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Category Archives: Psoriasis

Guttate psoriasis – two lifestyle habits that trigger rash | Life | Life … –

Posted: March 1, 2017 at 8:46 pm

Psoriasis can be itchy, sore and uncomfortable - with many sufferers picking their plaques until the skin is broken and it bleeds.

Guttate is just one sub-type of psoriasis and is characterised by patients developing multiple small scaly plaques on the skin usually of the torso and limbs.

Dermatologist Dr Daniel Glass works at The Dermatology Clinic London, 55 Harley Street. The top-rank professional listed some advice for psoriasis sufferers.

Talking to about guttate psoriasis, Dr Glass said: "The rash often develops very quickly, usually within a couple of days, and may follow a streptococcal infection of the throat.


Psoriasis can affect anyone but is more common in people with a family history of it

Dr Glass

"It tends to affect young adults and in most cases, has a good chance of clearing completely. It can affect anyone but is more common in people with a family history of psoriasis."

The dermatologist revealed smoking, drinking and having tattoos can all bring about flare-ups of the condition.

He explained: "Guttate psoriasis in particular can be linked to infection with a bacteria called streptococcus, which commonly manifests itself as a sore throat.

"A few days after the infection, the rash may begin to flare. If a patient has a proven recent streptococcal sore throat, then it may be useful to prescribe a course of antibiotics.

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1 of 9

Resist the itch - Eczema is almost always itchy no matter where it occurs on the body and although it may be tempting to scratch affected areas of the skin, this should be avoided as much as possible


"For psoriasis in general, alcohol or smoking may trigger the rash.

"Certain medications such as beta blockers can also make psoriasis worse. Obesity is associated with psoriasis and exercise and losing weight can be beneficial."

What is the main cause of it? Can anyone get it?

He said: "Psoriasis is a common skin disease that affects about 2% of the population.


"Guttate psoriasis is a sub-type of psoriasis, characterised by patients developing multiple small scaly plaques on the skin usually of the torso and limbs.

"As Gutta is Latin for tear drop, guttate psoriasis resembles a shower of small red, scaly tear drops that have fallen down on the body."

Cutting out sugar from your diet could help psoriasis sufferers alleviate the symptoms of the skin condition.

Hidden sugars may be in foods you werent even aware contained the sweet ingredient, so watch out for high levels of sugar in sauces, bread, cereals, soups, yoghurts, dressings and most low fat foods - Marilyn Glenville explains.

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Evaluation of psoriasis patients’ attitudes toward benefitrisk and therapeutic trade-offs in their choice of treatments – Dove Medical Press

Posted: February 28, 2017 at 7:44 pm

Lina Eliasson,1 Anthony P Bewley,2 Farhan Mughal,3 Karissa M Johnston,4 Andreas Kuznik,5 Chloe Patel,1 Andrew J Lloyd1

1Clinical Outcomes Assessment, ICON Clinical Research UK Ltd, 2Department of Dermatology, Whipps Cross University Hospital, Barts Health National Health Service Trust, London, 3Health Economics Outcomes Research, Celgene Ltd, Uxbridge, UK; 4Epidemiology, ICON Commercialisation and Outcomes, Vancouver, BC, Canada; 5Global Health Economics and Outcomes Research, Celgene Corporation, Summit, NJ, USA

