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Category Archives: Psoriasis
Novartis Psoriasis Drug Shows Promising Results
Posted: September 28, 2012 at 12:11 am
Editor's Choice Main Category: Eczema / Psoriasis Also Included In: Dermatology Article Date: 27 Sep 2012 - 10:00 PDT
Current ratings for: Novartis Psoriasis Drug Shows Promising Results
Novartis added that the patients on secukinumab enjoyed improved quality of life by the twelfth week of therapy.
Prof. Kristian Reich, one of the study investigators said:
The AIN457 (secukinumab) trial results were presented today at the European Academy of Dermatology and Venereology (EADV) 21st Congress, in Prague, Czech Republic.
According to new data on the Phase II trial, AIN457 is almost three times as effective than placebo in alleviating moderate-to-severe plague psoriasis on the hands, feet and nails during the first month of treatment (54.3% versus 19.2% on placebo). Novartis added that "patients also benefited if they received AIN457 once every four weeks, with 39.0% experiencing either "clear" or "minimal" psoriasis after 12 weeks of treatment. Another analysis found that these AIN457 treatment schedules also notably reduced the signs and symptoms of finger nail psoriasis compared to placebo."
The most common adverse events reports were infections.
Other data include:
John Hohneker, Head of Development for Integrated Hospital Care for the Pharmaceuticals Division of Novartis, said:
The AIN457 pivotal human studies for the treatment of moderate-to-severe plaque psoriasis are "on track", the company says. The trials, involving over 3,000 participants, are attracting interest among both patients and health care professionals. Novartis says it will be releasing data on the Phase III trials in 2013. Soon after, if the data is favorable, submissions to regulatory authorities will be presented.
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Novartis Psoriasis Drug Shows Promising Results
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Community News: Sept. 28 paper
Posted: September 27, 2012 at 4:13 am
Walk to be held for psoriasis sufferersWASHINGTON, D.C.On Sept. 30, the National Psoriasis Foundation is hosting its annual Walk to Cure Psoriasis in Washington, the Franklin Delano Roosevelt Memorial (1850 W. Basin Dr. SW). The event aims to raise funds for the Foundations research, education and advocacy programs. Registration is at 8 a.m.; the walk is at 9 a.m. Walkers of all ages can choose between 1K and 5K routes.To register or for more information, visit, or call (877) 825-WALK (9255).
Taste of Stafford to be held AQUIA The Aquia Evening Lions and 17 local restaurants will host an afternoon of delicious food samplings at Taste of Stafford on Oct. 7 from 2 to 4 p.m. Tickets are on sale now for $15 or $20 at door; call Bea at (540) 659-6124 or Dottie at (540) 659-2885. The event will be held at The Clubhouse Restaurant, 204 Bow Cove, Aquia Harbour in Stafford, and will raise funds for eye exams, eye glasses and hearing exams and aids for children.
National Public Lands Day to be held LORTON On Sept. 29, volunteers around the nation will visit their favorite parks, beaches, wildlife preserves, or forests and chip in to help improve these treasured places. Theyll be taking part in National Public Lands Day, the largest, single-day volunteer event for public lands in the country. Bureau of Land Management employees will participate, with volunteers to repair fences, control vegetation and provide boundary surveying. The event will be held Sept. 29 at 10 a.m. at Mustang Trail Head, 10702 Harley Road, Lorton. Call (202) 912-7715 for information.
RAA to hold plant sale FREDERICKSBURG Rappahannock Adult Activities is now hosting a fall plant sale with pansies and chrysanthemums. The sale started Sept. 24 and runs through Oct. 5 at their750 Kings Highway,Fredericksburg location (approximately 3 miles East of theChathamBridge).Sale hours are Monday through Saturday 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Wax center, therapy center open this week FREDERICKSBURG The grand opening of the European Wax Center took place Wednesday. The center is located at1935 Carl D. Silver Pkwy, inFredericksburg. The same day, the Physical Therapy of Central Virginia celebrated its grand opening. The physical therapy center is located at10524 Spotsylvania Ave., Suite 102, inFredericksburg.
September is Action Hunger MonthGAITHERSBURG, Md. September is Hunger Action Month. Its no secret that for many families food has become the greatest household expense, and often, there simply isnt enough food. Local elementary school students considered at risk of hunger, however, have come to depend on the weekend Smart Sacks packed by residents with memory loss at the Wilson Health Care Center at Asbury Methodist Village, a Gaithersburg continuing care retirement community.
