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Category Archives: Psoriasis
Psoriasis to treat and cure naturally – Video
Posted: November 14, 2012 at 10:42 pm
Psoriasis to treat and cure naturally Discover psoriasis and cure yourself naturally. Early findings can be managed by simple tweaks to your lifestyle. Take care for yourself and stop psoriasis earlyFrom:piquant556699Views:0 0ratingsTime:01:15More inEducation
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Psoriasis Relief | Help for Arthritis and Psoriasis Relief – Video
Posted: at 10:42 pm
Psoriasis Relief | Help for Arthritis and Psoriasis Relief Issues surrounding psoriasis relief can never be over analysed. I really, really like psoriasis relief. Though psoriasis relief is a favourite topic of discussion amongst sufferers, the cure for which is still unknown . Inevitably feelings run deep amongst the over 50 #39;s, obviously. Hold onto your hats as we begin a journey into psoriasis relief.From:psoriasisrelief82Views:1 0ratingsTime:01:01More inNews Politics
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Psoriasis Relief | Help for Arthritis and Psoriasis Relief - Video
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Posted: at 10:42 pm
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dandruff / psoriasis scalp update and i’m saying bye to chemicals! (baking soda shampoo review) – Video
Posted: at 10:42 pm
dandruff / psoriasis scalp update and i #39;m saying bye to chemicals! (baking soda shampoo review) In this update I mention that nizoral (over the counter shampoo) has continued to be awesome and my scalp has been clear for 2 months straight! EXCEPT I personally feel bothered that I #39;m using chemicals on my scalp so I #39;ve already began using baking soda and water as my shampoo and i #39;m going to document how my scalp does with being off of chemicals for the first time in 5 years!! If it gets bad i #39;m going to use only natural products like hemp seed oil to moisturize my scalp. I #39;ll be updating on my progress here. 🙂 I #39;m also starting to identify my scalp more with dandruff now more than psoriasis because it #39;s been so clear and mild. but i #39;m still diagnosed with sebo psoriasis. or seborrheic dermatitis psoriasis. which is a mild form of psoriasis but worse than dandruff. I wonder if my scalp will become just as bad as before I shaved my head now that I wont be using chemicals to treat it...From:emilysinterestsViews:12 1ratingsTime:05:44More inPeople Blogs
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dandruff / psoriasis scalp update and i'm saying bye to chemicals! (baking soda shampoo review) - Video
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AIDS, Hepatitis C, Herpes Simplex I, Ulcers, Warts, Flu – 2489Hz Isochronic Tones – Pure Series – Video
Posted: at 10:42 pm
AIDS, Hepatitis C, Herpes Simplex I, Ulcers, Warts, Flu - 2489Hz Isochronic Tones - Pure Series
Consistent frequency! Author #39;s website: Isochronic tones DO NOT require headphones or a stereo speaker system. Isochronic tones are said to be the most powerful type of brainwave entrainment. I decided to make all the binaural beats on my channel that got popular, into isochronic tones as well. Subscribe Facebook: Twitter: Google+: My channel: Source: If you need a specific frequency, please tell me what frequency you need and what it #39;s used for. I #39;ll make it and post it on my channel. If I don #39;t know the frequency, I can #39;t make it for you. Audacity cannot create frequencies over 22050Hz or below 1Hz, so please choose a frequency between 20Hz and 22050Hz so people can hear it. (It #39;s best if it #39;s under 20KHz, though.) Please search my channel for the frequency you #39;re looking for before requesting a frequency. It might already be there and you #39;ll get it faster that way and I don #39;t have to look it up to see if I already made it or not. AIDS, Hepatitis C, Herpes simplex I, Ulcers, Warts, Flu, Fibromyalgia, Hepatitis C, Nerve disorders, Prostatitus, Herpes sores, Lupus, Psoriasis, Abdominal inflammation, Cancer, Polyp, Candida, Circulatory stasis, Cold, Cold in head chest, Dental foci, Dental infection, Fibromyalgia, General prog Blaster, Multiple sclerosis, Mumps tertiary, Nerve disorders and neuropathy, Numbness, Oral lesions, Orchitis, Osteomyelitis, Ovarian ...From:FingerprintDiVAViews:5 1ratingsTime:15:01More inScience Technology