Objective: Treatment options for psoriasis offer trade-offs in terms of efficacy, convenience, and risk of adverse events. We evaluated patients preferences with respect to benefitrisk in the treatment of psoriasis. Methods: A discrete choice experiment was conducted in adults from the UK with moderate-to-severe psoriasis using an orthogonal design with 32 hypothetical choice sets. Participants were randomly assigned to one of two surveys with 16 choice sets. Patients preferences were investigated with respect to the following attributes: reduction in body surface area affected by psoriasis, treatment administration (frequency and mode of delivery), short-term diarrhea or nausea risk, and 10-year risk of developing melanoma or nonmelanoma skin cancer, tuberculosis, or serious infections. A mixed effects logistic regression model generated relative preferences between treatment profiles. Results: Participants (N=292) had a strong preference to avoid increased risk of melanoma or nonmelanoma skin cancer (odds ratio [OR]: 0.44 per 5% increased 10-year risk) and increased risks of tuberculosis and serious infections (both ORs: 0.73 per 5% increased 10-year risk) and preferred once-weekly to twice-daily tablets (OR: 0.76) and weekly (OR: 0.56) or fortnightly (OR: 0.65) injections. Participants preferred avoiding treatments that may cause diarrhea or nausea in the first 2 weeks (OR: 0.87 per 5% increase) and preferred treatments that effectively resolved plaque lesions (OR: 0.93 for each palm area still affected). Conclusion: All attributes were significant predictors of choice. Patients preference research complements clinical trial data by providing insight regarding the relative weight of efficacy, tolerability, and other factors for patients when making treatment choices.

Keywords: benefit, discrete choice experiment, patients preferences, psoriasis, risk, treatment

This work is published and licensed by Dove Medical Press Limited. The full terms of this license are available at and incorporate the Creative Commons Attribution - Non Commercial (unported, v3.0) License. By accessing the work you hereby accept the Terms. Non-commercial uses of the work are permitted without any further permission from Dove Medical Press Limited, provided the work is properly attributed. For permission for commercial use of this work, please see paragraphs 4.2 and 5 of our Terms.

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Evaluation of psoriasis patients' attitudes toward benefitrisk and therapeutic trade-offs in their choice of treatments - Dove Medical Press

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Home remedies to soothe your psoriasis – Bel Marra Health

Posted: at 5:47 am

Home Skin Health Home remedies to soothe your psoriasis

Psoriasis is a skin disorder that causes the epidermis to become covered in raised, red, itchy plaques that are spotted with white scales. It most commonly occurs on the knees, elbows, and scalp, but may also affect your torso, palms, and the soles of your feet. These plaques are sometimes itchy and painful, and may even crack and bleed, making the condition both uncomfortable and unsightly. While there are medications available to help soothe the symptoms of psoriasis, some may prefer a simpler home remedy. Continue reading to discover some of the most common and effective home remedies for treating psoriasis.

Heavy cream. Use a thick moisturizer or petroleum jelly to lock in moisture to the affected areas. Hydrating your skin with a heavy-duty salve can help relieve the itchiness associated with dry, scaly patches.

Apple cider vinegar. If your scalp is affected by psoriasis, you may be wary of slathering a cream over it for fear of making your hair limp and greasy. So long as the skin of your scalp is not bleeding or cracked, you can rub apple cider vinegar over it to soothe the itch. This is best done before a shower, as once the vinegar dries, you should rinse it out to avoid any further irritation.

Sun. The suns rays can actually help fight psoriasis, so head out into the sunshine for a few minutes daily and get your fill. Be sure to use sunscreen on the areas of your body not affected by the skin disorder to prevent sun damage that may lead to skin cancer.

Epsom salts. Sprinkle some Epsom salts into a warm bath and soak for about 15 minutes. The salts will help rid your body of the silvery scales and soothe any itching. Pat yourself dry after stepping out of the tub and be sure to moisturize in order to lock in all that moisture and keep your skin hydrated.

Oats. An oat bath is also a great way to soothe dry, itchy skin. Mix some ground-up oats into your warm bath water, then relax in the tub and let this natural remedy work its magic. Just as you would after an Epsom salt bath, ensure you moisturize afterward to seal in the hydration.

Meditation and yoga. Stress can exacerbate your condition, so partaking in activities like yoga and meditation to help manage it may also reduce your symptoms. This is especially true for those with psoriatic arthritis, as yoga can help alleviate your joint pain and reduce itchy flare ups.

