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Category Archives: Psoriasis
Acne Psoriasis Eczema Dermatitis Your GBI #34 – Video
Posted: March 31, 2014 at 2:43 am
Acne Psoriasis Eczema Dermatitis Your GBI #34
Learn to appreciate your GBI your "GOOD Body Intelligence". Very important is the health of your body and skin. GOOD LUCK !
By: Mike R.
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Acne Psoriasis Eczema Dermatitis Your GBI #34 - Video
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Health Video: Psoriasis ( I want to help ) – Video
Posted: March 29, 2014 at 5:45 pm
Health Video: Psoriasis ( I want to help )
Angel Grave Productions Presents: MucialslaveX Here is a website that will provide more information for you guys.
By: Angel Grave Productions Presents: MusicalslaveX
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Health Video: Psoriasis ( I want to help ) - Video
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How To Treat Plaque Psoriasis Naturally | Plaque Psoriasis Natural Remedies | Psoriasis Diet – Video
Posted: at 12:42 am
How To Treat Plaque Psoriasis Naturally | Plaque Psoriasis Natural Remedies | Psoriasis Diet
VISIT: How To Treat Plaque Psoriasis Naturally - Plaque Psoriasis Natural Remedies - Psoriasis Diet What is psoriasis? Ps...
By: HowToTreatPsoriasis
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How To Treat Plaque Psoriasis Naturally | Plaque Psoriasis Natural Remedies | Psoriasis Diet - Video
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Formation Quality Care sur le Psoriasis _ SCOPH Tunis – Video
Posted: at 12:42 am
Formation Quality Care sur le Psoriasis _ SCOPH Tunis
By: Nehed Hadrich
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Formation Quality Care sur le Psoriasis _ SCOPH Tunis - Video
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Tampa dermatologist performing phase III clinical trial for nail psoriasis
Posted: March 26, 2014 at 12:48 pm
(PR NewsChannel) / March 26, 2014 / TAMPA, Fla.
Tampa Dermatologist Dr. Seth Forman is executing a phase III clinical trial in search of an effective drug treatment for those suffering from nail psoriasis.
In phase III of a clinical trial, a new treatment is given to patients to monitor and confirm its effectiveness.
Promising research is being done to treat the disorder, states the Tampa dermatologist. We are encouraged by the results of the trial so far.
The condition is a common feature seen in conjunction with cutaneous psoriasis and psoriatic arthritis. Nail psoriasis can affect as much as 50 percent of all psoriasis patients, causing distress from pain and an unsightly look, according to the Psoriasis Institute.
While positive signs have being seen in treatment, one issue facing patients with the condition is it is often misdiagnosed as nail fungus and treated improperly.
Dr. Forman says the most common symptoms of nail psoriasis are discoloration and thickening or crumbling of the nail. Occurrences may take place on different parts of the nail including the nail fold, nail plate, hyponychium, cuticles and the matrix.
The condition itself is benign, but it takes a toll on those suffering from it, says Dr. Forman. I am optimistic that the trial will conclude with good results.
If interested in being a part of the clinical trial for nail psoriasis, or for more on Dr. Seth Forman, Tampa dermatology or Forman Dermatology and Skin Cancer Institute, please visit
About Dr. Seth Forman:Dr. Forman is a board-certified dermatologist practicing in Tampa, Florida. He was voted the Best Dermatologist in Carrollwood in 2011 and 2012 by the Carrollwood News and Tribune. In December 2011, he opened his new Tampa dermatologyoffice, Forman Dermatology and Skin Cancer Institute, where he gives psoriasis sufferers access to the latest treatment options, including topical and oral medications, as well as biological and phototherapy. Dr. Forman is one of the few Tampa dermatologists to offer narrowband light therapy, which uses pharmaceutical grade light to suppress psoriasis. Hes also one of the few board-certified dermatologists in the U.S. to use the SRT-100 radiotherapy to treat basal cell carcinoma, the most common form of skin cancer.
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Tampa dermatologist performing phase III clinical trial for nail psoriasis
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20 Years of Psoriasis & 3 Years of Pus in the Ear Healed Williams – Hindi – JCNM – Video
Posted: at 12:48 pm
20 Years of Psoriasis 3 Years of Pus in the Ear Healed Williams - Hindi - JCNM
"Jesus said unto him, If thou canst believe, all things are possible to him that believeth." Mark 9:23.
By: Jesus Christ of Nazareth Ministries - JCNM
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20 Years of Psoriasis & 3 Years of Pus in the Ear Healed Williams - Hindi - JCNM - Video
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TCM Treatment For Psoriasis Of Sami From Saudi Arabia – Video
Posted: March 25, 2014 at 7:43 am
TCM Treatment For Psoriasis Of Sami From Saudi Arabia
TCM Treatment For Psoriasis Of Sami From Saudi Arabia.
By: TCMT TCMTreatment
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TCM Treatment For Psoriasis Of Sami From Saudi Arabia - Video
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Jill Reveals Her Fight Against Plaque Psoriasis – Video
Posted: at 7:43 am
Jill Reveals Her Fight Against Plaque Psoriasis
Watch Jill #39;s uplifting plaque psoriasis story. Jill has been battling moderate to severe plaque psoriasis since she was 23. She always felt she had to wear l...
By: PsoriasisMatters
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Jill Reveals Her Fight Against Plaque Psoriasis - Video
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Forget drugs: You can beat psoriasis by TALKING about it
Posted: at 7:42 am
Toby Hadoke, 40, from London has suffered with psoriasis since childhood Has recently found a surprising treatment - cognitive behavioural therapy
By Grace Mccann
PUBLISHED: 20:12 EST, 24 March 2014 | UPDATED: 20:14 EST, 24 March 2014
Toby Hadoke has suffered with psoriasis since childhood. The condition, which causes red, scaly patches of skin, is distressing and can be painful.
'At its worst, I felt like I'd been stung by a thousand bees,' says Toby, a 40-year-old comedian and writer from north London.
But recently he's found a surprising treatment that has transformed his symptoms. Much of his skin used to be covered in flaky patches. Today, these areas are merely slightly pink and dry.
Toby Hadoke, 40, from London has suffered with psoriasis since childhood and has recently found a treatment
The difference is not down to a new ointment but, he says, it's thanks to a form of talking therapy, known as cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT).
'I tried everything - Chinese medicine, mud from the Dead Sea, bathing in lavender,' says Toby. 'But CBT has helped massively - I finally feel I'm in control of my psoriasis.'
It may seem surprising that a psychological treatment could have such a marked effect on a physical condition, but it is increasingly being used outside the mental health field.
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Forget drugs: You can beat psoriasis by TALKING about it
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Posted: March 24, 2014 at 12:44 am
AIM GLOBAL PRODUCT C 24 7 TESTIMONIAL - PSORIASIS mobile: +63 927.8181.040.
By: Excellent Life
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