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Abscesses, Acne, Numbness, Abdominal Inflammation, Adenoids – 2170Hz Isochronic Tones – Pure Series – Video
Posted: at 10:42 pm
Abscesses, Acne, Numbness, Abdominal Inflammation, Adenoids - 2170Hz Isochronic Tones - Pure Series
Consistent frequency! Author #39;s website: Isochronic tones DO NOT require headphones or a stereo speaker system. Isochronic tones are said to be the most powerful type of brainwave entrainment. I decided to make all the binaural beats on my channel that got popular, into isochronic tones as well. Subscribe Facebook: Twitter: Google+: My channel: Source: If you need a specific frequency, please tell me what frequency you need and what it #39;s used for. I #39;ll make it and post it on my channel. If I don #39;t know the frequency, I can #39;t make it for you. Audacity cannot create frequencies over 22050Hz or below 1Hz, so please choose a frequency between 20Hz and 22050Hz so people can hear it. (It #39;s best if it #39;s under 20KHz, though.) Please search my channel for the frequency you #39;re looking for before requesting a frequency. It might already be there and you #39;ll get it faster that way and I don #39;t have to look it up to see if I already made it or not. Abscesses, Acne, Numbness, Abdominal inflammation, Adenoids, Adhesions, Nerve disorders, Angina pectoris, Arteriosclerosis, Asthma, Ataxia, Cancer astrocytoma, Diabetes, Heartburn, Herpes zoster, Spleen enlarged, Nerve disorders and neuropathy, Orchitis, Osteomyelitis, Ovarian disorders general, Pancreatic insufficiency, Pelvic inflammatory disease, Pericarditis, Polyp, Prostatitis, Psoriasis, Spleen, Prevent infections ...From:FingerprintDiVAViews:4 1ratingsTime:15:01More inScience Technology
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Kidney Stones, Psoriasis, Ankylosing Spondylitis – 3000Hz Isochronic Tones – Pure Series – Video
Posted: at 10:42 pm
Kidney Stones, Psoriasis, Ankylosing Spondylitis - 3000Hz Isochronic Tones - Pure Series
Consistent frequency! Author #39;s website: Isochronic tones DO NOT require headphones or a stereo speaker system. Isochronic tones are said to be the most powerful type of brainwave entrainment. I decided to make all the binaural beats on my channel that got popular, into isochronic tones as well. Subscribe Facebook: Twitter: Google+: My channel: Source: If you need a specific frequency, please tell me what frequency you need and what it #39;s used for. I #39;ll make it and post it on my channel. If I don #39;t know the frequency, I can #39;t make it for you. Audacity cannot create frequencies over 22050Hz or below 1Hz, so please choose a frequency between 20Hz and 22050Hz so people can hear it. (It #39;s best if it #39;s under 20KHz, though.) Please search my channel for the frequency you #39;re looking for before requesting a frequency. It might already be there and you #39;ll get it faster that way and I don #39;t have to look it up to see if I already made it or not. Kidney stones, Psoriasis, Ankylosing spondylitis, Dental foci, Dental infection, Malabsorption syndrome, Pain, Gall bladder dystonia, Osteitis, Gallstones, Gout, Gravel urine, Head injury, Headaches, Heart tonic, Intercostal neuralgia, Kidney tonic, Nephritis, Sunstroke, Swelling, Tooth extraction, Toothache, Trauma, Adrenal stimulant, Recovery, isochronic tones, brainwave entrainment, pure series, 3000Hz, 3000 Hz, 3KHz, 3 KHzFrom:FingerprintDiVAViews:2 0ratingsTime:15:01More inScience Technology
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Kidney Stones, Psoriasis, Ankylosing Spondylitis - 3000Hz Isochronic Tones - Pure Series - Video
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Incontinence, Immune System Stimulation, AIDS, BX Virus – 2128Hz Isochronic Tones – Pure Series – Video