Aloe Vera. Aloe Vera gel is a go-to to soothe sunburns, but its cooling and anti-inflammatory properties have also been found to ease the symptoms of psoriasis. The gel can help reduce redness and get rid of the irritating itch.

Psoriasis is an irritating condition that leaves your skin sore and itchy, and while there are some medications on the market to help treat it, there are also a few tried and true home remedies to ease your symptoms. Next time you experience a flare-up, try reaching for the apple cider vinegar or Epsom salts to rid yourself of the discomfort, and be sure to moisturize your skin daily.

Related: Psoriasis diet: What foods to eat and what foods to avoid?

Related Reading:

Psoriasis skin inflammation treatments improve heart disease symptoms: Study

Treating psoriasis reduces risk of other ailments: Study

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Home remedies to soothe your psoriasis - Bel Marra Health

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How to cope with Psoriasis – Jamaica Observer

Posted: February 26, 2017 at 10:46 pm

Psoriasis is a chronic autoimmune condition that causes the rapid build-up of skin cells. This build-up of cells causes scaling on the skins surface.

Inflammation and redness around the scales is fairly common. Typical psoriatic scales are whitish-silver and develop in thick patches. Sometimes, these patches will crack and bleed.

People with psoriasis may find living with the condition challenging.

Here are four tips on how to cope with psoriasis:


Daily cosmetic products could be worsening skin irritation and redness. Clients should look for fragrance-free, hypoallergenic and non-clogging moisturisers to support skin with an extra layer of protection.

Primers will give users a smoother skin surface to work with, and liquid foundation can be easily controlled with any skin type.

As for removing make-up, petroleum-based make-up removers loosen make-up prior to taking it off and can help avoid aggravating sensitive spots.


Controlling diet can be beneficial for individuals with psoriasis as some foods can cause redness and swelling of the skin. An anti-inflammatory diet has proven to help individuals manage plaque psoriasis.

Psoriasis sufferers should eat: Fish, nuts, oils, and colourful fruits and vegetables. Foods to avoid include: Nightshade vegetables, dairy, refined sugar, and red meat.


Many people with psoriasis find that including vitamins and supplements in their diet help their skin clear.

Omega 3 helps decrease inflammation and powers the immune system through fish oil, vegetable oil, soy, nuts, and seeds.

Vitamin D can be found in salmon, Swiss cheese and sunshine, which helps slow the growth of skin cells.


Psychodermatology is a term doctors created, linking emotional stress to skin. Bodies reacting to a mental state can trigger certain hormones to be released, which can cause skin to have negative side effects.

The brain and skin are connected because they are derived from the same cells. When people experience stress in life, quite frequently their skin becomes a reflection of the stresses.

The following can help reduce stress levels: Acupuncture, massage therapy, behavioural therapy, talk therapy, and relaxation training.

Michelle Vernon is a licensed aesthetician who operates the Body Studio Skincare located at 23 Central Plaza, Kingston 10, and Fairview Shopping Centre, Montego Bay. She may be reached at telephone 908-0438 or 684-9800; IG@bodystudioskincare; E-mail:; Website:

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Depression puts psoriasis patients at significantly greater risk of psoriatic arthritis – Science Daily

Posted: February 25, 2017 at 2:49 pm

Everyday Health (blog)
Depression puts psoriasis patients at significantly greater risk of psoriatic arthritis
Science Daily
Psoriasis is a lifelong disease that is associated with significant cosmetic and physical disability and puts patients at increased risk for many major medical disorders. A multidisciplinary team of researchers at the University of Calgary, Canada ...
Can Depression Up Odds for Arthritis Linked to Psoriasis ...Everyday Health (blog)
Psoriasis Patients Who Suffer From Depression at Higher Risk for Psoriatic ArthritisCDA News
OnMedica - News - Depression raises risk of developing psoriatic ...OnMedica
Healthcare Today
all 5 news articles »

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Depression puts psoriasis patients at significantly greater risk of psoriatic arthritis - Science Daily

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The Best and Worst Foods for Psoriasis – Psoriasis – Video –

Posted: February 24, 2017 at 5:52 pm

Anyone who has psoriasis knows just how uncomfortable it can be. The skin condition, which is actually an autoimmune disease, occurs when skin cells grow and appear on the outer surface of the skin at an accelerated rate. The result? Raised patches of dry red, white, or silvery skin that can feel itchy or even painful.

