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Category Archives: Ron Paul

Ron Paul: US elections are a one-party monopoly – Video

Posted: November 5, 2014 at 10:41 pm

Ron Paul: US elections are a one-party monopoly
The monopoly of a one-party system is all too evident in the midterm elections, according to former Texas congressman Ron Paul. Speaking to RT #39;s Ben Swann and Erin Ade, the Libertarian...

By: RT America

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Ron Paul: Thick or Thin? (Halloween Edition) – Video

Posted: at 10:41 pm

Ron Paul: Thick or Thin? (Halloween Edition)
2spookily written by Cory Massimino 3sp00kily read by Chrisitopher B. King 4spO00kily edited by Nick Ford Non-spooky online version: Non-spooky excerpt: "And...

By: C4SS Feed 44

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Ron Paul: Thick or Thin? (Halloween Edition) - Video

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2 parties, 1 philosophy: Ron Paul says no true democracy in US – Video

Posted: at 10:41 pm

2 parties, 1 philosophy: Ron Paul says no true democracy in US
Former congressman Ron Paul told RT in the midst of Tuesday #39;s midterm elections that the monopoly of a one party system is all too evident. READ MORE: RT LIVE...

By: RT

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2 parties, 1 philosophy: Ron Paul says no true democracy in US - Video

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American Election News : Ron Paul Breaks Down 2014 Elections – Video

Posted: at 10:41 pm

American Election News : Ron Paul Breaks Down 2014 Elections
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By: TNTV Total News T.V

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Ron Paul on GOP-led Senate: Here come the 'expanded neocon wars'

Posted: at 10:41 pm

Former U.S. Rep. and presidential candidate Ron Paul speaks at a campaign rally for U.S. Senate candidate Chris McDaniel, Saturday, June 14, 2014, at Gander Mountain in Hattiesburg, Miss.(AP Photo/The Hattiesburg American, Kelly Price) more >

Former Rep. Ron Paul senate-control-means-expanded-wars/ target=_blank>didnt wax so victorious over the Republican wave sweeping across the Senate, saying that more Rs than Ds in that side of Congress means one sure thing: more wars.

Republican control of the Senate = expanded neocon wars in Syria and Iraq. Boots on the ground are coming! Mr. Paul tweeted, moments after his son, Sen. Rand Paul, gave public remarks about Sen. Mitch McConnells win Kentucky, Mediaite reported.

Ron Paul also sent out several other tweets expressing his frustration with the Republican Party.

Looks like big Republican win tonight. Power shift? Yes, he tweeted, the Huffington Post reported. Philosophy shift? No!

And another: Dont expect big changes in D.C. after elections. Only thing that counts is pressure from the people. That should give us hope!

And one more, aimed at pressing the new GOP-controlled Senate to take action on one of his own pet projects, while legislator: With Republican control of the Senate, looking forward to a vote on audit the Fed! What do you think, Majority Leader McConnell?

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Ron Paul on GOP-led Senate: Here come the 'expanded neocon wars'

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Ron Paul Warns: GOP Senate Control Means Expanded Wars

Posted: at 10:41 pm

Moments after his own son Rand took the podium to celebrate Republican Sen. Mitch Connells midterm victory, ex-Rep. Ron Paul (R-TX) tweeted out a dire warning about what could happen if the GOP takes over the U.S. Senate.

A Republican victory, he warned, would result in expanded neocon wars and definite deployment of boots on the ground in the battle against ISIS in Syria and Iraq:

Of course, Twitter conservatives mocked Pauls declaration for its wet blanket-like intentions and poor timing given his sons cheering of that very same potential GOP majority but the elder politician is not wrong in his assessment.

If the GOP does secure a Senate majority, it will have been because of victories from hawkish conservatives like Joni Ernst, Cory Gardner and Tom Cotton.

Over at The Week, Brendan M. Dougherty had a great piece on how those candidates represent the lamentable resurgence of the Bush-era GOP. All three ran significantly hawkish campaigns: Ernst thumped her opponent for wanting to defund the Iraq War, and campaigned with hawk-in-chief Lindsey Graham; Gardner has spoken a great deal about military funding; and Cotton is a military vet who hasnt been shy about bashing the libertarian wing of his own party.