Working in partnership with the Manna Food Center in Gaithersburg, the Smart Sack program provides the children with backpacks full of food every Friday to ensure they have food on the weekends when there are no school meals to sustain them. According the USDAs most recent statistics, approximately 15 percent ofUnited States households experienced some food insecurity during 2011.
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Kiwi Company Provides Scalp Relief For Coeliac Community
Posted: September 20, 2012 at 10:12 pm
Kiwi Company Provides Scalp Relief For Coeliac Community
TAURANGA, Thursday 20th September 2012: Psoriasis and dandruff are the lesser known but irritating side effects of coeliac disease - for which New Zealand has one of the highest rates globally and a leading brand of hair formulations is offering the gluten-free community some welcome respite.
Mediceuticals specialist scalp and hair loss formulations proved extremely popular at the recent Auckland and Wellington Gluten Free Food and Allergy shows for those suffering from psoriasis and associated scalp conditions.
Mediceuticals NZ Ltd spokesperson, Geoff Grace says, When your digestive system is out of balance, your scalp and skin can also show sensitivity. For some people a flaky, itchy scalp can be a socially worrying health problem associated with coeliac disease. Our natural plant-based dermatological products have provided welcome relief to coeliac sufferers with scalp concerns.
There are an estimated 14,000 undiagnosed cases of coeliac disease in New Zealand, with Canterbury in particular having one of the highest rates in the world (1.2 per cent).
At the upcoming Christchurch Gluten Free Food and Allergy show on October 27th and 28th, Mediceuticals will be demonstrating its Scalp Therapies range, specifically designed to treat and control a broad spectrum of common scalp and skin disorders.
Both genetic and environmental factors play important roles in coeliac disease and those who attended the recent Gluten Free Food and Allergy shows were a very health-focused, educated audience actively seeking solutions for their health concerns, Grace says.
They quickly understood how Mediceuticals products worked and were excited about the benefits we could offer coeliac disease sufferers who struggle with psoriasis and other scalp and skin conditions.
Grace says Mediceuticals Scalp Therapies range has been developed to treat and control scalp and skin disorders like dandruff, psoriasis, oily scalp and dry scalp. Products within the range are designed to be mixed & matched depending on the specific scalp concern.
X-Folate is a specialist shampoo for persistent dandruff and psoriasis that reduces cell production whilst removing the flaky, yellow dead cells associated with dandruff. It is a gentle cleanser that also provides important UV protection.
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$1.8M Grant Supports Investigation of Psoriasis Link to CVD
Posted: at 10:12 pm
Newswise Armed with a new $1.8 million grant from the National Institute of Arthritis and Musculoskeletal and Skin Diseases, dermatology researcher Nicole Ward, PhD, assistant professor of dermatology and neurosciences at Case Western Reserve School of Medicine, will lead a study examining the link between psoriasis and heart attack and stroke.
The work will advance research conducted earlier this year in Dr. Wards lab. She and colleagues at the University Hospitals Harrington Heart & Vascular Institute published a major discovery that psoriasis could cause the development of cardiovascular disease in mouse models. The team of researchers also found that aggressive treatment of the skin disease reversed the cardiovascular disease.
Prior to our recent publication, the evidence linking these two diseases was entirely at the epidemiological level and didnt show mechanistic insight for why this occurred, says Dr. Ward, who is also a scientist with the Murdough Family Center for Psoriasis at University Hospitals Case Medical Center. Our goal was to examine whether psoriasis influences cardiovascular disease. Psoriasis was previously thought of as a disease that severely affected skin appearance as well as the patients quality of life. We now know it decreases a patients life span by seven years.
Dr. Ward and colleagues will work to identify intrinsic changes in the skin cells and the subsequent cascade of events that leads to blood-clot formation in either heart attack or stroke. By identifying this trigger, the researchers hope to provide first-ever evidence that cell-specific events in psoriasis can be targeted for treatment.
This preclinical evidence will impact the approach to patient clinical care, as doctors will need to be more aggressive in monitoring for cardiovascular disease and other co-morbidities in those with moderate to severe-plaque psoriasis. By treating and keeping the skin disease in check, the risk for heart-related inflammation is reduced as well. In addition, they will conduct preclinical testing of the efficacy of current psoriasis medication on cardiovascular disease.