What most people dont realize is that there are five different forms of the chronic disease, the most common of which is called plaque psoriasis. But what actually causes the uncomfortable condition? While its not entirely clear, its possible that a family history of the disease, as well as lifestyle factors like smoking and obesity, can raise ones risk of psoriasis.

While you may not be able to do anything about your familys genetics, you can certainly take smart steps to stay healthy and lower your risk of psoriasis. For one, ditch your cigarette habit stat. Next, eat the right kinds of foods to keep your body at a healthy weight.

RELATED: Can a Healthy Diet Help Psoriasis?

Not sure which foods will best serve you (pun intended)? Weve got you covered. In this video, we show you the best and worst foods to eat if you have psoriasis.

From fish thats filled with healthy omega-3 fatty acids (like salmon, mackerel, and sardines) to fiber-rich whole grains and antioxidant-heavy blueberries, were highlighting the foods you should put on your plate, plus ones to leave behind at the grocery store, if you have psoriasis.

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Why Your Weight Matters If You Have Psoriasis –

Posted: February 23, 2017 at 12:47 pm

If you have psoriasis, you already know that smart lifestyle strategies(such as managing stress, not using harsh soaps, and avoiding certain foods)may help keep symptoms at bay. But one of the most important things you can do to keep the skin condition under control might be to shed extra pounds. Here, five reasons why it's so crucial for psoriasis patients to watch their weight.

Psoriasis is an autoimmune disease, which means the immune system attacks a part of the body (in this case, the skin). The result is raised red, white, or silvery patches on the skin, as well as other possible symptoms such as itching, nail disfigurement, or dry, cracked skin. Psoriasis is a chronic condition, meaning you have it for your entire lifebut weight loss may alleviate some of the symptoms.

"Studies show that diet and exercise canreduce symptoms of psoriasis," says Debra Jaliman, MD, a dermatologist based in New York City.In a recent Danish study published inAmerican Journal of Clinical Nutrition, obese psoriasis participants who lost 10% to 15% of their body weight showed significant improvement in symptoms. What's more, the improvement was long-lasting: a year after the study ended, the participants who lost at least 22 pounds from their start weightcontinued to experience improved quality of life.

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About 10% to 30% of psoriasis patients eventually develop psoriatic arthritis, an autoimmune disease that causes painful, swollen joints. But overweight or obese psoriasis patients may be particularly at risk.In a study published in the journalAnnals of the Rheumatic Diseases, researchersfound a link between obesityand increased chance of developing the condition. The study looked at data collectedovera 15-year period of more than 75,000 people in the UK, and found that psoriatic arthritis incidence rates increased along with BMI.

If you're a psoriasis patient who also has psoriatic arthritis, extraweight can strainyour joints, which may aggravate symptoms.Psoriatic arthritis can affect both smaller joints (think: fingers, toes, wrists) as well aslarge, weight-bearing ones like your kneesand added pounds can put unnecessary pressure on them, making symptoms worse.

"No matter what type of arthritis you have, weight is particularly bad for weight-bearing joints, the hips and knees in particular," says James R. ODell, MD, chief of rheumatology at the University of Nebraska Medical Center in Omaha.

Research appears to backthis up:In 2014, Canadian researchers found that obese psoriatic arthritis patients were less likely to achieve a state of remission than those with lower BMIs.

RELATED: 9 Things People With Psoriatic Arthritis Want You to Know

One reasonwhy obese psoriatic arthritis patients may be less likely to achieve remission? Overweight and obese people dont always respond as well to medications used to treat the disease, according to the Arthritis Foundation.

