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Category Archives: Psoriasis
Questions and Answers About Psoriasis
Posted: July 17, 2015 at 10:42 pm
October 2013
This publication contains general information about psoriasis. It describes what psoriasis is, what causes it, and what the treatment options are. If you have further questions after reading this publication, you may wish to discuss them with your doctor.
Psoriasis is a chronic (long-lasting) skin disease of scaling and inflammation that affects greater than 3 percent of the U.S. population, or more than 5 million adults. Although the disease occurs in all age groups, it primarily affects adults. It appears about equally in males and females.
Psoriasis occurs when skin cells quickly rise from their origin below the surface of the skin and pile up on the surface before they have a chance to mature. Usually this movement (also called turnover) takes about a month, but in psoriasis it may occur in only a few days.
In its typical form, psoriasis results in patches of thick, red (inflamed) skin covered with silvery scales. These patches, which are sometimes referred to as plaques, usually itch or feel sore. They most often occur on the elbows, knees, other parts of the legs, scalp, lower back, face, palms, and soles of the feet, but they can occur on skin anywhere on the body. The disease may also affect the fingernails, the toenails, and the soft tissues of the genitals, and inside the mouth. Although it is not unusual for the skin around affected joints to crack, some people with psoriasis experience joint inflammation that produces symptoms of arthritis. This condition is called psoriatic arthritis.
Individuals with psoriasis may experience significant physical discomfort and some disability. Itching and pain can interfere with basic functions, such as self-care, walking, and sleep. Plaques on hands and feet can prevent individuals from working at certain occupations, playing some sports, and caring for family members or a home. The frequency of medical care is costly and can interfere with an employment or school schedule. People with moderate to severe psoriasis may feel self-conscious about their appearance and have a poor self-image that stems from fear of public rejection and concerns about intimate relationships. Psychological distress can lead to significant depression and social isolation.
Psoriasis is a skin disorder driven by the immune system, especially involving a type of white blood cell called a T cell. Normally, T cells help protect the body against infection and disease. In the case of psoriasis, T cells are put into action by mistake and become so active that they trigger other immune responses, which lead to inflammation and to rapid turnover of skin cells.
In many cases, there is a family history of psoriasis. Researchers have studied a large number of families affected by psoriasis and identified genes linked to the disease. Genes govern every bodily function and determine the inherited traits passed from parent to child.
People with psoriasis may notice that there are times when their skin worsens, called flares, then improves. Conditions that may cause flares include infections, stress, and changes in climate that dry the skin. Also, certain medicines, including beta-blockers, which are prescribed for high blood pressure, and lithium may trigger an outbreak or worsen the disease. Sometimes people who have psoriasis notice that lesions will appear where the skin has experienced trauma. The trauma could be from a cut, scratch, sunburn, or infection.
Occasionally, doctors may find it difficult to diagnose psoriasis, because it often looks like other skin diseases. It may be necessary to confirm a diagnosis by examining a small skin sample under a microscope.
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Questions and Answers About Psoriasis
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Psoriasis – NHS Choices
Posted: at 10:42 pm
Psoriasis is a skin condition that causes red, flaky, crusty patches of skin covered with silvery scales.
These patches normally appear on your elbows, knees, scalp and lower back, but can appear anywhere on your body.Most people are only affected with small patches. In some cases, the patches can be itchy or sore.
Psoriasis affects around 2% of people in the UK. It can start at any age, but most often develops in adults under 35 years old. The condition affects men and women equally.
The severity of psoriasis varies greatly from person to person. For some people it's just a minor irritation, but for others it can havea major impact on their quality of life.
Psoriasis is a long-lasting (chronic) disease that usually involves periods when you have no symptoms ormild symptoms, followed by periods when symptoms are more severe.
Read more about the symptoms of psoriasis.
People with psoriasis have anincreased production of skin cells.
Skin cells are normallymade and replaced every three to four weeks, but in psoriasis this process only lasts about three to seven days. The resulting build-up of skin cells is what creates the patches associated with psoriasis.
Although the process isn't fully understood, it's thoughtto be related to a problem with the immune system. The immune systemis your body's defence against disease and infection, but for people with psoriasis, it attacks healthy skin cells by mistake.
Psoriasis can run in families,although the exact role that genetics plays in causing psoriasis is unclear.
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Psoriasis - NHS Choices
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Home Remedies for Psoriasis – Treatment & Cure – Natural …
Posted: at 10:42 pm
Psoriasis is one of the most chronic skin diseases that are characterized by thick, red, silvery, scaled patches on the skin. It can also be defined as an inflammatory skin condition. It affects both sexes and usually appears in the age of 15-30 years. It is rarely found in infants and elderly people. It is not contagious and is caused by faulty signals in the immune system. There are five types of psoriasis and they are:
The hot Epsom salts bath has been proven valuable in the treatment of psoriasis. Application of olive oil after the Epsom salt bath is also effective and also one of the effective home remedies for psoriasis.