Dr. Ward's research discovery is quite exciting, says Kevin Cooper, MD, professor and chair of the Department of Dermatology at Case Western Reserve School of Medicine and University Hospitals Case Medical Center, It demonstrates for the first time that a mouse model of psoriasis exhibits a cardiovascular co-morbidity often seen in human psoriasis patients. Importantly, the basis of Dr. Ward's grant demonstrates that aggressively treating the skin disease improved the cardiovascular complications associated with psoriasis. The work supported by this grant will help to pinpoint how current therapeutics for psoriasis may also improve co-morbidities associated with chronic skin inflammation.
This research was funded by the National Institutes of Health, National Psoriasis Foundation, and the Murdough Family Center for Psoriasis.
About Case Western Reserve University School of Medicine
Founded in 1843, Case Western Reserve University School of Medicine is the largest medical research institution in Ohio and is among the nation's top medical schools for research funding from the National Institutes of Health. The School of Medicine is recognized throughout the international medical community for outstanding achievements in teaching. The School's innovative and pioneering Western Reserve2 curriculum interweaves four themes--research and scholarship, clinical mastery, leadership, and civic professionalism--to prepare students for the practice of evidence-based medicine in the rapidly changing health care environment of the 21st century. Eleven Nobel Laureates have been affiliated with the school.
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$1.8M Grant Supports Investigation of Psoriasis Link to CVD
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$1.8 million grant supports investigation of psoriasis link to cardiovascular disease
Posted: at 10:12 pm
Public release date: 20-Sep-2012 [ | E-mail | Share ]
Contact: Jessica Studeny 216-368-4692 Case Western Reserve University
Armed with a new $1.8 million grant from the National Institute of Arthritis and Musculoskeletal and Skin Diseases, dermatology researcher Nicole Ward, PhD, assistant professor of dermatology and neurosciences at Case Western Reserve School of Medicine, will lead a study examining the link between psoriasis and heart attack and stroke.
The work will advance research conducted earlier this year in Dr. Ward's lab. She and colleagues at the University Hospitals Harrington Heart & Vascular Institute, published a major discovery that psoriasis could cause the development of cardiovascular disease in mouse models. The team of researchers also found that aggressive treatment of the skin disease reversed the cardiovascular disease.
"Prior to our recent publication, the evidence linking these two diseases was entirely at the epidemiological level and didn't show mechanistic insight for why this occurred," says Dr. Ward, who is also a scientist with the Murdough Family Center for Psoriasis at University Hospitals Case Medical Center. "Our goal was to examine whether psoriasis influences cardiovascular disease. Psoriasis was previously thought of as a disease that severely affected skin appearance as well as the patient's quality of life. We now know it decreases a patient's life span by seven years."
Dr. Ward and colleagues will work to identify intrinsic changes in the skin cells and the subsequent cascade of events that leads to blood-clot formation in either heart attack or stroke. By identifying this trigger, the researchers hope to provide first-ever evidence that cell-specific events in psoriasis can be targeted for treatment.
This preclinical evidence will impact the approach to patient clinical care, as doctors will need to be more aggressive in monitoring for cardiovascular disease and other co-morbidities in those with moderate to severe-plaque psoriasis. By treating and keeping the skin disease in check, the risk for heart-related inflammation is reduced as well. In addition, they will conduct preclinical testing of the efficacy of current psoriasis medication on cardiovascular disease.
"Dr. Ward's research discovery is quite exciting," says Kevin Cooper, MD, professor and chair of the Department of Dermatology at Case Western Reserve School of Medicine and University Hospitals Case Medical Center, "It demonstrates for the first time that a mouse model of psoriasis exhibits a cardiovascular co-morbidity often seen in human psoriasis patients. Importantly, the basis of Dr. Ward's grant demonstrates that aggressively treating the skin disease improved the cardiovascular complications associated with psoriasis. The work supported by this grant will help to pinpoint how current therapeutics for psoriasis may also improve co-morbidities associated with chronic skin inflammation."
This research was funded by the National Institutes of Health, National Psoriasis Foundation, and the Murdough Family Center for Psoriasis.