"You have this perfect storm," says Dr. ODell. "Youre more likely to have problems and to have less response to medication."

Losing weight may help medications work more effectively for both psoriatic arthritis and psoriasis.In a 2014 study of obesepsoriasispatients, researchers found that losing weight helped increase the efficacy of biologic drugtreatments.

RELATED: The 12 Best and Worst Foods for Psoriasis

As an added incentive to slim down, losing weight can also reduce your odds of heart disease, diabetes, and strokeconditions that both psoriasis and psoriatic arthritis patients have an elevated risk of developing.

Dr. ODell explains that he encourages all of his patients to get to (and maintain) a healthy body weight. But this isespecially true for those with conditions like psoriatic arthritis and psoriasis.

For them, "weight loss is doubly important," he says."I would say that to about anybody, [but] sometimes people need another reason or an over-and-above reason [to lose weight]."

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Depression in Psoriasis Patients Ups Risk of Arthritis –

Posted: at 12:47 pm

Psoriasis is a lifelong inflammatory skin disease characterized by red, itchy, and scaly patches of skin. Those who suffer from this disease are also at increased risk for many major medical disorders, including psoriatic arthritis, a type of arthritis characterized by psoriasis plus inflammation of and around the joints.

Now a new Canadian study published in the Journal of Investigative Dermatology finds that psoriasis patients who develop depression have a 37 percent greater risk of subsequently developing psoriatic arthritis, compared with patients who do not develop depression.

For many years, the rheumatology and dermatology communities have been trying to understand which patients with psoriasis go on to develop psoriatic arthritis and how we might detect it earlier in the disease course, said lead researcher Cheryl Barnabe, M.D., M.Sc., of the McCaig Institute for Bone and Joint Health and the OBrien Institute for Public Health, Cumming School of Medicine, at the University of Calgary.

Depression is quite common among psoriasis patients. Based on recent laboratory findings showing that major depressive disorder is associated with increased systemic inflammation, the researchers hypothesized that psoriasis patients who develop depression may be at increased risk of developing psoriatic arthritis.

There is a tendency to think of depression as a purely psychological or emotional issue, but it also has physical effects and changes in inflammatory and immune markers have been reported in depressed people, commented Scott Patten, M.D., Ph.D., the OBrien Institute for Public Health, Hotchkiss Brain Institute and Mathison Centre for Mental Health Research and Education, Cumming School of Medicine.

Depression may be a risk factor for a variety of chronic conditions and this research is an example of how big data approaches can identify these associations.

The researchers evaluated data from primary care medical records in the United Kingdom to find over 70,000 patients with a new diagnosis of psoriasis. Then they identified the patients who subsequently developed depression and those who developed psoriatic arthritis. Patients were followed for up to 25 years or until they developed psoriatic arthritis.

Their findings show that patients with psoriasis who developed major depressive disorder were at 37 percent greater risk of subsequently developing psoriatic arthritis compared with patients who did not develop depression, even after accounting for numerous other factors such as age and use of alcohol.

The research emphasizes the need for physicians who treat patients with psoriasis to actively identify and address depression. This could include rapid, effective treatment of psoriasis and psychosocial management of the cosmetic burden of psoriasis.

The findings also draw into question the biological mechanisms by which depression increases the risk for psoriatic arthritis. These mechanisms may include altered systemic inflammation as a consequence of depression, or even the role of lifestyle behaviors such as physical activity or nutrition, which are typically worsened by depression, and which may place an individual at risk for psoriatic arthritis.

It is evident to physicians who treat patients with psoriasis, that there is a significant psychological and social burden associated with this disease, which is reflected in an increase in the rates of depression, said Laurie Parsons, M.D., of the Cumming School of Medicine.