Reasons Nick Gillespie brought up a similar argument last week: Even if the Republicans take the Senate, they are unlikely to rethink their approach to foreign policy, instead continuing to lard up military spending (while scaremongering about simple cuts to the rate of increase) all while claiming to be fiscally conservative.

With his election night tweet, Ron Paul may have fulfilled his reputation for being cranky, but he wasnt exactly wrong.

>> Follow Andrew Kirell (@AndrewKirell) on Twitter

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Ron Paul Warns: GOP Senate Control Means Expanded Wars

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Ron Paul More Guns Plus Less War Equals Real Security (11/03/14) – Video

Posted: November 4, 2014 at 12:44 pm

Ron Paul More Guns Plus Less War Equals Real Security (11/03/14)
Ron Paul More Guns Plus Less War Equals Real Security (11/03/14) Please click here to subscribe to my channel for latest news / Economy / money / Economic collapse / crisis / Gold / Silver...

By: Economic Collapse TV

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Ron Paul More Guns Plus Less War Equals Real Security (11/03/14) - Video

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Ron Paul 2012.Declaration of Independence.Global World Resistance. – Video

Posted: at 12:44 pm

Ron Paul 2012.Declaration of Independence.Global World Resistance. Telephone Conversation between President Johnson and W. Tapley Bennett. Citation No.: 7528June 9, 1965Time: 12:25PSpeakers: President Johnson, ...

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The Reinvention of Alan Greenspan

Posted: November 1, 2014 at 11:42 pm

Former chairman calls Fed balance sheet a tinder box, endorses private gold ownership

ByMichael J. Kosares

During the time Alan Greenspan and representative Ron Paul had their famous series of exchanges (some might have labeled them confrontations) during Congressional hearings from 1997 to 2005, the congressman made what turns out to have been a prescient observation. "My questions," he said, "are always on the same subject. If I don't bring up the issue of hard money versus fiat money, Greenspan himself does." I say "prescient observation" because here we are a decade or more later and the "new" post-Fed Greenspan sounds very much like the "old" pre-Fed Greenspan-the one who consistently advocated gold before he became Fed chairman.

Greenspan has always come across as a conflicted figure forced to reconcile his responsibilities as chairman of the Federal Reservethe epicenter of the fiat money universewith a "nostalgia," as he put it, for the gold standard, its diametric opposite. As such, I always saw him as torn between the twothe devil on one shoulder and an angel on the other.

Outside those memorable proddings by Congressman Paul, Greenspan rarely spoke publicly about the virtues of gold while Fed chairman, and when he did his approach seemed guarded. Even in the years following his tenure, he rarely broached the subject. In recent months though, as you are about to read, the gloves have come-off not just with respect to gold but with the dangers inherent to the fiat monetary system as well.

The reinvention of Alan Greenspan

Part one - an article in Foreign Affairs magazine

Greenspan's reinvention began with a surprising defense of gold in the October issue of Foreign Affairs magazine. In that article, titled "Golden Rule: Why Bejing Is Buying," he reminds top level policy makers of gold's role as a national asset of last resort. "If, in the words of the British economist John Maynard Keynes," he says, "gold were a 'barbarous relic,' central banks around the world would not have so much of an asset whose rate of return, including storage costs, is negative. . .Gold has special properties that no other currency, with the possible exception of silver, can claim."

So why is Bejing buying gold?

"If China were to convert a relatively modest part of its $4 trillion foreign exchange reserves into gold," he says, "the country's currency could take on unexpected strength in today's international financial system. It would be a gamble, of course, for China to use part of its reserves to buy enough gold bullion to displace the United States from its position as the world's largest holder of monetary gold. But the penalty for being wrong, in terms of lost interest and the cost of storage, would be modest."

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The Reinvention of Alan Greenspan

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Are GOLD and SILVER dealers already closing down and limiting sales? – Video

Posted: October 31, 2014 at 12:42 pm

Are GOLD and SILVER dealers already closing down and limiting sales?
The GOLD and SILVER fetish of the Ron Paul advocates that attempted to take on the Federal Reserve Bank along with J.P. Morgan and other leading world financial institutions are finally being...

By: newsunit

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Are GOLD and SILVER dealers already closing down and limiting sales? - Video

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