Regular seawater baths and application of seawater over the affected parts once a day is highly beneficial. This is one of the best psoriasis remedy.
Bitter gourd is a valuable home remedy for psoriasis. Take a cup of fresh juice of this vegetable, mixed with a teaspoon of limejuice on an empty stomach daily for four to six months. This is a good diet for psoriasis.
The use of mudpacks is also beneficial for the psoriasis. They absorb and remove the toxins from the affected areas.
Cabbage leaves can be used in the form of compresses. They can be applied on the affected area after removing the thick veins and washing them thoroughly. This is also one of the effective home remedies for psoriasis.
Sunlight is the best and natural remedy for psoriasis.
Vitamin E therapy has been found effective in the psoriasis treatment. A daily dose of 200-800 I.U is recommended as they reduce itching of the area.
Lecithin is also considered as a remarkable remedy for the psoriasis treatment.
Psoriasis cure - 6-9 lecithin capsules in a day are recommended.
Home Remedies for Psoriasis - Treatment & Cure - Natural ...
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Curing Psoriasis Naturally Week 29, GUESS THE SONG, BLOOD RAIN IS COMING and MORE PENNY TIME – Video
Posted: April 14, 2015 at 9:44 pm
Curing Psoriasis Naturally Week 29, GUESS THE SONG, BLOOD RAIN IS COMING and MORE PENNY TIME
A fantastic week, skin is doing very well. The UK weather has been absolutely stunning this week and the sun has been very warm. This has helped a lot I think, I #39;ve even got a slight tan! ...
By: Jon Maddison
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Curing Psoriasis Naturally Week 29, GUESS THE SONG, BLOOD RAIN IS COMING and MORE PENNY TIME - Video
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Youngevity 90 for life psoriasis testimony Youve got to see this – Video
Posted: April 12, 2015 at 6:43 am
Youngevity 90 for life psoriasis testimony Youve got to see this
These are examples and explanations of Dr Joel Wallachs #39; Youngevity System. Youngevity greatly improved my health, regain my #39;life #39; and smile.... I am using these products and they greatly...
By: I Want To Be Well
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Youngevity 90 for life psoriasis testimony Youve got to see this - Video
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Youngevity | Dr Wallach – ‘Cure’ for Psoriasis – Video
Posted: at 6:43 am
Youngevity | Dr Wallach - #39;Cure #39; for Psoriasis
These are examples and explanations of Dr Joel Wallachs #39; Youngevity System. Youngevity greatly improved my health, regain my #39;life #39; and smile.... I am using these products and they greatly...
By: I Want To Be Well
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Youngevity | Dr Wallach - 'Cure' for Psoriasis - Video
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Revitol Dermasis Psoriasis Cream – Psoriasis Natural Treatments – Natural Remedies for Psoriasis – Video
Posted: at 6:43 am
Revitol Dermasis Psoriasis Cream - Psoriasis Natural Treatments - Natural Remedies for Psoriasis
GET DISCOUNT revitol dermasis psoriasis cream reviews Pertaining to sufferers experiencing serious psoriasis, a fresh alternative can be acquired , involving injecting...
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Revitol Dermasis Psoriasis Cream - Psoriasis Natural Treatments - Natural Remedies for Psoriasis - Video
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Curing Psoriasis Naturally Week 28, CHARITY PHOTOSHOOT, PENNY TIME and INVITED TO A CONFERENCE – Video
Posted: at 6:43 am
Fantastic week for skin. Healing is taking place at an incredibly fast rate now. So close to being totally clear and I #39;m very excited. Diet has been mainly fruit this week with some salads...
By: Jon Maddison
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Curing Psoriasis Naturally Week 28, CHARITY PHOTOSHOOT, PENNY TIME and INVITED TO A CONFERENCE - Video
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Psoriasis Revolution Members Area Login – Video
Posted: at 6:43 am
Psoriasis Revolution Members Area Login
Psoriasis Revolution by Dan Crawford download online: Fix the root cause of your Psoriasis by holistically addressing the internal causes of...
By: Gillevet Dilan
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Psoriasis Revolution Members Area Login - Video
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Psoriasis Educational Forum – Video
Posted: at 6:43 am
Psoriasis Educational Forum
If you or a loved one have psoriasis, join CTT and Dr. Elizabeth Hughes-Tichy for an educational forum today @ 6pm Central.
By: TXClinicalTrials
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Psoriasis Educational Forum - Video
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