This study brings us a little closer to understanding the role of chronic inflammation as a systemic player in both the physical and psychological manifestations of psoriasis and underscores the need for closer attention to symptoms of depression in this group of patients.

Source: Elsevier Health Sciences

APA Reference Pedersen, T. (2017). Depression in Psoriasis Patients Ups Risk of Arthritis. Psych Central. Retrieved on February 23, 2017, from

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8 ways to manage psoriasis – Netdoctor

Posted: at 12:47 pm

Approximately 1.8 million people in the UK suffer with psoriasis, a chronic autoimmune skin disease. Psoriasis commonly presents in the mid 30s - but it can occur at any age.

Psoriasis is a common skin condition that causes red patches of inflamed skin with silvery-white scales, often on the elbows and knees but may occur anywhere on the body. It is often genetic and is not contagious.


Skin turnover is accelerated in those suffering from psoriasis, which causes accumulation of cells on the skin surface and leads to scaling. Psoriasis triggers include: stress, cold, dry weather and lack of adequate sun exposure, recent infection such as strep throat and upper respiratory infections, dry skin and injury to the skin such as cuts, burns, and insect bites. Certain medications can induce a psoriasis flare including anti-malarials, beta-blockers, and lithium. Smoking and excessive alcohol consumption may also exacerbate the condition.

Psoriasis can have a significant impact on the quality of life - with confidence, self-esteem and mood often being affected.

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Whilst frustratingly there is currently no cure for psoriasis, there are a multitude of treatment options and lifestyle changes to help manage the condition to a certain degree.

We spoke to Dr Alexis Granite, Consultant Dermatologist at the Cadogan Clinic for her expert tips to help deal with psoriasis...

"The first step in managing psoriasis is to visit a dermatologist. Whilst psoriasis is not curable, there are a multitude of treatment options to help control the disease and improve symptoms. Topical steroids, UV therapy and the newer biologics such as Enbrel are examples of some of the therapies available."


"Alcohol or acid-based ingredients (glycolic, salicylic and lactic acid) which can be found in soaps, moisturisers and deodorants, can cause irritation and inflammation."


"Keeping a daily diary can helpful in monitoring psoriasis flare-ups. Stress levels, diet, exercise, skin products, medications, exposure to sunlight, and sleep and hydration levels may all play a role. Reviewing a daily diary with your skin specialist may help you better understand and manage the condition."

"Stress is a common trigger for psoriasis. Meditating, yoga, acupuncture and exercise are all effective ways to help reduce stress. Also try to ensure you are getting adequate sleep."

"A well-rounded diet including fruits, vegetables, whole grains, fish and monounsaturated fats may help reduce psoriasis flare-ups. For some patients supplements containing omega 3 fatty acids such as fish oil and flaxseed may also be helpful, but it is advisable to speak with a medical professional before introducing nutritional supplements into your diet."

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"Both smoking and excessive drinking may make psoriasis significantly worse."

"Applying emollients regularly helps prevent new psoriatic plaques forming and may reduce reduce itching."

"UV exposure helps reduce psoriasis symptoms, but over-exposure can have a detrimental effect on the skin and increases the risk of skin cancer. Always use sun cream to protect your skin and talk to your healthcare professional about the possibility of in-office or home UV treatment."

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Valeant Pharmaceuticals Intl Inc (VRX): Will Psoriasis Drug Siliq Turn The Tide For The Giant? – Smarter Analyst

Posted: February 22, 2017 at 3:47 am

Valeant Pharmaceuticals Intl Inc (NYSE:VRX) has analysts on the fence after clearing a big hurdle: a big FDA win for its psoriasis drug brodalumab (brand name Siliq). Nonetheless,perspectives vary even across the middle of the road. There are cases made for a greater level of warinesson the risk vs. reward prospects facing Valeant, just as there are those that see the tides could turn over to confidence at any moment.