Posted: at 10:42 pm
Incontinence, Immune System Stimulation, AIDS, BX Virus - 2128Hz Isochronic Tones - Pure Series
Consistent frequency! Author #39;s website: Isochronic tones DO NOT require headphones or a stereo speaker system. Isochronic tones are said to be the most powerful type of brainwave entrainment. I decided to make all the binaural beats on my channel that got popular, into isochronic tones as well. Subscribe Facebook: Twitter: Google+: My channel: Source: If you need a specific frequency, please tell me what frequency you need and what it #39;s used for. I #39;ll make it and post it on my channel. If I don #39;t know the frequency, I can #39;t make it for you. Audacity cannot create frequencies over 22050Hz or below 1Hz, so please choose a frequency between 20Hz and 22050Hz so people can hear it. (It #39;s best if it #39;s under 20KHz, though.) Please search my channel for the frequency you #39;re looking for before requesting a frequency. It might already be there and you #39;ll get it faster that way and I don #39;t have to look it up to see if I already made it or not. Incontinence, Immune system stimulation, AIDS, BX Virus, Cancer, Cancer breast, Cancer carcinoma, Cancer glioblastoma, Cancer melanoma, Cancer non Hodgkins, Cancer prostate, Prostate enlarged, Prostate problems, Psoriasis, Cancer rhabdomyosarcoma, Cancer rhabdomyosarcoma embryonal, Candida carcinomas, Candida, Diabetes, Eczema, Fibroma, Fibroadenoma mamanae, Fibroid, Fibromyalgia, General comprehensive, General demo, General prog ...From:FingerprintDiVAViews:12 1ratingsTime:15:01More inScience Technology
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Athletes Foot, Insomnia, Facial Cramps, Lupus – 304Hz Isochronic Tones – Pure Series – Video
Posted: at 10:42 pm
Athletes Foot, Insomnia, Facial Cramps, Lupus - 304Hz Isochronic Tones - Pure Series
Consistent frequency! Author #39;s website: Isochronic tones DO NOT require headphones or a stereo speaker system. Isochronic tones are said to be the most powerful type of brainwave entrainment. I decided to make all the binaural beats on my channel that got popular, into isochronic tones as well. Subscribe Facebook: Twitter: Google+: My channel: Source: If you need a specific frequency, please tell me what frequency you need and what it #39;s used for. I #39;ll make it and post it on my channel. If I don #39;t know the frequency, I can #39;t make it for you. Audacity cannot create frequencies over 22050Hz or below 1Hz, so please choose a frequency between 20Hz and 22050Hz so people can hear it. (It #39;s best if it #39;s under 20KHz, though.) Please search my channel for the frequency you #39;re looking for before requesting a frequency. It might already be there and you #39;ll get it faster that way and I don #39;t have to look it up to see if I already made it or not. Athletes Foot, Insomnia, Facial Cramps, Lupus, Alternaria Tenius, High blood pressure, Bells Palsy, Nausea, Cancer, Breast Cancer, Carcinoma, Prostate cancer, Cold, Flu, Fibromyalgia, Headaches, Lymphs, Potassium, Detox, Herpes, Herpes zoster, Infection, Influenza, Muscles, Muscles relax, Muscles tonic, Pain relief, Psoriasis, Sedation, Sinusitis, Stiff muscles, Trauma, Pyrogenium fish, Blood pressure lower, Hypertension ...From:FingerprintDiVAViews:2 0ratingsTime:15:01More inScience Technology
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Athletes Foot, Insomnia, Facial Cramps, Lupus - 304Hz Isochronic Tones - Pure Series - Video
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Day 1 of my Psoriasis Lupus cure – Video
Posted: November 12, 2012 at 11:43 pm
Day 1 of my Psoriasis Lupus cure
Day 1 of my Fast to cure my Psoriasis that covers most of my body and my Lupus that effects my whole body Joints,Hair loss, Kidney failure etc.From:PsoriasisLupus CureViews:3 0ratingsTime:02:42More inPeople Blogs
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Day 1 of my Psoriasis Lupus cure - Video
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