford Offers Holiday Greetings from Space
From 250 miles above the Earth Expedition 34 Commander Kevin Ford of NASA downlinked his holiday greetings from the Destiny laboratory on the International Space Station.From:ReelNASAViews:222 18ratingsTime:01:16More inScience Technology
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Commander Kevin Ford Offers Holiday Greetings from Space - Video
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Conservation of Momentum Observed – Video
Posted: at 10:43 pm
Conservation of Momentum Observed
Saturday Morning Science, the science of opportunity series of applied experiments and demonstrations, performed aboard the International Space Station (ISS) by Expedition 6 astronaut Dr. Don Pettit, revealed some remarkable findings. In this video, Pettit uses the free fall environment of the ISS to demonstrate the conservation of momentum. He does so by sending bolts into rotation, end over end, into a rigid table from which they bounce off. After collision, the bolts will have nearly the same momentum as they did before the collision. This means that if the bolts bounce off in such a way that their rotation speeds up, the speed from which they translate away from the table must be reduced, and vice versa. This engaging video offers an intriguing insight into physical phenomena that are difficult to observe on Earth.From:ExpeditionSixViews:1 0ratingsTime:01:08More inPeople Blogs
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