From the standpoint of Canaccord analyst Neil Maruoka, while FDA approval for the biotech giants psoriasis drug is positive, the drug that boasts a competitive efficacy profile without being contraindicated in patients also stands a risk of limited market opportunity. Why? One predominant reason: The black box warning with restrictive labeling for suicidality.

Therefore, the analyst reiterates a Hold rating on VRX with a price target of $19, which represents a 19% increase from where the shares last closed.

As we had expected following the 14-4 positive vote from the FDA Advisory Committee in July, the FDA has approved Valeants brodalumab [] However, due to concerns about suicidality associated with brodalumab, the labeling will include a black box warning and the drug will only be available through a Risk Evaluation and Mitigation Strategy (REMS) program. While restrictive labeling was expected, we believe that the boxed warning and REMS requirement are likely to limit the potential for the drug. Nonetheless, we expect that brodalumab will eventually become a modest growth driver within Valeants dermatology franchise. [] Given Valeants elevated leverage, lower growth, and higher risk profile, we believe that a discount to the specialty pharma peer group is warranted, Maruoka opines.

However, even amid lingering safety concerns, the analyst ultimately recognizes that the drugs strong efficacy hints at potential. Looking ahead, Maruoka predicts the drugs peak sales could circle $250 million and [] will eventually become a revenue driver for Valeant following its expected launch in the second half of the year.

As usual, we recommend taking analyst notes with a grain of salt. According to TipRanks, Neil Maruoka is ranked #4,289 out of 4,459 analysts. Maruoka has a 35% success rate and forfeits 7.6% in his yearly returns. When suggesting VRX, Maruoka loses 29.8% in average profits on the stock.

After Siliq won by a significant margin in a positive advisory panel vote, Rodman & Renshaw analyst Ram Selvaraju believes the drugs approval was widely anticipated, as well as was the black box warning for suicide ideation. Yet, the analyst deems the psoriasis drug vastly undervalued.

For now, though optimistic, Selvaraju remains sidelined on VRXs overall unsettled picture, reiterating a Neutral rating on shares of VRX with a $23 price target, which represents a 44% increase from where the stock is currently trading.

However, we believe that the market overall continues to underrate Siliq and its potential in the psoriasis domain, as the prevailing opinion appears to be that the drug is lagging agents like Stelara (ustekinumab), sold by Johnson & Johnson (JNJ; not rated), Cosentyx (secukinumab), from Novartis AG (NVS; not rated), and Taltz (ixekizumab), from Eli Lilly & Co. (LLY; not rated), while the safety profile of the drug may deter broader use. However, we would point investors to the extremely low incidence of suicide in the brodalumab pivotal trialssix such cases occurred and the fact that patients suffering from psoriasis are known to suffer from heightened depression anyway. Furthermore, we believe that there is a case to be made for brodalumab as a best-in-class drug from an efficacy standpoint, since it handily beat Stelara in a head-to-head setting, Selvaraju asserts, also highlighting recent asset sales as another advantage weighing in Valeants favor.

Though presently the analyst veers to the side of caution, he notes that with the encouraging FDA green light for Siliqu, should the biotech giant turn over a fourth-quarter beat with better guidance for 2017, he could very well see fit to shift to a bullish perspective.

According to TipRanks, which measures analysts and bloggers success rate based on how their calls perform, Ram Selvaraju is ranked #4,144 out of 4,459 analysts. Selvaraju has a 38% success rate and faces a loss of 2.8% in his annual returns. However, when recommending VRX, Selvaraju gains 9.7% in average profits on the stock.

TipRanks analytics demonstrate VRX as a Hold. Out of 10 analysts polled by TipRanks in the last 3 months, 10% are bearish on the stock, 60% remain sidelined, and 30% are bearish on the stock. With a return potential of nearly 6%, the stocks consensus target price stands at $16.78.

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Valeant Pharmaceuticals Intl Inc (VRX): Will Psoriasis Drug Siliq Turn The Tide For The Giant? - Smarter Analyst

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