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$1.8 million grant supports investigation of psoriasis link to cardiovascular disease
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Press Release
Posted: September 19, 2012 at 1:14 pm
Research and MarketsPosted on:19 Sep 12
Research and Markets ( has announced the addition of the "Global Psoriasis Drug Pipeline Capsule - 2012 Update" report to their offering.
Fore Pharma's latest report 'Global Psoriasis Drug Pipeline Capsule - 2012 Update' provides most up-to-date information on key Research and Development activities (R&D) in the global Psoriasis market. It covers active Psoriasis pipeline molecules in various stages of clinical trials, preclinical research, and drug discovery.
This report helps executives track competitors pipeline molecules. The information presented in this report can be used for identifying partners, evaluating opportunities, formulating business development strategies, executing in-licensing and out-licensing deals.
The report provides information on pipeline molecules by company and mechanism of action across the R&D stages. It also provides information on pipeline molecules developed in leading geographies (North America and Europe). Licensing activities are thoroughly captured in this report.
Key Topics Covered:
1. Psoriasis - Disease Overview
2. Psoriasis Pipeline Overview
3. Psoriasis Phase 3 Clinical Trial Pipeline Insights
4. Psoriasis Phase 2 Clinical Trial Pipeline Insights
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Research and Markets: Global Psoriasis Drug Pipeline Capsule – 2012 Update
Posted: September 18, 2012 at 9:10 pm
Research and Markets ( has announced the addition of the "Global Psoriasis Drug Pipeline Capsule - 2012 Update" report to their offering.
Fore Pharma's latest report 'Global Psoriasis Drug Pipeline Capsule - 2012 Update' provides most up-to-date information on key Research and Development activities (R&D) in the global Psoriasis market. It covers active Psoriasis pipeline molecules in various stages of clinical trials, preclinical research, and drug discovery.
This report helps executives track competitors pipeline molecules. The information presented in this report can be used for identifying partners, evaluating opportunities, formulating business development strategies, executing in-licensing and out-licensing deals.
The report provides information on pipeline molecules by company and mechanism of action across the R&D stages. It also provides information on pipeline molecules developed in leading geographies (North America and Europe). Licensing activities are thoroughly captured in this report.
Key Topics Covered:
1. Psoriasis - Disease Overview
2. Psoriasis Pipeline Overview
3. Psoriasis Phase 3 Clinical Trial Pipeline Insights
4. Psoriasis Phase 2 Clinical Trial Pipeline Insights
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Research and Markets: Global Psoriasis Drug Pipeline Capsule - 2012 Update
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How To Treat Psoriasis – Video
Posted: September 7, 2012 at 11:57 pm
22-07-2010 09:56 Though you can treat and control psoriasis, characterized by dry scaly patches of skin, the progress is often erratic and cyclical, so be patient and consistent in executing these steps.
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Scalp Psoriasis – Video
Posted: at 11:57 pm
28-10-2010 02:36 This video clip shows scalp Psoriasis and psoriasis scalp and behind ears. Patient Pin L-14889
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Scalp Treatment for Psoriasis – Video
Posted: at 11:57 pm
05-11-2010 08:47 --- New Treatment For Scalp Psoriasis Helped My Mom Clear Her Psoriasis In Under 30 Days.... Psoriasis is one of the earliest recognized skin disorders. Even the Greek culture and the Bible identified the condition. In earlier times, the skin complaint had been regarded as an abnormality. Nowadays, sufferers are more blessed since more people understand the condition very well. There are many varieties of psoriasis now classified, and it might be important differentiating each one from the other. Plaque psoriasis - This is without doubt the most commonplace among all types of psoriasis. This type is impacting an estimated 80 to 90 percent of psoriasis patients globally. Plaque psoriasis is characterized by the formation of raised, reddish, and scaly skin areas with manifest inflammation. There are likewise traces of silvery white scales in the affected skin. These scaly skin areas are often said as plaques. Psoriatic arthritis - Many individuals are baffled about psoriatic arthritis. Is it a skin complaint or a joint complaint? This sort of psoriasis basically involves the inflaming of connective tissue and joints. This particular condition could very well affect joint of any sort. The most normally impacted joints are those located in toes and fingers. The onset of psoriatic arthritis could result in puffiness or sausage-shaped toes and fingers. The situation is also called dactylitis. Furthermore, psoriatic arthritis might very well affect the knee ...
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